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question about my CJC/ghrp timing


New member
May 27, 2009
ok well my question is if I'm doing my last 2 shots too close and if i would get better results another way this is how my day goes

wake 440. take 100mcg CJC/ghrp
back to sleep for about an hour then eat egg whites oats and protein shake

pre workout 215 drink a oats protein shake then about 25 or so min later take 5 iu slin then workout

post workout depending on day 5-530 I do 30 min cardio just protein shake bcaas ect. and my CJC/ghrp 20 min drive home then 2.5 iu Gh wait 20 mins or so and the. eat and apple and a meal.

then about 9 pm my last CJC/ghrp shot. bed time.

what do u guys think about he last 2 is it too close or is it good? thanks for the help
Personally I quit using peps too close to bed time due to the fact that it was making me not able to sleep.
I actaully sleep like a baby on the peps prolly better the without I don't wake up to piss as much
Times for inject

I dont see a problem with your time table. The most important thing is that you hit it post workout, regardless of what time that is. I try to make sure I at least get a three hour gap in between injection times. The most important injection being bedtime, then post work out and finally in the A.M. Sounds to me like you got a system that is working for you so I would stick with it
well I was only on it for a short amount of time around 14 days and I'm not super lean to see results over night. an I also don't know when I should have noticed results. I feel like I've deff gotten a little leaner but it's hard to tell

14 Days is a little soon for me. On a one time a day protocol most people dont see results until around 6 months. Its not that the results are not there, ie thicker skin, eyesight, lean muscle ect.. its just this is when they will be able to see the wieght loss. HGH usually works everywhere on the body for fatloss and the midsection last. (Just my experience and some guys I know who've done it). Its odd though how some guys can do the dose you're doing and within days they will be on here telling people how they can see an immediate change; while for others it can be three months. For me, it took about two months at the 3x a day for me to see visible results. But i felt the effect after about two weeks. A lot of factors weight in, diet, age, workout, ect
14 Days is a little soon for me. On a one time a day protocol most people dont see results until around 6 months. Its not that the results are not there, ie thicker skin, eyesight, lean muscle ect.. its just this is when they will be able to see the wieght loss. HGH usually works everywhere on the body for fatloss and the midsection last. (Just my experience and some guys I know who've done it). Its odd though how some guys can do the dose you're doing and within days they will be on here telling people how they can see an immediate change; while for others it can be three months. For me, it took about two months at the 3x a day for me to see visible results. But i felt the effect after about two weeks. A lot of factors weight in, diet, age, workout, ect

That sucks to hear... lol I have lost ~70lbs without any type of hgh/test but still have fat on my midsection I cant get rid of. Im going to try either hgh or CJC/ghrp to give me a boost... I mite make a new post of this but has anyone tried CJC/ghrp + clen/t3 combo to enhance the weightloss effet?
Personally I quit using peps too close to bed time due to the fact that it was making me not able to sleep.

I got the same problem too.
Switch to Ipa or use GHRP-6 in the morning & Ipa pre/bed & u'll be g2g.
I got the same problem too.
Switch to Ipa or use GHRP-6 in the morning & Ipa pre/bed & u'll be g2g.

Don't you think the GHRH interferes with sleep too? I think the GH push before you are asleep wakes you up, just as it does when it occurs naturally -- you compe out of delta stage 4, into REM/stage 2 sleep.

I hear people going on about IPA, but I find it hard to believe it makes that much of a difference. In any event, I think the GNRH is part of the problem.

My rat feels manic when on 300 mcgs of GFR 1-29 modified, and overly aggressive. Way more so than 300 mgs of Test Cyp per week -- a small man's dose, I know. Just my rat?
Don't you think the GHRH interferes with sleep too? I think the GH push before you are asleep wakes you up, just as it does when it occurs naturally -- you compe out of delta stage 4, into REM/stage 2 sleep.

I hear people going on about IPA, but I find it hard to believe it makes that much of a difference. In any event, I think the GNRH is part of the problem.

My rat feels manic when on 300 mcgs of GFR 1-29 modified, and overly aggressive. Way more so than 300 mgs of Test Cyp per week -- a small man's dose, I know. Just my rat?

U got a point but i think the prolactin sides makes it harder to sleep.

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