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New Years Sale!!! MA Research & MA Labs

Mike Arnold

Featured Member / Kilo Klub / Verified Sponsor
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Verified Customer
Aug 22, 2011
The sale has finally begun! Unfortunately, I had to delay it until today because almost everything was out of stock until now! Anyway, see below. Thank you to everyone and happy New Year!

MA Research (New Years Sale!)

25% OFF

Sale Code:

* Sale runs through Wednesday @ Midnight Eastern Time

Link: MA Research Chems – Research Chemicals

MA Labs (New Years Sale!)

20% OFF

Sale Code:

* Sale runs through Wednesday @ Midnight Eastern Time

Link: MA Labs | Cutting Edge Supplements
The sale has finally begun! Unfortunately, I had to delay it until today because almost everything was out of stock until now! Anyway, see below. Thank you to everyone and happy New Year!

MA Research (New Years Sale!)

25% OFF

Sale Code:

* Sale runs through Wednesday @ Midnight Eastern Time

Link: MA Research Chems – Research Chemicals

MA Labs (New Years Sale!)

20% OFF

Sale Code:

* Sale runs through Wednesday @ Midnight Eastern Time

Link: MA Labs | Cutting Edge Supplements
Is there a thread on here reviewing your sleep supplement? Really need something but spent enough money trying different things.
Is there a thread on here reviewing your sleep supplement? Really need something but spent enough money trying different things.
I don't have a thread here, but I can give you some copy & pastes (along with a link for proof). I'll have it up for you before the sale ends; likely sometime tomorrow afternoon. It has gotten great reviews. I would0 estimate that 95% if all reviews have been 4-5 stars (out of 5 total stars). That's quite good for a legal sleep product, as most of them are total crap.

Actually, here is a review I just saw (see below). The following is a copy & paste, but the link at the bottom of the page will take you directly to the thread that the post is in. This thread link also contains at least 3-4 other people providing feedback. All gave great reviews.

If you would like some other thread links, let me know and I'll post some for you.

"Final Review :

Solo - I loved this at 2 scoops, I started at 4 scoops and then at 2scoops and nearly had the same results.

Taste - No issues and i enjoyed it, like a hot tea.

Sleep - Was pretty awesome, def does puts your mind at ease and to sleep slowly. Usually within 15-30mins of taking the last sip my eyes start to get heavy.

Waking up - No Grogginess, each time woke up refreshed whether it was 5hrs sleep or 8-9hrs of sleep, which is a huge plus bc if your groggy and stuff even after a great rest, it just ruins the whole day.

Stacking - I stacked it couple times with gaba and couple times with phenibut, you can def throw in your favorite products just be sure to start at low dose of both products and go by how you feel.

I loved the 2 scoops + 500mg of phenibut, i think 2 days i slept straight 7-8hrs, i react pretty well to phenibut so knowing what i was getting myself into .. 3z kicks in quickly and phenibut over time made a perfect match.

Overall - I would give this 5/5, does what it says.

Price - Regular price if you dose it at 2scoops comes to $1/serving-40 days .. ill take that any day, so I don't think its expensive .. they just had a 25% holiday sale and i missed it, but would def pick this up."

Thread Link:
I don't have a thread here, but I can give you some copy & pastes (along with a link for proof). I'll have it up for you before the sale ends; likely sometime tomorrow afternoon. It has gotten great reviews. I would0 estimate that 95% if all reviews have been 4-5 stars (out of 5 total stars). That's quite good for a legal sleep product, as most of them are total crap.

Actually, here is a review I just saw (see below). The following is a copy & paste, but the link at the bottom of the page will take you directly to the thread that the post is in. This thread link also contains at least 3-4 other people providing feedback. All gave great reviews.

If you would like some other thread links, let me know and I'll post some for you.

"Final Review :

Solo - I loved this at 2 scoops, I started at 4 scoops and then at 2scoops and nearly had the same results.

Taste - No issues and i enjoyed it, like a hot tea.

Sleep - Was pretty awesome, def does puts your mind at ease and to sleep slowly. Usually within 15-30mins of taking the last sip my eyes start to get heavy.

Waking up - No Grogginess, each time woke up refreshed whether it was 5hrs sleep or 8-9hrs of sleep, which is a huge plus bc if your groggy and stuff even after a great rest, it just ruins the whole day.

Stacking - I stacked it couple times with gaba and couple times with phenibut, you can def throw in your favorite products just be sure to start at low dose of both products and go by how you feel.

I loved the 2 scoops + 500mg of phenibut, i think 2 days i slept straight 7-8hrs, i react pretty well to phenibut so knowing what i was getting myself into .. 3z kicks in quickly and phenibut over time made a perfect match.

Overall - I would give this 5/5, does what it says.

Price - Regular price if you dose it at 2scoops comes to $1/serving-40 days .. ill take that any day, so I don't think its expensive .. they just had a 25% holiday sale and i missed it, but would def pick this up."

Thread Link:
Thanks Mike, just ordered one to try. If this actually helps, I'll be back for more.
Man.... your SR-9009 in oil is friggin amazing.
Dosed 3mg and that's all I needed on day 1.
Do people build a tolerance up to this because I'm thinking of breaking up the 3mg into two 1.5mg doses.

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