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New member
Dec 26, 2012
hi everybody, i'm new here and it looked like a really helpful forum so i was hoping to get from feedback from all of you.

i'm 26 years old, 6'3" and 205 lbs. i'm looking to make some big progress.

i have never injected anything before. i work out a lot but have never taken anything other than protein & creatine.

i have been researching peptides and have heard nothing but good things, so i've decided i'm going to try them out, but i can't decide which combinations to go with.

so far, from what i've read, ipam/mod grf 1-29 seems to be what i'm leaning toward, but i have a couple of questions.

1 would ipam/mod grf-129 be an appropriate stack for a beginner? if not, what would you recommend?

2 what is the best place to purchase needles, syringes, and peptides from?

3 what is the most effective routine for a beginner?

any feedback you guys can provide to a rookie would be much appreciated. thanks in advance.
Hi Fish, Firstly Welcome to Pro Muscle.

I would start your peptide research by reading Alpha's Peptide thread. Its very comprehensive and also has real life test results. You will find a world of knowledge in this one thread.
I get my syringes from Sterile Syringes (they are a sponsor here) plus they are fast and very discreet. There are plenty of good sources for peptides here so you have a great choice of suppliers. I personally use Ergo.
Alpha's thread will also give you some guidance to what routine to use your peps.
Sorry there are no definative answers in this reply but I think it is best if you read up a bit and go from there. Im currently taking CJC w/o DAC and GHRP2 3-5 times daily
thank you for the fast reply. i will definitely check those sites out.

i'm hoping some more people will weigh in just so i can have a handful of opinions.

i thought of another question... i keep taking protein regularly with peptides or is it pointless? because that stuff gets expensive too.
Absolutely. Protein is a part of the diet which is a major factor of bodybuilding. Nutrition is the key for putting on size. Gear and peptides just help you get there a bit quicker. Protein doesnt have to be expensive. Over the years of training I have found that food based proteins (eggs, chicken etc..) are far better than protein powders. I usually only have a shake or two a day max as most of my protein comes from food.
thanks incognito you are my favorite person in the forum right now. if you're still around, any recommendation on needle size? i was thinking .5 inch?
Insulin syringe, 31 g, 5/16 inch works great. Buy from any discount online diabetic supply company.
Yep just the insulin needles. Sterile syringes sell them by the box. Cheap. You dont need a big needle with peptides cause they are water based and generally you inject them into fat (subq)
1 would ipam/mod grf-129 be an appropriate stack for a beginner? if not, what would you recommend?For animal research I would say yes that's a good stack

2 what is the best place to purchase needles, syringes, and peptides from? looking around or pm

3 what is the most effective routine for a beginner? you could give your rats high dosage of ipam (100mcg to a vial) and 100mcg of GRF...never go above 100mcg of GRF. 3-5x a day...ipam has a lasts a lot longer in the body

any feedback you guys can provide to a rookie would be much appreciated. thanks in advance. I'm a ergopep rep but I can tell you that everybody , or at least all most all, users on here would tell you how good ergopep is :)

Posted answers in suggestions are only meant for research purposes only and that is with animals and please feel free to use my discount code :D

If you have any questions and you want to pm someone feel free to pm me bud
You can get all your needs off this board
hi everybody, i'm new here and it looked like a really helpful forum so i was hoping to get from feedback from all of you.

i'm 26 years old, 6'3" and 205 lbs. i'm looking to make some big progress.

i have never injected anything before. i work out a lot but have never taken anything other than protein & creatine.

i have been researching peptides and have heard nothing but good things, so i've decided i'm going to try them out, but i can't decide which combinations to go with.

so far, from what i've read, ipam/mod grf 1-29 seems to be what i'm leaning toward, but i have a couple of questions.

1 would ipam/mod grf-129 be an appropriate stack for a beginner? if not, what would you recommend?

2 what is the best place to purchase needles, syringes, and peptides from?

3 what is the most effective routine for a beginner?

any feedback you guys can provide to a rookie would be much appreciated. thanks in advance.

If you are looking for growth, go with the IGF and MGF family members. For growth, these are your best choices. Ipamorelin, with GRF 1-29 is my favorite GHRP-GHRH combo. I dont have to worry about cortisol, Prolactin issues, or desensitization with Ipam. You can go as high as you want with Ipam without it degrading or wasting your money, due to saturation levels.. Being that I am a sponsor, I cant suggest any routines. I would suggest 3/10 cc syringes for your lab testing! When you have little increments to deal with, 3/10cc is the easiest way to measure liquids!!!
Recap: IGF-DES, PEG-MGF or IGF-Lr3 will make you grow, especially the DES. Even if you never place an order with us. You can always ask me any questions about certain compounds, and what they are designed to do!

All statement above were performed in a laboratory setting! Maximpep does not condone the use of any of our chemicals in the Human or Animal body!
Last edited:
Hi Fish, Firstly Welcome to Pro Muscle.

I would start your peptide research by reading Alpha's Peptide thread. Its very comprehensive and also has real life test results. You will find a world of knowledge in this one thread.
I get my syringes from Sterile Syringes (they are a sponsor here) plus they are fast and very discreet. There are plenty of good sources for peptides here so you have a great choice of suppliers. I personally use Ergo.
Alpha's thread will also give you some guidance to what routine to use your peps.
Sorry there are no definative answers in this reply but I think it is best if you read up a bit and go from there. Im currently taking CJC w/o DAC and GHRP2 3-5 times daily

which Alpha thread?

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