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igf-1 in BA question?


New member
Feb 22, 2008
I got 1 vial of 1000mcg from Aesthetic Lab. It came in BA already. I'm a bit mixed on where to go from here with my IGF? The last time I used IGF-1 it came in power form and I added AA to it and then used a bit of BW when it came time for injections. Not very sure about what to do with this IGF being in BA.

What do I do now that it's in BA? do I need to add AA? can I use it directly the way it has been shipped?

I got the bottle Friday and want to start using it tomorrow.
I was also told that on a 10cc inslin pin 10iu is=100mcg

I'd appreciate any help
thank you
I got 1 vial of 1000mcg from Aesthetic Lab. It came in BA already. I'm a bit mixed on where to go from here with my IGF? The last time I used IGF-1 it came in power form and I added AA to it and then used a bit of BW when it came time for injections. Not very sure about what to do with this IGF being in BA.

What do I do now that it's in BA? do I need to add AA? can I use it directly the way it has been shipped?

I got the bottle Friday and want to start using it tomorrow.
I was also told that on a 10cc inslin pin 10iu is=100mcg

I'd appreciate any help
thank you

First of all I heard that Aesthelic lab is a good sponsor, that aside, I would never take IGF pre-mixed. In BW, even in the fridge it is only good for 24 hours. And mixed with anything else, it should be immediately put in the fridge, could last you up to 5 weeks.
I didn't want anything premixed either. I thought I was getting it in powder form. I have no experience or knowledge using IGF that is already in BA. I know aesthetic labs is suppose to be good that is why I ordered from them but so far I'm a bit dissapointed.

Is there anyone that can help me out here on how to use this stuff? do I just keep it in the fridge and use all of it within the next 5 weeks?
I didn't want anything premixed either. I thought I was getting it in powder form. I have no experience or knowledge using IGF that is already in BA. I know aesthetic labs is suppose to be good that is why I ordered from them but so far I'm a bit dissapointed.

Is there anyone that can help me out here on how to use this stuff? do I just keep it in the fridge and use all of it within the next 5 weeks?

I am not an expert, but that is how I remember taking it. I have some that is not pre-mixed. There might be a new way of mixing it. I would just ask them about it to clearly understand. I heard mixing it with AA makes it last alot longer, but also it could be painful.
I have been told that it is stable for up to 2 years in it's current state at room temp. or in the fridge. Can it be used directly as it is?

your confusing ba with bw ,bw is water..lr3 lats a long time years in aa or ba....Ba will not freeze aa will...I prefer ba,
however the solvent just suspends the peptide..the quality of peptide is based on purity...the higher the purity the higher the
cost.....I offer the highest purity at the best cost.....If i were to buy my purity level individually ,my cost would be over 200 a mg
....there is good lyophilized and bad,just as there is good and bad reconstituted....the biggest factor is trusting your source
....and having a source that values that trust .
Keep up the testing of flea and tick shampoo alternative.elroy is greatful
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hello, thanks for the reply! I got help through email as well. You guys have been great at answering all my questions. :) They reply very quick as well. Within hours of all my questions, lol.
I will start to test your stuff tomorrow. I'm very excited!
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So, how did you end up using the IGF-1? Did you need to dilute in BW? Please explain for us others. :D Thanks!

(Yes, I'm new...from another forum. I'm glad I found this place as it has a LOT more peptide talk.)

Cheers all! :D
Since it is premixed in BA it will stay good for awhile.. I would store it in the back corner of your fridge to keep it really cool. To administer you would draw out the desired dosage in a slin pin (usually only a few clicks.. will be the sufficient dosage). Then you fill the slin pin up with BW so the shot is more tolerable/comfortable...
First of all I heard that Aesthelic lab is a good sponsor, that aside, I would never take IGF pre-mixed. In BW, even in the fridge it is only good for 24 hours. And mixed with anything else, it should be immediately put in the fridge, could last you up to 5 weeks.

Its not BW(bac water),its BA(benzyl alcohol)-and it should be stable in it,like stated above,i dont like the idea that its premixed.

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