I got 1 vial of 1000mcg from Aesthetic Lab. It came in BA already. I'm a bit mixed on where to go from here with my IGF? The last time I used IGF-1 it came in power form and I added AA to it and then used a bit of BW when it came time for injections. Not very sure about what to do with this IGF being in BA.
What do I do now that it's in BA? do I need to add AA? can I use it directly the way it has been shipped?
I got the bottle Friday and want to start using it tomorrow.
I was also told that on a 10cc inslin pin 10iu is=100mcg
I'd appreciate any help
thank you
What do I do now that it's in BA? do I need to add AA? can I use it directly the way it has been shipped?
I got the bottle Friday and want to start using it tomorrow.
I was also told that on a 10cc inslin pin 10iu is=100mcg
I'd appreciate any help
thank you