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help with naming my new frenchie


New member
May 27, 2009
hey guys wanna help me name my new pup!!! thanks a lot it a male brindle french bulldog
Congrats on the new pup.

Post some pictures of the little fella for us all to enjoy. Please. Hope my post on your last thread was helpful.

My name suggestion is....Ivanko. or Ivan for short.
Thanks man deff excited! I will try and post some tonight when I get home from work. He is only 2 weeks or so old so I don't actaully have him till may but I can see him every week till then sucks for now. Thanks I thought of Ivan too and I've thought of rascal! We will see my girl also has to aprove of the name lol
We are a Bodybuilding Site!

I think you should name him something we all love but can't eat because it makes us fat!!!!


You could call him Twink for short.
Let the dog name himself

What I do when I get a new puppy is just live with him/her for a few weeks and let their personality grow on you and the name for the dog will just be apparent as a perfect name for the dog.
Beware, pure FBDs have pretty bad allergies...mine drives me nuts...started at nearly a year old.

Scratches herself bloody and is losing hair! Bathe 2x a week now...she takes 25mg benadryl 2x a day...clean her bedding 2x a wk with unscented detergent...constant battle...tried prescrip food that cost 3x what normal food help.

Now they want me to bring her to the dermatologist for tests! $600 test and $200 in meds...then $100-$200 a month and repeat visits at $59 to checkup...crazy...
Honestly though, BEST dog I have ever had...very loving and gentle, never barks, calm but playful, smart...couldn't ask for more there.
Beware, pure FBDs have pretty bad allergies...mine drives me nuts...started at nearly a year old.

Scratches herself bloody and is losing hair! Bathe 2x a week now...she takes 25mg benadryl 2x a day...clean her bedding 2x a wk with unscented detergent...constant battle...tried prescrip food that cost 3x what normal food help.

Now they want me to bring her to the dermatologist for tests! $600 test and $200 in meds...then $100-$200 a month and repeat visits at $59 to checkup...crazy...
Honestly though, BEST dog I have ever had...very loving and gentle, never barks, calm but playful, smart...couldn't ask for more there.

Bro, i know. Mine has allergies too, but wouldn't trade him for the word. The good outweighs the bad by a long shot.
I like names like "meat ball" or "beef cake" - beefy for short...but I wanted a boy next...and I'm hungry....haha.

Chim, what are you doing for allergies for yours?? Nothing seems to help mine...and dropping $1000 at the dog derm is not in my future...already spent about $1500 in the last year trying all kinda of stuff with my derm. That could have been like 5 gh kits...she is NO better than before all of it.
I like names like "meat ball" or "beef cake" - beefy for short...but I wanted a boy next...and I'm hungry....haha.

Chim, what are you doing for allergies for yours?? Nothing seems to help mine...and dropping $1000 at the dog derm is not in my future...already spent about $1500 in the last year trying all kinda of stuff with my derm. That could have been like 5 gh kits...she is NO better than before all of it.

I do the veterinarian dermatologist too. My oscar is allergic to dust mites, storage mites, and the yeast that naturally grows on his skin. Every dog products a yeast on their skin, which i didn' t know until he was tested. The dermatologist made up allergy shots with those three allergens in it to increase his antibodies. so he get allergy shots now every 15 days, antihistamine 2 times a day, and an antifungal every day. Bathed twice a week with anitfungal soap. It all has help signficantly. It is expensive, but well worth it increase his happiness. Now between his pads on his paws get red occasionally. He doesn't chew and scratch himself to a bloody mess anymore.

Hemi, have you had allergy testing done?
Thanks Chim, no they want to do that next - $600 for testing $200 to formulate the med and $100 a month for shots or so!
I am doing the baths and the antihistx2 a day...
Cant drop nearly $1k on her right now - truck is in the shop had some problems with my lift and spending about $1k that I don't really have on it! :mad:

Isn't there a research site for dogs where I can just order some allergy shots for like $40??? LOL
I feel bad because she sleeps all day/night on benadryl and seems unhappy most of the time...scratches herself up pretty bad and chews her feet like you said...bath helps some and benadryl helps some but altogether she is maybe 30% better than if I did nothing at all! So frustrating...
Thanks Chim, no they want to do that next - $600 for testing $200 to formulate the med and $100 a month for shots or so!
I am doing the baths and the antihistx2 a day...
Cant drop nearly $1k on her right now - truck is in the shop had some problems with my lift and spending about $1k that I don't really have on it! :mad:

Isn't there a research site for dogs where I can just order some allergy shots for like $40??? LOL
I feel bad because she sleeps all day/night on benadryl and seems unhappy most of the time...scratches herself up pretty bad and chews her feet like you said...bath helps some and benadryl helps some but altogether she is maybe 30% better than if I did nothing at all! So frustrating...

Sorry to hear you can't afford the allergy test right now. Times are tough right now. Hopefully soon though. That way you can find out what the allergens are. It may be something that doesn't require the shots. After a while the shots get spread out more days. Now one 10ml of allergy shots last me 5-6 months. So it does get cheaper. Another suggestion would be to switch to a longer acting anti-histamine, one that builds up in the blood a little more. I noticed with my little guy when we did this the anti-histamine doesn't knock him out so much. I know it stings when you shell out that kind a cash for the allergy shot work up, but trust me when your frenchie is up runnin around playing and enjoying life it will all be worth it. PM me if you have any questions or i can help . Chim Chim
Beware, pure FBDs have pretty bad allergies...mine drives me nuts...started at nearly a year old.

Scratches herself bloody and is losing hair! Bathe 2x a week now...she takes 25mg benadryl 2x a day...clean her bedding 2x a wk with unscented detergent...constant battle...tried prescrip food that cost 3x what normal food help.

Now they want me to bring her to the dermatologist for tests! $600 test and $200 in meds...then $100-$200 a month and repeat visits at $59 to checkup...crazy...
Honestly though, BEST dog I have ever had...very loving and gentle, never barks, calm but playful, smart...couldn't ask for more there.

Give a try with the DOGtorRx product.
here is a pic of him at like 2 weeks a belive


  • rockey.jpg
    38.4 KB · Views: 168

.. like the Nordic God.
Ok spoke with the people I adopted her from and they specialize in FBDs. She looked at pics I sent and talked with me and thinks it may be allergies but looks mainly to be demodex mange. Went to the feed store and got the injectable meds for her and started treatment tonight...hope it helps!

Will swap to a cleaner food next.
Beware, pure FBDs have pretty bad allergies...mine drives me nuts...started at nearly a year old.

Scratches herself bloody and is losing hair! Bathe 2x a week now...she takes 25mg benadryl 2x a day...clean her bedding 2x a wk with unscented detergent...constant battle...tried prescrip food that cost 3x what normal food help.

Now they want me to bring her to the dermatologist for tests! $600 test and $200 in meds...then $100-$200 a month and repeat visits at $59 to checkup...crazy...
Honestly though, BEST dog I have ever had...very loving and gentle, never barks, calm but playful, smart...couldn't ask for more there.
Your Frenchie should be named Le Petit Chauffage- meaning, the little heater, because he's burning a hole in your pocket!
Had a client at the animal hospital I worked at who named her tea cup yorkie that. Any pure breds are going to have issues with either their endocrine systems, their hips/legs depending on breed and height, often times kidney issues, and a lot of cancer. Luckily animal medicine is as advanced as human medicine, at least where I used to work so if you're really at your wits end and want a vet who's top notch, take your pet to NYC to the Animal Medical Center. Over 100 doctors there all specializing in each area of medicine.
Animal Medical Center - New York City
Ok spoke with the people I adopted her from and they specialize in FBDs. She looked at pics I sent and talked with me and thinks it may be allergies but looks mainly to be demodex mange. Went to the feed store and got the injectable meds for her and started treatment tonight...hope it helps!

Will swap to a cleaner food next.

That's good, bro. Hopefully your little guy will get some relief. Let me know how it works out.

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