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Just started legit TRT and numbers came back....I'm still aromatizing

Tim Zane

Active member
Mar 16, 2018
I got my second labs back after being on 100mg test/wk and 60mg Nandralone per week. I started about 3 months ago and within the last 8 weeks I have gotten a little gyno and constant irritation in the same spot and don't want it to get worse. Here are ny numbers:

Total T 1278
Free 18.4
Estradiol 52.3

I inquired with the doc and this was the reply, " It's actually not that high - it's high because his testosterone is too high. So, it's still a normal ratio. He needs to decrease his testosterone. Is it that high on 0.25 mL twice a week? If so, we can decrease that to 0.20 mL BIW. Should be doing the anastrazole - 0.125 mg twice weekly. If he is having excess symptoms of high estrogen can take an extra and do TIW. But like I said for his ratio it isn't "high"

Why is it that even when in a "normal" range I always aromatize? AI's seem to have no effect with me. Do you guys have similar numbers that effect you like this or is my body just a retarded anomaly?
What are the ranges for your numbers? They seem to be out of range for many labs. Especially if the tests were done at your trough. Which would put you even higher all week. You can try splitting the injection up as that helps some people control E2.
What are the ranges for your numbers? They seem to be out of range for many labs. Especially if the tests were done at your trough. Which would put you even higher all week. You can try splitting the injection up as that helps some people control E2.
Are you asking the range prior to starting? These are my second labs to dial it in at this point. I split it up into Sunday AM and Wed PM.
Are you asking the range prior to starting? These are my second labs to dial it in at this point. I split it up into Sunday AM and Wed PM.
No i was talking about the range for your lab as all labs have different ranges. And most of the ranges are below where your numbers are. I have gone to many labs over the past 25+ years. And the top of the range for T has been 500-1200. Is your bodyfat low? The more body fat the more aromatase enzyme.
I got my second labs back after being on 100mg test/wk and 60mg Nandralone per week. I started about 3 months ago and within the last 8 weeks I have gotten a little gyno and constant irritation in the same spot and don't want it to get worse. Here are ny numbers:

Total T 1278
Free 18.4
Estradiol 52.3

I inquired with the doc and this was the reply, " It's actually not that high - it's high because his testosterone is too high. So, it's still a normal ratio. He needs to decrease his testosterone. Is it that high on 0.25 mL twice a week? If so, we can decrease that to 0.20 mL BIW. Should be doing the anastrazole - 0.125 mg twice weekly. If he is having excess symptoms of high estrogen can take an extra and do TIW. But like I said for his ratio it isn't "high"

Why is it that even when in a "normal" range I always aromatize? AI's seem to have no effect with me. Do you guys have similar numbers that effect you like this or is my body just a retarded anomaly?
don't know how you feel overall because it is very individual, I'm on trt and if my tt was that I high I would not feel good, if you are trying to nail down a trt dose I would drop the nandralone and decrease test to .20mls twice a week, and give it a little time, for me I have learned when it comes to trt more is not better, over the years I have had to slowly drop dose down as it seems the older I get the less I need, shit I'm turning 59 in a couple of months.
No i was talking about the range for your lab as all labs have different ranges. And most of the ranges are below where your numbers are. I have gone to many labs over the past 25+ years. And the top of the range for T has been 500-1200. Is your bodyfat low? The more body fat the more aromatase enzyme.
I'll have to check the range. Bodyfat isn't that low right now. What is estradiol normally when not on trt?
I'll have to check the range. Bodyfat isn't that low right now. What is estradiol normally when not on trt?
We all convert estrogen differently and the number a person feels good at will vary. The most widely accepted range of estradiol for a normal male is 20-30pg/ml.
I'll have to check the range. Bodyfat isn't that low right now. What is estradiol normally when not on trt?
Look at the range on your blood work and that will tell you what normal is for most people.
Your estrogen is double the ref range. Are you on a blend of test and deca or Two separate vials? I bet if you dropped the deca your gyno, and possibly higher estro problem, would go away.
Your estrogen is double the ref range. Are you on a blend of test and deca or Two separate vials? I bet if you dropped the deca your gyno, and possibly higher estro problem, would go away.
Yeah that's part of the reason I don't use Deca.

Spreading the injections to more days may help, but a lower dose of Deca or adding an AI is probably the best course of action.

I've ran my Estradiol in the 70-80s without any aromatization but I'm also running a good amount of Masteron.
For HEART HEALTH, I agree with your doctor (which is actually comical that a meathead like me is confirming a doctors recommendation). I believe that if you run your Test high, you WANT your estro to also bump up. Your body strives for balance and that ratio of T:E is what your body is striving to achieve. I believe that guys run into HEART problems when they run HIGH test and beat down the estro with AI's. Focus on the range. If you believe your E is too high, then lower your T and keep that ratio where your body wants it.
Is the lab doing LC-MS or the ELISA blood test?

Nandrolone will skew the numbers.

I did a blood pull on 250 test 500 deca once and my test levels were 3,000+
Is the lab doing LC-MS or the ELISA blood test?

Nandrolone will skew the numbers.

I did a blood pull on 250 test 500 deca once and my test levels were 3,000+
Any idea how long that effect lasts? If one were to add a low dose of 200mg deca to their HRT program of 200mg Test Cyp, .5mg arimidex twice weekly, enclomiphene twice weekly.
Any idea how long that effect lasts? If one were to add a low dose of 200mg deca to their HRT program of 200mg Test Cyp, .5mg arimidex twice weekly, enclomiphene twice weekly.

Well it will be dependent on how much nandrolone is left in your blood stream the day you get labs

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