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Intro and Prep for the 2007 NPC Border States


New member
Jul 6, 2007
Hey ladies,
I have been kicking around the boards for a couple of months and really enjoy reading what other girls are doing as far as training and nutritional prep for upcoming shows so I decided I would go ahead and start a thread as I get closer to my show in October.

I have been competing for a few years and have done very well. I have done a few National shows and did pretty well but I feel I just get lost in the mix. I also got sick of hearing that if I wanted to place better I was going to need to "play the game." You know let people know who you are and kiss ass rub elbows with the powers that be etc.. Well, that's not me so last year after placing 12th at the USA's I took some time to think about why I was competing and decided to retire. I had no desire to turn pro based on the physiques that were winning at the time. Honestly I thought about it and came to the conclusion that I loved the physique that I had built and I didn't want to alter it just to POSSIBLY win a national level show. So on that note I was done and decided to put all of my focus on Dusty and helping him make the changes that would be needed for him to get to a higher level and hopefully get a more lucrative contract than the one he has now.

Well after being "retired" for a little over a year I started to get the itch to get onstage again. After talking with D we decided I should go ahead and compete again. The only difference is that this time my goal is to bring the type of physique that I like and have fun. So here we are just a little over five weeks out from my next show and it's almost time to start my diet. I can't wait. I love the challenge of the diet, training, trackwork, and cardio knowing that it all will come together to form a puzzle that you first put to paper and are going to complete through your physique.

So in this thread I will post everything from my training, cardio, trackwork, supplements and of course my diet. Some of it may seem strange to the others that compete here because like I have said before I usually stay smaller and even a bit leaner in the offseason than I look onstage. That is why at five weeks out I am following a diet that is actually putting weight back on me before trimming it down and jumping on stage.

I look forward to hearing any questions and or opinions that you have to offer as I get ready. This board is full of knowlege and I would love to learn from each of you and experiences you have had.:p

Wow! A 5 week diet sounds awesome to me! :)

Good luck and kick some bootay girl!
awesome i cant wait to follow along
I'm looking forward to you precontest thread too. Nice to read how others prepare from their shows....

Good luck! :)
Just another day at the office.

Well I just got home from doing my back workout and cardio.
Weighed in today @105.6lbs.

Today we combined both thickness and width. So here it is..

Pull ups
3 sets 20 reps

Reverse Grip Pull Downs(explosive positive controlled negative)

Close Grip Pull Downs

Cable Cobra's (Victor Martinez Style)

One Arm DB Rows

Reverse Grip Bent Row

Regular Grip Bent Row
65-20 (pause at top of rep)

V Bar Cable Low Row

After the workout I hit the step mill for 60 minutes interval training 2 minutes level 14 1 minute level 10. When I use the step mill I don't touch the machine with my hands at all so that all of my weight is on my legs and none is on the machine.

That's it for now need to get all my meals together for the day. Progress pics will be posted tomorrow.
damn girl how u do the stepmill like that for 60 mins.. i would bite it big time. lol
Wow, that is alot of volume. lol

I guess after DC'ing for a while....I don't think I could go back to something like that.

Great session tho'! Keep it up!
Wow, that is alot of volume. lol

I guess after DC'ing for a while....I don't think I could go back to something like that.

Great session tho'! Keep it up!

How crazy is it that using extreme volume got me to 280lbs and I just hired Dante? I have read everything I could find and I feel like a kid on Christmas eve waiting for my program to come. I believe that DC's ways are so simple which is why they work. His theories make perfect sense and have been proven by all of his followers physiques.
How crazy is it that using extreme volume got me to 280lbs and I just hired Dante? I have read everything I could find and I feel like a kid on Christmas eve waiting for my program to come. I believe that DC's ways are so simple which is why they work. His theories make perfect sense and have been proven by all of his followers physiques.

You will not be disappointed! Good luck!
How crazy is it that using extreme volume got me to 280lbs and I just hired Dante? I have read everything I could find and I feel like a kid on Christmas eve waiting for my program to come. I believe that DC's ways are so simple which is why they work. His theories make perfect sense and have been proven by all of his followers physiques.
Good for you bro...I was the same way, checking my email 5 times per hour, im still likle that when i send an email to him waiting for a response(not that he takes long)...Im looking forward to hearing your progress bro, you made a great choice IMO...By the look of your avatar, you are definitely an educated hard working fellow, so im sure you will do excellent with him assisting you..
I love hearing people get excited, it gives me motivation as well hearing about it..
Great work hotfigure.....Glad to hear you are making a comeback...
Wow I feel much better today. Yesterday all I did was train, cardio, and do my suit fitting. Since I retired I sold all my suits so I'm excited to get my new ones. Lucky for me the suit maker is giving me the suits for free:D . Always good to save a grand.

After going to my fitting Dusty and I worked really hard at holding down the couch. We watched two movies, some Pride fight reruns, and did some napping.

Today was track work and my message lady just showed up so time for an ass kicking. I'll post some pics later today once we take some.
First set of pics

Here's my first set of progress pics. Next time I won't do them after getting deep tissue for 90 minutes.


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side 2


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Damn Eli.. u look awesome..... i want your butt LOL i love your legs..and u have that shoulder cap women kill for.
Nice hams and quads... I'd like to you to post your leg work out.

you're hard work is definitely paying off.
Nice hams and quads... I'd like to you to post your leg work out.

you're hard work is definitely paying off.

Thanks. Throughout my competitive career legs have always been a weakness so I have had to kill them to bring them up. I never really know what my leg workout will be from week to week but I know that it will be brutal. Here is the workout that Dusty put me through last week.

Extensions- 2 warm up sets

Squats- 95lbsx10, 135x10, 185x10, 205x6, 135x20 rp

Hack Squats(half rep up full rep up=1)
50lbsx20, 90lbsx15, 140lbsx15

Leg Press 21's(7 reps feet together, 7 reps heals together toes at 45 degree angle, 7 reps feet high and wide on the sled)
s1-180lbs, s2-270lbs, s3-360lbs

BB Walking Lunges
60lbs 20steps per leg x 3

BB Stiff Deads
65x20, 95x15, 115x12

Sumo Deads
95x20 x3 sets

DB Lying Leg Curl
35x20, 40x15, 45x15

That's about it for a typical leg day. My pace is very fast with rest at 60 sec or less.

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