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May 6, 2006
and in 6 months the new news will be that holland has gone bankrupt.
sounds like crime will increase and the organized criminals will make even more money just moving their dealers to the streets vs the supplying and working in the shops and reduce income and taxes for the working class and government revenue!
Westernized Government at it's best... :banghead:
Who cares that the Dutch decided to ban selling weed to the tourist. Find a cheap hooker and have her buy you some sweet conja!!!
Crazy..just crazy.. It's been that kind of year for freedom. Prop 19 fails in CA, 4 loko made illegal (as if we are to stupid to mix red bull and alcoholic) I could go on...

Anyway Portugal might be a place to checkout.
Another huge step backwards.
I live in CA and thankfully I have a Cannabis Card... I am allowed to grow up to 8 plants and sell to who ever has a medical card also.... California has it right.

I guarantee in the next 10 years we will see prohibition end. California will show the rest of the country how much tax revenue can be generated off the stuff.
I live in CA and thankfully I have a Cannabis Card... I am allowed to grow up to 8 plants and sell to who ever has a medical card also.... California has it right.

I guarantee in the next 10 years we will see prohibition end. California will show the rest of the country how much tax revenue can be generated off the stuff.

Bad economy=things you never thought of.
not that it really matters but here on the east coast , basically the blue laws are about over (businesses being open on sundays) you still can't buy beer here till 12 noon on sundays and liquor stores are closed ..one of the propositions to increase tax revenue was to open up the liquor stores on sundays..LOL
Come to British Columbia Canada. Weed is like the "other" food group.
I live in CA and thankfully I have a Cannabis Card... I am allowed to grow up to 8 plants and sell to who ever has a medical card also.... California has it right.

I guarantee in the next 10 years we will see prohibition end. California will show the rest of the country how much tax revenue can be generated off the stuff.

What constitutes receivinga medical card? Obviously not everyone has cancer or gluacoma....

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What constitutes receivinga medical card? Obviously not everyone has cancer or gluacoma....

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in cali, they treat the soul and mind...lol
Well, I guess that's it then. Everyone's gonna stop buying weed:rolleyes: I guess they're gonna stop selling ass soon too?

Tourism is about to TANK! Amsterdam is a nice city, but without weed and hookers, it's just another old European city...May as well go to Denmark, another nice city...or another one of 1000's of possibilities.

So, all the guys blatantly selling hard drugs all over the streets now have one more product to sell. Nice job, Amsterdam!
What constitutes receivinga medical card? Obviously not everyone has cancer or gluacoma....

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Anxiety, depression, inability to sleep.... As long as you can show the Herbal Doctor that you are being treated for a condition via a prescription, they are happy to reccommend another approach.
Who cares that the Dutch decided to ban selling weed to the tourist. Find a cheap hooker and have her buy you some sweet conja!!!

Haha, I dont know you, but I can tell you one thing, if we went on a vacation together (no homo), we would be on the same page! :headbang:
You have to look at the 'bigger picture'. Seems silly, but you have to look at it in terms of economics and who's really running things. And it ain't the Dutch.

I live in CA and thankfully I have a Cannabis Card... I am allowed to grow up to 8 plants and sell to who ever has a medical card also.... California has it right.

I guarantee in the next 10 years we will see prohibition end. California will show the rest of the country how much tax revenue can be generated off the stuff.

California hasn't showed the rest of the country anything so far except how to become neck high in debt
California hasn't showed the rest of the country anything so far except how to become neck high in debt

Not gonna disagree there, but this last voting cycle had referendums to raise cannabis taxes across the board from 10% to 30%.... Im just saying that CA will prove that tax revenue will be a valuable resource...
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