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Active member
Aug 20, 2009
Hey guys,
im about to add MGF to my current ghrp cycle and i was wondering how long does mgf last oncd it mix with bac water??? Since its 5mg bottle i need to know how quickly i meed to use. I heared regular mgf doesnt last too long once it mixed with bac and also if u store powder in the freezer or fridge as well. Im planing to shoot 150each side muscle post workout for 4-6 weeeks... thanks guys!
I know this may sound a little rude, but there have been numerous threads on this and a lot of good tips posted. Do a little hunting, still have questions after that, let me know. ok?
Hmmm..... I didn't do my homework on this either. Just assumed I'd mix it with aa and it was g2g.
Basically regular mgf degrades very quickly/is super fragile. Perhaps the best way to prepare it is to mix up what you have with acetic acid. Draw up all of what you aren't going to use within 10-14 days in individually dosed insulin pins and put them in the freezer. Use what's left in the vial over the next 10-14 days. Then, just take one individual dose out of the freezer and let it thaw in the fridge before you use it. That way you aren't freezing and thawing over and over- that destroys the peptide. Freezing keeps it intact longer and you want to use it as close to when it thaws out as possible. Whenever you go to inject, make sure to also draw up at least 2 parts bacteriostatic water to every 1 part acetic acid. This makes the injection less painful. Some even just use bacteriostatic water start to finish- including freezing etc. Your choice.
Thanks for help bro. I was searching this for awhile but seems like noone post anything on here on mgf.. so i could just mix with bac water and leave amount that ill use for 10-14 days in vial and keep them in fridge and rest of them just draw in syring and keep them in freezer?? My source assured me that once it mixed with water its good for up to 45days so im just trying to figure out so i wont waste this u know..
Thanks for help bro. I was searching this for awhile but seems like noone post anything on here on mgf.. so i could just mix with bac water and leave amount that ill use for 10-14 days in vial and keep them in fridge and rest of them just draw in syring and keep them in freezer?? My source assured me that once it mixed with water its good for up to 45days so im just trying to figure out so i wont waste this u know..

Don't know who the source is but if Chem says 10-14 days. I doubt it's good for 45. I didn't ask mine and he probably assumed I knew. I'm usually good about researching things before trying something out. Glad you brought this up tho. I know what to do now.
Thanks for help bro. I was searching this for awhile but seems like noone post anything on here on mgf.. so i could just mix with bac water and leave amount that ill use for 10-14 days in vial and keep them in fridge and rest of them just draw in syring and keep them in freezer?? My source assured me that once it mixed with water its good for up to 45days so im just trying to figure out so i wont waste this u know..

You have asked some great questions and I know you and I have spoken with each other. I trust CW implicitly as he and I are collaborating on some issues together and I really trust his thoroughness and research, with that being said I felt it incumbent on me a while ago to consult with the lab who manufactures my peps. The head chemist ran through the list of peps I usually order and he told me that as long as the peps are refrigerated and kept stable they will keep for a minimum of 30 days before they start to degrade on a very small percentage on a daily basis. He told me that they will keep a lot longer than that. I know that I have used both CJC and MT II 70 days after reconstitution and they both had the same kick as when I first used them. I do not want to step on anybody's toes here but, the luxury I have is that I can run tests on my products and find out how resilient and durable they are. Also, for a little time I will be going back to 2 mg MGF vials, so they will be more user friendly.
You have asked some great questions and I know you and I have spoken with each other. I trust CW implicitly as he and I are collaborating on some issues together and I really trust his thoroughness and research, with that being said I felt it incumbent on me a while ago to consult with the lab who manufactures my peps. The head chemist ran through the list of peps I usually order and he told me that as long as the peps are refrigerated and kept stable they will keep for a minimum of 30 days before they start to degrade on a very small percentage on a daily basis. He told me that they will keep a lot longer than that. I know that I have used both CJC and MT II 70 days after reconstitution and they both had the same kick as when I first used them. I do not want to step on anybody's toes here but, the luxury I have is that I can run tests on my products and find out how resilient and durable they are. Also, for a little time I will be going back to 2 mg MGF vials, so they will be more user friendly.

I think the reason they told you 30 days minimum etc is because they are very high quality peptides! I'm guessing a lot of what guys have experienced over time/back in the day has been with lower grade stuff. If you are starting out with 50-80% purity to begin with, lower handling standards etc. then as soon as it starts to degrade you aren't going to be left with much quality product. Not the case with your stuff! I really, really appreciate the care you put into securing quality products.
Hey chem, do i need wait till take carbs/pro after mgf injection pwo??
Hey chem, do i need wait till take carbs/pro after mgf injection pwo??

Wait 15-20 minutes after your mgf to take your pwo shake.

FWIW I have had my MGF mixed for over a month now and its still working just fine.
Wait 15-20 minutes after your mgf to take your pwo shake.

FWIW I have had my MGF mixed for over a month now and its still working just fine.

I've heard it both ways. Some say take your pwo shake directly after the mgf shot and others say to wait. I used to start taking my pwo shake (dextrose, creatine, bcaas) immediately and all I can say is that I felt great- kinda high. Endorphins? I don't know. But mgf seems to do that to me post workout, kinda euphoric.

I think Ron is right about it lasting awhile longer than previously thought- especially when it is from genesis = quality.
I've heard it both ways. Some say take your pwo shake directly after the mgf shot and others say to wait. I used to start taking my pwo shake (dextrose, creatine, bcaas) immediately and all I can say is that I felt great- kinda high. Endorphins? I don't know. But mgf seems to do that to me post workout, kinda euphoric.

I think Ron is right about it lasting awhile longer than previously thought- especially when it is from genesis = quality.

I've been experiementing with 50mcg doses in multiple places lately. I will try the shake after my shot today.

I do 30mcg in each tri and each back, so 120mcg total. Then PWO 50mcg in each spot where igf-1 was administered.

It seems to be working very well for me lately.
Thanks for info guys.. ill be doing first mgf shot pwo in hr or so.. i guess either ways fine with pwo shake.. but since i live 20-30 mins from gym i put syringes in between icepaxk is that fine? It will be in my bag for about lil over hour
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Hey guys im about to workout but Man i just checked my bag and mgf r kinda frozen :(.. is it still ok to use after melt down to liquid again or just inject when i get home?
How'd it go? Did they get melted down in time? Just try and time it so you have them completely thawed out by the time you need them.
How'd it go? Did they get melted down in time? Just try and time it so you have them completely thawed out by the time you need them.

Hey chem
by time i was done working out it was melt down to liquid.. i guess thats ok?? I mean i dont know if u suppose to feel anything with mgf..
Hey chem
by time i was done working out it was melt down to liquid.. i guess thats ok?? I mean i dont know if u suppose to feel anything with mgf..

Sometimes I would feel something, sometimes not. Basically I think having mgf and a bcaa/dextrose shake immediately post workout made me feel "good", like refreshed vs. worn out as usual. Does that make sense? I think it is good for getting those nutrients into the bloodstream/muscles.

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