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JJ Insane 1 here... we have a RAT/NARC!


Dec 17, 2002
I have emailed almost all my "friends" and informed them that we have a RAT/NARC/PUSSY amoung us. Some of you might know him.
A while back i was taking new customers (i do this once a year). I had a "prospectable new customer" send me a "list" request... so i did... then he wanted to place an order, so i gave him the mailing address for the Insane 1 foundation for muscular development ;-)
Anyway, he then emailed me back stating he called my local POST OFFICE and told the post master i was conducting illegal drug sales on the internet and asked them to investigate.(Yes he was actually that stupid, after giving me his HOME address and real name)
So, you know me... i closed the box, changed my address, changed my email address and now i am only sticking to REGULAR and trusted customers. I will only take on new customers that have PERSONALLY been refered by Mike S. or Wylde or any other mod.
Now, i was told by one of the Mods that i should post this pussy ass fuckers addy and info... here it is: (real name, real home address)

Christian Hamilton
4513 Westerpool Cr
Columbus Ohio 43228

His email is : [email protected]

If anyone knows him, lives NEAR him, and wants to throw in a helping hand, just email at my old address... i have almost all the info i need right now.... but more can always help.
Does this ASS fuck, narc not understand that the ARNOLD CLASSIC is held basically in his back fucking yard? Oh... and just how many of us make that little trip once a year? ALOT.
So, to all, sources, customers, friends ect.... just keep an eye out for this mother fucker. I am :)
JJ Insane 1
Elite fitness is full of flakes IMO!!

And now there is controvesy there as we speak. And George is trying to either cover up some things or else preserve his interests by candy coating things. I only hear good about citriscide and not sure if Citricudes intents where good or not towards EF and don't care. But it sure seems funny that you had trouble come your way from an EF account. COuld be unrelated from the EF kaos but maybe not??

In any case my personal opinion is the scene is not as tight as it once was. Even those on our side are coming against the good bros. It's sick and saddening. Not only do we have our 'normal' adversaries but now we have to watch those that we share board space and stories and info with.

I'm off to go puke in a bucket!!!!
Use to live in Columbus for a short period of time, but I've never heard of him. A good friend of mine still lives there and knows most in the circle. I'll call him tonight and see what he says.
Im sure he is just some young, hot headed newbie. Sokmeone should chop his dick off and choke him with the stub. :eek:
I doubt he actually informed them...

...but, prolly just a competitor trying to get you outta biz and scare you. People on that board are fucking strange.

narcs dont reveal their identity like that...he was just being stupid when he said that...
Still this should reinstate the fact...

...that our world should remain UNDERGROUND!! IT has turned soo mainstream. When I started NOONE gave up sources unless they knew you now it seems they are everywhere.

F**ing narcs/pussies

gotta tell you bros., posts like this really get me down. I've been around along time, mostly a "lurker" as I do not feel that I have the knowledge that alot of the seniors/mods do. but, I gotta say that anyone that gets into this "game" did so on his/her own, no one forced them. If the man comes a knocking for you, you take your lumps like a man and move on. You never sell out your bros. you never try and make a "deal" because if you do then you are a f**ing rat. and bros., there are an awful lot of rats around lately and that is just depressing. Ry I know that you have felt this way in the past, well I think maybe its time I got out, I dont know but you gotta weigh the risks/rewards. and man reading posts like this make me think that it aint worth it anymore. sorry for the rant, but I just get furious at F**ING RATS. F**ING JUST LEAVE US ALONE, ALL WE WANT IS A LITTLE MUSCLE, LOW FAT, AND TO FEEL GOOD ABOUT OURSELVES, ITS OUR BODIES NOT YOURS, YOU SCROTUM LICKING, ASS KISSING, SMALL ARMED, PENICL NECKED SHITS..........SORRY, lost me head for a sec.

peace and take care, pumpit.

P.S. nice to see you posting again Ry, you a good bro.
Thanks Pumpit!

Way I figure it though if your a good guy than you will last in this little world but, if you have hidden agenda the bro's will figure it out cause have been around the block and heard it ALL. Shit how many sources have "DIED" on us to only come back months later w/ different names.LOL


MikeS said:
Im sure he is just some young, hot headed newbie. Sokmeone should chop his dick off and choke him with the stub. :eek:

|--[\\\]>--------- That's not a very nice mental picture.
I agree with Ry Roid that I feel alot more comfortable not having things talked about so much in the open. I was seeing a friend that works in alittle sandwhich shop yesterday and some of the chicks that he works with started talking about it in the back. Not directed towards me or anything, just in generally. Kinda odd to hear at that time. Besides things are getting out of control, with things like THG and shit like that. Former star althletes that miss the limelight and are offered a few bucks to talk about what goes on in the locker room. That pisses me off, cause I was always taught what happens at home stays at home. Well, the one good thing is, I know one person that knows how to keep there mouth shut regardless of what happens. That makes me feel good at the end of the night! :)
IT is horrible because...

...at my gym the little fuckheads talk about shit not only when they are working out but, so that everyone can hear them. I bet they would deny it if cops came to their doors. One fucking asshole punk at my gym who has gained like 50lbs and has legs of someone that is paralyzed from waist down wears white shorts and does shots in bathroom for people to see blood coming down his legs and he thinks it is cool. I really want to fucking bash their heads in cause they are people ruining it for honest guys that have been doing it for many years. People see 18year old kids acting like idiots and talking bout how much gear they use and guess what? Yep, they are gonna put 1 and 2 together and figure it is all the gear.

Gear+Good person=Good big person

I hear shit all the time at the gym about people doing this and that. The worst is when I workout with a few people I know now and then and they get yapping. That's when I disappear and do my own thing. The worst is when I go home! It drives me nuts when I run into certain people. I know these two twins that are really nice guys until they get drunk and every weekend there drunk. They normally ask me Q's about working out and that's no big deal. But the last time the walked up to me they said some pretty hanus shit. Drunk as fuck they scream out "hey are you still taking steroids" No one knows, they just assume. I wanted to jump down his throat, but instead I just walked away. They came by me later and said the same shit. We had a talk. They said that I had to have been on them cause years ago I was bigger than everyone and had an attitude and got into fights. I tried to stay calm and told them that, I worked out while others got fucked up. Got into fights, cause I had fun with them at the time, and had an attitude cause I'm an asshole. Pretty much nothing has changed. I just avoid these fuck heads at all costs. But I see more and more people these days doing shit and acting retarded in public. I'm done ranting over nothing!
Re: Still this should reinstate the fact...

Ry Roid said:
...that our world should remain UNDERGROUND!! IT has turned soo mainstream. When I started NOONE gave up sources unless they knew you now it seems they are everywhere.


Big ass bump to that. Fucking gear is even advertised in magazines now (muscular developement). Unvelieveable.

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