finny said:
So, I guess we have two schools of thought.
1. Run MGF on your off days or one day before IGF. Run IGF PWO.
2. Run MGF PWO. Run IGF any other time and not before a workout.
Is one better than the other or it does not matter.
The biggest one I think is the frequency of injection for PMGF. I've seen it recommended 1x or 2x/wk and some run it 3x.
Enanthanator, you favour running PMGF 3x/wk. Is it more effective this way? The less injection I can do the better. Also, I remember reading that with R3 IGF if you shoot it too frequently it might be less effective as it oversaturates the receptors or something along the same lines. I thought the same applied for PMGF, but maybe more extreme as initially less frequent was better.
Thank you for all responses.
There is a _huge_ difference between pMGF and MGF. MGF has an active life of minutes in the body whereas pMGF's is 48 hours. MGF and IGF-1 compete for the same cells. A myoblast can respond to either MGF or IGF-1, so it makes little sense to dose a kind of MGF that is active for 48 hours, only to pin IGF-1 a few minutes or hours afterward.
MGF proliferates myoblasts. IGF-1 fuses them, mostly with existing muscle cells, making them bigger, or together, forming a new muscle cell, which is hyperplasia. Only IGF-1 can give you hyperplasia. Tell me, do you have a better chance at hyperplasia when you have tons of new myoblasts all looking to fuse, or when you have few? When you have many, that should be obvious.
So, pin the pMGF 24-36 hours before pinning the IGF-1. I think there is a _huge_ number of people with a preference for the postworkout method for IGF-1. That leaves you to pin the pMGF 24-36 hours before your workout, on an off day, so as to give your myoblasts plenty of time to proliferate, making the most out of your shot of IGF-1. And this is why you should be able to run this combo for a LONG time with cumulative results if it is done properly.
Putin said:
Unless you eat before a workout
or have a carb drink during and after.
Nobody seems to listen about injecting IGF during anytime of the day and injecting MGF right after a workout. I would assume that would be best choice since that is how the studies show in the response. MGF first, then IGF.
MGF is naturally highest after a workout but natural MGF's active life is minutes long.
Enanthanator said:
You cant run MGF more than 4 weeks in a row. It also should not be shot at the same time as IGF as they compete for the same receptors. I said I ran it 3 times per week successfully but other have run it two times per week with success as well. Also GH is highest at night time but most dont shoot it then. Why would you shoot exogenous MGF when its naturally at its peak? Maybe I am just brain dead...
If you are, then so am I. I wonder how many people have tried the pMGF/IGF combo on a pmgf/igf/igf kind of pinning schedule and how long they were able to run it before results stopped. I have zero data on that.
finny said:
Can someone please tell me if PegMGF has to be IM or subQ or it doesn't matter. Can't seem to remember this one.
Also, once reconstituted, what is the life of PMGF?
Thank you.
Enanthanator, thanks for your help.
Doesn't matter where you pin the pMGF bro. It will last maybe 3 weeks in the fridge once reconstituted. If you go less than 200mcg, then go 3 times a week IMO. I have done 140mcg E3D and 200mcg E3D and the 200 seemed to deliver about 3x the results..............