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Shit, dropped a weight on my face


Jun 5, 2002
Was doing bench presses today and on the first set I was sure that I could get to the 8th rep. The 7th felt easy. Went down, could only get the weight half way back. I managed to get the left side of the bar into the locks but, I missed the right side and it landed on my face. I held it there until the a lady came and helped me take it off. Didnt get hurt but dame that was embarassing as hell!:eek:
You should be more careful when you have "one" 45 pounder on each side of the barbell :eek: :D

Yep been their myself a few times have had to use my feet to push up the weight. Have had to dead lift off the incline but when all else fail I just dump it :D makes a little noise but better than the alternative. MM

hehehe Seen it, almost done it!!! Was a phobia of mine for a while, till a guy told me how to train bench alone, to failure, without risking that.

Basically, if you can't get it all the way up, DO NOT LOCK IN ONE SIDE, cos that's where trouble starts.

Simple lower the weight to your lower chest or belly region, roll it calmly to your lap, then move it to the floor. Tell people you really wanted to do deadlifts today anyway... hehe Serious, lower then roll off, it works! IronMike
Well, I have to admit being stuck under the bar once. I was repping away with my mind in a totally different place and it was too late when it struck. Had to do the roll like Mike said. Good thing there wasn't anyone really around so I didn't feel like a total idiot.

Feeling like an idiot is when you walk into racks when you're half-dizzy, spill water all over yourself cos you are lazy and exhausted (but the girlies all happen to be looking about then)... or worse, you wear the old pair of training shorts cos there's nothing else and get there to find there's a hole where there really shouldn't be one... I know what it's like to feel like an idiot in the gym, all too well..... IronMike :D
Jimbo said:
I managed to get the left side of the bar into the locks but, I missed the right side and it landed on my face.

locks... This didn't happen on a smith machine did it? lol
Ofcourse it had to be a lady to come help you hehe.

Whenever I am doing behind the neck tricep extensions with the 120 I worry about dropping that badboy on my head. I know someday I am going to go home with a nasty bruise.
Embarassing, but not as bad as ripping your pants from the ass down to the back of your knee while squatting. At least I had some drawers on!
I read a story about a guy who was a soccer player in college. He was working out and dropped like 20 lbs on his head. Finished the workout, went to his dorm room and went to sleep. His dad found him a day later in a coma. It took him some months to recover and is now a top powerlifter. So the lesson is... I dont know, I guess dont go to sleep after dropping weight on your head.
HA! I will have to remember that lesson! man too funny!
tbonus said:
Embarassing, but not as bad as ripping your pants from the ass down to the back of your knee while squatting. At least I had some drawers on!
At least it didn't happen when one of the gym bunnys was spotting you, like it happened to me! :eek: :eek: :D

1st day in a new gym... lay down on the flat bench w/ 135 for warm up...unrack the bar w/open grip....bar rolls(it was bent from squatting)caught it on the way up( bounced off my chest) racked it,sat up,then the next 10 minutes(while trying to start breathing again) thought I collapsed my lungs.....had to listen to everyone wondering if I invented some new kind of way to bench press......was known as the benchpresser from then on ,man was I embarrassed:eek:
Last spring one day while it was still kind of cold I headed over to the gym with long pants sweats on over (I thought) my workout shorts. Sat down on bench in front of gym and pulled off my sweats to stuff in my gym bag. Of course, NO work out shorts, (think God underware). Naturally there were THREE cute young honeys standing right there (one of them works the front desk). One of them actually giggled. Talk about wanting to crawl under something.
Doing flat bench dumbbell presses with either the 120's or 130's and when I was laying back and kicking the first dumbbell up, it went kind of sideways and pulled me right off the bench onto the floor. Why I didn't just let go, I have no idea.
well iam now training at school and for the first week the athlete gym was closed so I had to use the standard student gym. I never thought going to the gym could be so dangerous as a bunch of kids on an ego trip with no knowledge of form or gym etiquite.
student gym

Student gym + kids with testo, ego and no idea = chiro's/physio's new AMG Merc and trip to the Bahamas.... every year.

IronMike :D

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