I need help I have been using the generic blue tops bought from "ljglcf"
ive tried 4 iu day 2 am 2 pm ..i feel the soreness in my wrist but not much else..I keep seeing post about getting lean on it...im 31 and mostly want to use it for cutting...taking t3 that i got from alinshop.com came in plastic baggies though.
so now im on 2.5 iu am and 2.5 iu pm... not noticing much been on it for 3 months...
should i up my ius?
...also I just started injecting in delts was injecting sub-q stomach...?
which is better...?
ive tried 4 iu day 2 am 2 pm ..i feel the soreness in my wrist but not much else..I keep seeing post about getting lean on it...im 31 and mostly want to use it for cutting...taking t3 that i got from alinshop.com came in plastic baggies though.
so now im on 2.5 iu am and 2.5 iu pm... not noticing much been on it for 3 months...
should i up my ius?
...also I just started injecting in delts was injecting sub-q stomach...?
which is better...?