I’ll save you the roasting you’re gonna get my bro
Use the search function there’s literally hundreds of questions/answers on primo vs mast and to sum them all up no difference in the long run
Same with anavar try it, if it doesn’t effect your appetite then winner.
The best gear is the ones you tolerate best
If your gear is fake find a new supplier there’s genuinely tonnes of legit primo and anavar here in Europe at leas
I’ll save you the roasting you’re gonna get my bro
Use the search function there’s literally hundreds of questions/answers on primo vs mast and to sum them all up no difference in the long run
Same with anavar try it, if it doesn’t effect your appetite then winner.
The best gear is the ones you tolerate best
If your gear is fake find a new supplier there’s genuinely tonnes of legit primo and anavar here in Europe at least
it told me I need to make a post as a new member and I thought it’s a good discussion lol