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OT - Need Help From Someone Computer Literate!!


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Jun 17, 2002
Back in the days of Atari when I was a kid, computers came easy and I was a big time hacker but got out of that game when I learned about chicks and booze. Anyways, I have no clue these days when it comes to computers and am having a problem that I am hoping someone can help me solve. I currently have a desktop computer and my wife has a laptop computer. We have cable internet through a cable modem and wireless router(which is a few years old). My desktop is hooked directly to the router via ethenet cable and the wifes laptop is connected via her laptops inernal wireless modem. A week ago my wife accidentally downloaded an update(it happened so quick that she is not sure what she downloaded, and yes I yelled at her for that). Shortly afterwards she started having problems where she would get disconnected from the network and while her computer would show the wireless network being there with good range it would not be able to connect saying that the router is unavailable. This was intermittent as a few minutes later it would all the sudden become available again and reconnect only to lose connection a few minutes later. At first I thought maybe the firewall settings got changed and was blocking the network so I turned off the firewall and no changes. Someone told us that she may have downloaded spyware and that when someone on the other end takes control of her system that is why it is booting her off. So we did a virus scan and Spyware scan and found nothing of significance. However, although it found nothing she was able to connect to the network and was fine up until last night(6 days later) when it started happening again. Let me also add that I have had no problems whatsoever with my desktop computer and connectivity througout this whole thing. Anyways, today I tried doing a system restore to a point a few days before she started having the problem. That had no effect whatsoever. At this point I am thinking that either there is a problem with the router or her internal modem in her laptop. We called Linksys and they said that it is probably because the router is a few years old and that they can update the software for $29.99 and that should solve the problem. I am unsure if they are trying to take advantage of us and if that is really the problem. Just a few minutes ago my wife was not able to get a connection so she took an ethernet cable and ran it from her computer to one of the ports in the router and now she is connected. I am unsure how long that will last and whether or not is just coincidence since the problem is so intermittent.

Anyways, sorry for the long story but wanted to include as much pertinent info as possible. If anyone has any idea what is going on or how to further diagnose it, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
We called Linksys and they said that it is probably because the router is a few years old and that they can update the software for $29.99 and that should solve the problem. I am unsure if they are trying to take advantage of us and if that is really the problem. Just a few minutes ago my wife was not able to get a connection so she took an ethernet cable and ran it from her computer to one of the ports in the router and now she is connected. I am unsure how long that will last and whether or not is just coincidence since the problem is so intermittent.

What model number is the router? You should be able to download the software from the linksys for free and do it yourself. That would at least narrow down the issue.

Good job on running a hardline to the router. Let us know if the issue effects the laptop know.

What spyware scanner did you run?
What model number is the router? You should be able to download the software from the linksys for free and do it yourself. That would at least narrow down the issue.

Good job on running a hardline to the router. Let us know if the issue effects the laptop know.

What spyware scanner did you run?

The computer seems to be working fine running hardline to the router and while the computer is connected is still says that the router is unavailable for wireless connection. Not sure if that helps.

By the way, the router is a Linysys Wireless-B, not sure how to get the model #. Spybot is the scanner we used.
If she's directly connected she should be good for a while, unless something happens to her ethernet port.
If you have any best buys around you, go there and get the cheapest router they offer and hook it up and try it. they have a 0 question, 100% return policy about their stuff, so if it doesn't work then you could just return it and get your moeny back, and if it does, you got a problem fixed. That's what I'd do atleast.
Or if she's ok with just using the cable, let her use that.
model # is on the bottom of it, it's very small.
I'd go to the linksys website and check if there is a firmware update.

Also, I'd reload the drivers for the wireless card on the laptop. Then recreate the wireless connection profile.
I had a linksys router that had its config file get corrupted and would not function properly.
I would reset the router back to factory specs, probably holding the reset down for a few seconds; this will create a default config file.
I would then update the firmware. This is like a 3 step process. Make sure the software at linksys's help site works with your router model, type in your browser address bar, then put in admin admin ( or different pass if you changed it), click on administration panel, then firmware update, browse where you have the file on your pc, then upload.

BTW, you can stay a geek and indulge on booze and at least try to :p

Does she get disconnected from the network when she unplugs it? There is an issue I"ve come across with acer laptops turning off devices like PCMCIA ports and WiFi hardware to conserve power with their propriatory power saving software pre-installed.

Have you tried checking for conductivity with your pc while she loses her's with her laptop?
It might be a broader issue and you're losing connection with your ISP.

I assume your both using win xp.

When her Internet goes down. Do this
Turn off both Windows firewalls. Can do this by right clicking on the network icon on the taskbar or in control panel.
Start menu
type 'cmd'
type ipconfig

If no IP comes up, then that is a hint of something else

If an IP address comes op on the laptop, then do the same thing on the pc
Right the ip address of the pc, and on the laptop
Start menu
type 'cmd' (again)
type ping (then space and your PC's ip address.)

If your laptop can ping the pc, and vise versa, then the issue is at the gateway (cpe/router) or the modem.

If the pings works, then turn the windows firewalls back on on both comps.

Now, check out your modem. Write down the model number and google how to log into it. I want you to check the message/alert logs.
I bet it will be something like (yes, most private burned in IPs start with 192.168) and the login will also be like admin admin
Check the logs for unicast losses, connection timeouts, invalid characters.
If the modem resets itself alot, then it means you have a faulty connection to your ISP's local loop. Almost no one on the Internet has the attention span to read all that so congrats if you did.

Good luck and report back.
Well, if it was an update, as in windows-update that broke things ... uninstall said update to unbreak things.. It should be possible to pinpoint what update is the sinner with a litte detective work on your part
The computer seems to be working fine running hardline to the router and while the computer is connected is still says that the router is unavailable for wireless connection. Not sure if that helps.

By the way, the router is a Linysys Wireless-B, not sure how to get the model #. Spybot is the scanner we used.

If you're runing an 802.11b router, that's a fairly old.. Lynksys wants you to spend $30 on an update? honestly bro, I'd head down and buy at least an 802.11G router, it's twice as fast as B and you'll be able to eliminate the possibility of your router dying out on you.. and its only 20 buck more than what Linksys wants for a piece of firmware..

If you've returned the system state to one prior to the onset of the issue, then perhaps it's related to the internal wireless network interface card.. if the laptop is also old, I recommend purchasing a PCMCIA wireless adapter as well as the new router..

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