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HGH in women

The BB Monad

New member
Jun 24, 2007
Guys, I use HGH for quite a while now and have a few cosmetic acupuncture patients that are receptive to the idea of running HGH alongside my treatments.

Do any women here run HGH or do any of you know if they get the same results as us, side effects or anything else?

Thanks everyone!
my ex used it.. she got same result from 1 to 2 ius a day. it made her hold a decent amount of water and i dont know if it was for sure from the gh but she had man hands lol
My wife is using 1iu a day. Lose fats, gain some muscle and skin was nice. ;)
Women use it all the time. always keep em on the lower end of the scale 1-2 iu's should cut some fat and give an overall good look. the GF is getting insterested since ive been using
Have several women on gh...all of them at 1 to 1.5 iu once a day in the morning.
GREAT fat loss results, skin tone, some libido in one...but that may be because she knows she looks hot now that she is know how that goes.
One more question!

If women only use about 1iu per day and each vial has say 8 or 10 iu and after mixed it only lasts around 48h... How do you all do it?
One more question!

If women only use about 1iu per day and each vial has say 8 or 10 iu and after mixed it only lasts around 48h... How do you all do it?

Mixed with sterile water will last about 7 days kept in the fridge.
Mixed with BW will last about 14-21 days kept in the fridge.
Thanks 123cctv! :)
Women use it all the time. always keep em on the lower end of the scale 1-2 iu's should cut some fat and give an overall good look. the GF is getting insterested since ive been using

My wife is on 1iu per day 5on 2 off. Not 2 off in a row. She sleeps very well and has more energy. She enjoys riding her stationary bike first thing in the morning with her dose.
Have several women on gh...all of them at 1 to 1.5 iu once a day in the morning.
GREAT fat loss results, skin tone, some libido in one...but that may be because she knows she looks hot now that she is know how that goes.

I'm on 2+ IU/day, which I dose in the AM. Excellent for fatloss (considering my caloric intake has been well about 2,000 :( :banghead: ).

Greatly improved skin tone/energy as well as recovery. Recovery from workouts is perhaps the most amazing effect.

I've also noticed a rather big inc. in libido, which really sucks since I'm single.

Another thing I've heard from a few that is apparently a fairly common complaint w/ HGH & women is water rention. Interestingly, at 2+ IU/day (and as much as 6 IUs in a single day), I've never experienced this. Could be cuz I've always had pretty low blood pressure.
My wife and I both do about 4 or 5 months of HGH each year. I don't know if there is any research to support this, but aside from the cost, I really am not comfortable staying on all the time. (And of course cost is a factor - I get the mediuim-high quality stuff, and it is a little expensive). I do 2+ IU's a day and she does about 1.5 IU's. We both get good results, although there is always a week or two before you really start noticing much effect, and its never really dramatic like some AS can be.
Burn fat faster, just feel better, sleep better, and recover better. She has done a little var a couple of times, but thats about all other than the HGH. As far as we have experienced, it has very similiar effects for both of us. Of course I do about 3 or 4 moderate AS cycles a year, so sometimes for me its hard to tell what is doing what.

Don't know of any reason women can't do it. I know a lot do. I hear about 1/2of everybody in Hollywood over 40 is on HGH, including the women!


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