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May 30, 2009
Who has seen it? Kevin levrone is now clean and doing this challenge to get big again w out drugs. One of my favorite bbers of all time. All I know is this...if he is clean good for him, but damn he is pretty damn big and lean. How possible is to abuse drugs for years then get off and regain a natural test level that would allow you to build a great physic? I'm sure we will get lots of genetics type answers which is obvious.
I go to that blog from time to time also. He is shooting for 220 right now and doing all kinds of cardio, bands, balls, etc. I think he is definitely natural and he even posts a video of himself getting tested.

He is nowhere near what he used to be size-wise, but looks great for a natural BB'r.

Early 2000s and in the 90s he was one of the stronger bodybuilders with one of the best physiques IMO.
Once youve used all the shit he did, youll never really be a "natural BB". Regardless of use now, all those muscle cells he created in past years are still there, they just need to be filled again.
Once youve used all the shit he did, youll never really be a "natural BB". Regardless of use now, all those muscle cells he created in past years are still there, they just need to be filled again.

That's a very good point.
I was in the gym with him on day one of his transformation. im actually spotting him in the video. we saw him go from 200 not so hard pounds to 245lb in a matter of weeks!!
Palumbo, didnt believe it so he gave kev a surprise drug test. he passed with flying colors!

kevin is a freak. he trains very hard. and eats a lot.

Here is a lil story...he wanted to squat 500lb for 4 reps. it was for levronereport.com he was feelin problems with his back and knee. 315 was hard for him. we were in the gym and he couldnt get 315 for 4 reps! i thought...it would be so cool if i could get to 500lb before kevin. i figured he was about a month away from getting it. well....a week and a half later...he did it on levronereport!!! 500lb! i almost shit myself. i saw him fail with 315. he trained legs every day....squatting for like a week...and then stopped....and got the 500lb!

sometimes he will train things 4 times a week. he benched every day for weeks to get the 405lb bench!

Mo Chuisle rolled into town last summer before she moved here.i brought her to meet him. he was training using his new formula.....well we met up with him 5 hr later...and he still had a pump!

Kevin,Ronnie, Jay,..these guys are from another planet!!!

Once youve used all the shit he did, youll never really be a "natural BB". Regardless of use now, all those muscle cells he created in past years are still there, they just need to be filled again.

I actually know guys who used and use more....and none of them look anything like a pro at all.

im not sure why everyone things drugs make you big and make you a pro! Kevin benched 400lb at a bodywt of 189lb....before aver taking anything. so the muscle cells were there!
Once youve used all the shit he did, youll never really be a "natural BB". Regardless of use now, all those muscle cells he created in past years are still there, they just need to be filled again.

Steroids make existing cells larger. if anyone is off for 3 plus years that is considered natural
I actually know guys who used and use more....and none of them look anything like a pro at all.

im not sure why everyone things drugs make you big and make you a pro! Kevin benched 400lb at a bodywt of 189lb....before aver taking anything. so the muscle cells were there!

Hey bro. Did see that spoof Levrone did? His real physique was shown there, looked like a regular dude with a regular build. Now, you see his build when he was competing? Yes the drugs made him that size. I dont know what point you were making. The only way to be as big as the pros is to do drugs. Big A even started a no bullshit thread on the truth. Drugs will not make you a pro, but you cant be one without the drugs.Also, using GH in large or moderate amounts will produce new muscle cells, that werent there naturally, forever making you not natty. And as far as him being natty now, I call bullshit. Most, but not all of the natty dudes I know abused the shit out of steroids and now they stopped they are natty, c'mon. This pic is him right off his website. Does he look natty to anybody here?


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Hey bro. Did see that spoof Levrone did? His real physique was shown there, looked like a regular dude with a regular build. Now, you see his build when he was competing? Yes the drugs made him that size. I dont know what point you were making. The only way to be as big as the pros is to do drugs. Big A even started a no bullshit thread on the truth. Drugs will not make you a pro, but you cant be one without the drugs.Also, using GH in large or moderate amounts will produce new muscle cells, that werent there naturally, forever making you not natty. And as far as him being natty now, I call bullshit. Most, but not all of the natty dudes I know abused the shit out of steroids and now they stopped they are natty, c'mon. This pic is him right off his website. Does he look natty to anybody here?

Muscle memory with small Hrt doses sure will get him there....
I can belive he is natural now, or just on TFT, but I can't belive he use to take six months off when he compeated! How is that possible? Three months to gain size he lost and 3 months to diet down? How in the he'll did he improve yeAr to year?
As Lucian said...

Genetics are in Kevin's favor! Hell, all of us would be IFBB pros if genetic didn't matter. Kevin is a freak! He can think of lifting and grow! Plus, he knows his body well, is very intelligent and trains like a champ!

HRT or not, even at normal/average test levels, Kevin has the genetics of a champ!
The reason I posted this was to see if it is at all possible to abuse roids and totally wreck your endo system and still be able to bounce back with really good test levels to produce that type of dense muscle and or squat 500 lbs. If I were to do that I would be shut down for life and would never bounce back.
The reason I posted this was to see if it is at all possible to abuse roids and totally wreck your endo system and still be able to bounce back with really good test levels to produce that type of dense muscle and or squat 500 lbs. If I were to do that I would be shut down for life and would never bounce back.

Id say there is a very good chance hes on doc prescribed HRT, but I would still consider him natural as long as his test levels are in the normal range.
That is the million dollar question....did his natural test level bounce back or is he on doc prescribed hrt. I guess we will never know.
To settle this would be if you are on a cycle now hop off for 1 full year and see what happens and post pics then get back on @ a dose of test c 500 mg a week and train like normal and then post pics get my point???? I have never ran a cycle over 500mg and trere is night & day when I'm on and off!!!!! shit is and was Kevin a great bodybuilder answer YES!!!!! is he natty ??? answer could be !!!! Is Kevin a great motovater???? fuck yeah!!!!! shit look a past photos of Phil he was fuckin huge.... noy saying anything bad about him now but I would bet if he got back on he would regain his size plus alittle!!!! Muscle memorey is a great thing!!!! like riding a bike!!!!;)
I was in the gym with him on day one of his transformation. im actually spotting him in the video. we saw him go from 200 not so hard pounds to 245lb in a matter of weeks!!
Palumbo, didnt believe it so he gave kev a surprise drug test. he passed with flying colors!

kevin is a freak. he trains very hard. and eats a lot.

Here is a lil story...he wanted to squat 500lb for 4 reps. it was for levronereport.com he was feelin problems with his back and knee. 315 was hard for him. we were in the gym and he couldnt get 315 for 4 reps! i thought...it would be so cool if i could get to 500lb before kevin. i figured he was about a month away from getting it. well....a week and a half later...he did it on levronereport!!! 500lb! i almost shit myself. i saw him fail with 315. he trained legs every day....squatting for like a week...and then stopped....and got the 500lb!

sometimes he will train things 4 times a week. he benched every day for weeks to get the 405lb bench!

Mo Chuisle rolled into town last summer before she moved here.i brought her to meet him. he was training using his new formula.....well we met up with him 5 hr later...and he still had a pump!

Kevin,Ronnie, Jay,..these guys are from another planet!!!


you dont really believe that test was legit do you...i called it from day one of that levrone report thing...i said to my friend just wait...half way through he will be selling something....well i was wrong..he waited pretty close til the end to sell you something!!!ha i called it whole time...and since he was gonna sell you something and bank his money or investors money on the project, you dont think he was juicing!? it was a scripted chain of events the whole time. im not taking anything away from him being one of bestof all time but i saw how non intense he was in the workouts..i dont care pro, best bb ever...he juiced...no doubt he is on hrt, so at the least he jacked up his test during it.
you dont really believe that test was legit do you...i called it from day one of that levrone report thing...i said to my friend just wait...half way through he will be selling something....well i was wrong..he waited pretty close til the end to sell you something!!!ha i called it whole time...and since he was gonna sell you something and bank his money or investors money on the project, you dont think he was juicing!? it was a scripted chain of events the whole time. im not taking anything away from him being one of bestof all time but i saw how non intense he was in the workouts..i dont care pro, best bb ever...he juiced...no doubt he is on hrt, so at the least he jacked up his test during it.

I think this is a stupid thread- but only reason I'm posting is because Levrone is a really nice guy.

Jal - reread your post, it sounds like your saying since he was in it for the money the whole time the test wasn't real and he's juicing, is that right? - if so that is quite a leap my friend.

I congratulate you for predicting he was going to make money off his site. I duno - he is a retired pro (that made shit like most BB's), acted in a 3 (I believe) non-big movies (shit money), he then came back and let people see EVERYTHING an ex top IFBB pro was doing to get back in shape to give back to the community FOR FREE.

To hate on him for AT ALL for letting people know about his supplement line and saying he uses it - is ridiculous. For what he has given back to the community compared to others like him (selling their own supps) have - it's silly not to hate on them.

If anyone knew Levrone and what he was struggling with before the levronereport - a lot of people would understand really how much it has changed his life in a positive way. It was a huge motivator to keep his life clean of things it used to be filled with.

And have you seen him in his recent MD videos- where he wasn't able to have the perfect lighting and all (like in his transformation pics)? He looks scrawny for one of the top ex IFBB pros, working out for a year~, a genetic freak, and a guy that knows how to get big.
Last edited:

I followed Levrone on his blog for quite awhile. I even posted a few pics of myself and asked him to critique them. It took a couple of days but he responded with some nice comments.

He is a very supportive/intelligent guy and takes the time on his blog to answer questions. He is never insulting or degrading no matter how big a douche bag he is talking too. He never "pushed" his product either. He would answer questions about it but not push it.

If he is on HRT and his test levels are within normal limits then he is natural in my book. There are a shitload of guys just on this site with quadruple the test levels that will never look even close to Levrone!

Spend some time on his blog and you will see he is a good guy. He does a lot for the guys on there and not to mention, is quite a humanitarian!!!
Id say there is a very good chance hes on doc prescribed HRT, but I would still consider him natural as long as his test levels are in the normal range.

Agreed, and his piss test came back clean as a whistle. John Romano An Palumbo only gave him 3 days to take the wiz quiz. Tested clean.

You have to remember also, that Kevins genetics are just tremendous.
And muscle has memory. HRT wont mak a person grow.

His 1st challange on the Leverone report was to get up to 245 from 210 in 8 weeks.... He did it no problem..... Shit he was struggling with benching 75's DB's at the beginning.

Genetics rule this BB'ing world. Diet Rest Training is key.....AAS are a finishing touch.

Also if you know the human anatomy, there are a ton of Androgen receptors in the Delts neck and traps.....Kevins neck and traps were a weak spot on his way up to 245 natty, which tells me he wasent on anything other than HRT dosages.

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