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FOUNDING Member / NPC Judge
Jun 8, 2002
Here you go. Guess who? I saw this guy walking around showing the figure girls how to stand during their quarter turns.


  • 2007 SIN 031.jpg
    2007 SIN 031.jpg
    36.4 KB · Views: 264
Did he steal Mrs. Strunks heels that evening?

Both of you look great in that pic. I think she can take you though Franco!:D
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Yeah she most definitley can out lift me that is for sure....It was a great time that night...

Oh man that suit HATED ME last night....I have outgrown it and need to get a bigger one...I almost pulled a "Fat guy in a little coat" in it last night...lol.
Good picture! I was glad to see the Mrs posting here the other day.
I agree good picture~

But I am a little disapointed in the lack of requisite bodybuilder gear. Where are the sweats and oversized clothing boldy displaying a snarling bulldog or a veiny mutant struggling under a 1000 pound squat? A nice dress and an a suit? :eek:

At least Franco could have multiple ear piercings, glinting and shining in the florescent glow of airport lighting! Top that off while sporing a tight tank top or open neck shirt with a plunging v-neck line and an "Elvis in concert" collar! :D

That picture gives real bodybuilders a bad name. ;)
Great Picture. Mrs. Strunk, looking good as always.......but did that guy follow you around until he saw a camera?:D
But I am a little disapointed in the lack of requisite bodybuilder gear. Where are the sweats and oversized clothing boldy displaying a snarling bulldog or a veiny mutant struggling under a 1000 pound squat? A nice dress and an a suit? :eek:

At least Franco could have multiple ear piercings, glinting and shining in the florescent glow of airport lighting! Top that off while sporing a tight tank top or open neck shirt with a plunging v-neck line and an "Elvis in concert" collar! :D

That picture gives real bodybuilders a bad name. ;)

Yea JT between BigA,Bulldog,Kaiser,OTC and Mrs Strunk pictures lately
I fell like a thug that needs to go suit shopping :eek: :D
Your a funny Guy Jethro...Funny but TRUE!
franco ,

i think it's time to donate the suit to good will, either that or give you the name of my tailor! lol

mrs strunk looks awesome as always. sorry i didn't get to the show, we had the northern, then next weekend the cincinnati-both for a good friend of ours down there. how was the test judging franco?
Mainevent, Franco does have a show fetish...but what he does behind closed door is his business.LOL Strongmind, I'd hate to see your shoes after a 270 lb person has been in them.
JT, Franco had to change outfits for the evening show. The outfit you described is what he wore to prejudge and he was told to change clothes.
Eviltemptress, Franco did very well. However, he had to sit at the end of the table which is like sitting at the little card table with the other kids at Thanksgiving time.
Strunk said:
Mainevent, Franco does have a show fetish...but what he does behind closed door is his business.LOL Strongmind, I'd hate to see your shoes after a 270 lb person has been in them.
JT, Franco had to change outfits for the evening show. The outfit you described is what he wore to prejudge and he was told to change clothes.
Eviltemptress, Franco did very well. However, he had to sit at the end of the table which is like sitting at the little card table with the other kids at Thanksgiving time.

LOL.....Yes JT that was my outfit....What can I say I love late 80's early 90's bb'ing gear...lol...

Man no doubt.... I had a horrible angle to judge.....I guess that is why I teach guys when they are posing to always "show their pose" to the judges and rotate their pose as nobody did that and I got cut off on some guys posing and makes it super hard to judge when the physiques are close in comparison......
hahahha.....That is what I thought!

Strunk said:
Mainevent, Franco does have a show fetish...but what he does behind closed door is his business.
JT, Franco had to change outfits for the evening show. The outfit you described is what he wore to prejudge and he was told to change clothes.

You sexy bastard! lol.....I've personally given up on the heels...kept on spraining my ankles.

Strunk: It must be tough, trying to find good judges. You THINK you know a fella and then he shows up all funky looking! :eek: :mad: :D
That's a great pic! Look at Mrs. Strunks arms! :eek: DAAANNGG!
Ahhh...she's small right now. Ask her.LOL She tends to put on muscle during her prep. I'll try to get her to make a visit here later tonight if she has all her chores done.LOL
I couldn't pass up a chance to get a picture with a celebrity!:) The show went well and Franco did a great job with his test judging. Thanks for the complements but as Strunk will tell you I hate this part of prep. I feel small and out of shape even after 4 weeks of dieting.
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i think i can feel your pain ms muscle!!!!!!!!!

you can tell strunk that i hate taking pics, i probably need you guys to do it cause our camera sucks by the way.....and you are not small woman....you have almost 20lbs on me right now!!! can you say middleweight?? LOL

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