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T-Muscle 10 WEEKS OUT


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Featured Member
Nov 23, 2003
T-Muscle 10 WEEKS OUT phil's project america

This is T-Muscle Ten Weeks out...Phil does it again!!!


  • post-15-68009-aug12th021.jpg
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T-Muscle 10 weeks out

Another shot!


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one more

Last one


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damn son

Look great...10 weeks huh? Well ahead of the game. Great work.
Damm ......T..... you look great....I got your call .....I will touch bases soon . I hope you are well ......I miss chatting with you......I will call you sunday.....I have been super busy......I look foreward to going to see you win the MR A ......that is a great title that you will wear well......later my friend! Keep up the good work .....Phil is doing great for you !
im old ...very

Mr biceps this year in novenber i will be 43 years old ....started traing 22 years ago

Brachialis... thanx thrashing im sure is better than getting thrashed ,thanx for the words but me and Phil are going for the win in master's Mr. America on oct 23 so those pictures were 10 weeks out im 6 pounds lighter around 224 -226 and very close to ready i hope (IM THINKING OF DOING OPEN AND MASTERS IF THEY ALLOW ME )

Iabadman (jason ) yes long time no speak .. glad you are doing well you said to get serious i hope you see i took your advice ..thanx for the encouragement8 weeks left

Good Shape ..thanx i hope im right on track ,its all in Phils very capable hand's

You look more than on target for this far out!!
t-muscle said:
Mr biceps this year in novenber i will be 43 years old ....started traing 22 years ago

Brachialis... thanx thrashing im sure is better than getting thrashed ,thanx for the words but me and Phil are going for the win in master's Mr. America on oct 23 so those pictures were 10 weeks out im 6 pounds lighter around 224 -226 and very close to ready i hope (IM THINKING OF DOING OPEN AND MASTERS IF THEY ALLOW ME )

Iabadman (jason ) yes long time no speak .. glad you are doing well you said to get serious i hope you see i took your advice ..thanx for the encouragement8 weeks left

Good Shape ..thanx i hope im right on track ,its all in Phils very capable hand's


Well you have shown me that my age of 38 is not holding me back.. Great work man!

T- You are one thick F**K! Your skin looks paper thin already! Best of luck!
Ah you look ok for 43 i guess lol jk ,,, nice job Tom looking lean already , thats some great lighting in that gym lights you up real nice wish my gym had a spot like that. congrats bro your gonna win for sure.
thanx guys

sammydad..phil has me dialed in those pictures are 3 weeks old im even leaner and harder now ,paper thin almost but a bit more to go to be where Phil wants me

Vander -V ..thanx pal not bad for for 17 years older than you young bucks ..
that is a nice spot for pictures for sure , i hope to win but winning for me is being my best ever ,which at this point is the case ,me and Phil have not even thrown in any hernon's secrets,so far that is just changing diet still around 3800 calories dayly dieting , have a few more tricks to throw in ,but really no secret tricks "the secret is there is no secret" consistantly training ,focus , determination and a heart that is dedicated is my best atribute that got me here , hope your prep goes as well for you ,,good luck and God Bless

t-muscle said:
sammydad..phil has me dialed in those pictures are 3 weeks old im even leaner and harder now ,paper thin almost but a bit more to go to be where Phil wants me

Vander -V ..thanx pal not bad for for 17 years older than you young bucks ..
that is a nice spot for pictures for sure , i hope to win but winning for me is being my best ever ,which at this point is the case ,me and Phil have not even thrown in any hernon's secrets,so far that is just changing diet still around 3800 calories dayly dieting , have a few more tricks to throw in ,but really no secret tricks "the secret is there is no secret" consistantly training ,focus , determination and a heart that is dedicated is my best atribute that got me here , hope your prep goes as well for you ,,good luck and God Bless


What show are you doing the masters in?
who is your competition is there anyone particular you have an eye on?
do you feel your condition is where its supose to be , cause id say so.

I tell ya from those pics you may have given ol Rusty a run , i dont know though cause Rusty is pretty damn good for his age as well and his hammys are huge along with his quads and calves the only thing he lacks is back detail and biceps.
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well first off im entering the Mr America .oct 23 masters divsion for sure and possably open if they let me cross over which i dont think will be a problem
as far as competition , never even consider or worry and really dont look in to that ,this is all about me being and presenting my best package i have ever been on stage with , every show since 1989 which was my first i have improved each and every show ,placing high is iceing on the cake , this is really the best way to enter shows bring it do your best and let the chips fall where they may , and i have never really been disapointed in any placing in any show i have done , this year has to be by far the best plan , best off-season ,and best preperation i think i have ever had and hope i can just keep improving these last 7 weeks i could not tell you if there will be 1 or 2 or 20 people in my class (heavys ) if im my best i truely feel im as good as any43 year old in the sport ,now bringing that to the stage is a whole other story
but this story hopefully will have a great ending .
as i said my conditioning is spot on for 7 weeks out (i will have 6 weeks out pics up in 2 weeks maybe less ) so to answer that question yes im ready and never have i been like this 7 weeks out ,that has to be mostly due to my off-season work , and Phils work with me since 11 weeks out

Now to compare me to rusty is really not fair , he went to natonals and won i can't say this or that cause i satthat show out this year ,so all i can and will say is he deserves the win the card and all the glory that brings , congradulations is my only thought on that .
i wll say this Phil knows me an Rusty and said if i was my best and was in that show ,well first i would have to beat John Cutri in the heavyweight's first ,which he is a great athlete and he would be a worthy competitor to go through ,and beat me last year so that would be first hurdle and a big one ,
then since rusty is a superheavy it would of been for overall and i do feel and Phil does too that i could give anyone a run for their money , he is way more experenced than me and spots a tremendous physique ,but you never know unless your side by side that day ,i feel at that level anyone can be beaten on any given day ,but that is just speculation and maybe wishful thinking ,he deserves it ,won hands down so i cant say i could ,all i can say is a battle with him would be interesting if we both nailed it on that day. like you said his hammys are great along with everything else and his stage presence was great , so until we see what i look like in 7 weeks ,and it will be fun just to compare pictures and etc ..rusty is a worthy athlete and i respect him and his accoplishments greatly ....
t-muscle said:
well first off im entering the Mr America .oct 23 masters divsion for sure and possably open if they let me cross over which i dont think will be a problem
as far as competition , never even consider or worry and really dont look in to that ,this is all about me being and presenting my best package i have ever been on stage with , every show since 1989 which was my first i have improved each and every show ,placing high is iceing on the cake , this is really the best way to enter shows bring it do your best and let the chips fall where they may , and i have never really been disapointed in any placing in any show i have done , this year has to be by far the best plan , best off-season ,and best preperation i think i have ever had and hope i can just keep improving these last 7 weeks i could not tell you if there will be 1 or 2 or 20 people in my class (heavys ) if im my best i truely feel im as good as any43 year old in the sport ,now bringing that to the stage is a whole other story
but this story hopefully will have a great ending .
as i said my conditioning is spot on for 7 weeks out (i will have 6 weeks out pics up in 2 weeks maybe less ) so to answer that question yes im ready and never have i been like this 7 weeks out ,that has to be mostly due to my off-season work , and Phils work with me since 11 weeks out

Now to compare me to rusty is really not fair , he went to natonals and won i can't say this or that cause i satthat show out this year ,so all i can and will say is he deserves the win the card and all the glory that brings , congradulations is my only thought on that .
i wll say this Phil knows me an Rusty and said if i was my best and was in that show ,well first i would have to beat John Cutri in the heavyweight's first ,which he is a great athlete and he would be a worthy competitor to go through ,and beat me last year so that would be first hurdle and a big one ,
then since rusty is a superheavy it would of been for overall and i do feel and Phil does too that i could give anyone a run for their money , he is way more experenced than me and spots a tremendous physique ,but you never know unless your side by side that day ,i feel at that level anyone can be beaten on any given day ,but that is just speculation and maybe wishful thinking ,he deserves it ,won hands down so i cant say i could ,all i can say is a battle with him would be interesting if we both nailed it on that day. like you said his hammys are great along with everything else and his stage presence was great , so until we see what i look like in 7 weeks ,and it will be fun just to compare pictures and etc ..rusty is a worthy athlete and i respect him and his accoplishments greatly ....

those are some kind words and ill be sure to let Rusty know, yea i cant wait to see you post some 6- 4 weeks out pics ,i train with Rusty and saw him every week transform, he looked unreal and peeled at his age he has done real well and has shocked many maybe you can to Tom . Good luck and keep the pics comming.
Have much respect for Rusty. He followed up a great USA showing (he had Chris Cook beat on conditioning) with an on the money showing and victory
in Masters Nats. Remarkable athlete.

Think Tom is at his best right now and will be very tough in the America. Most shows allow a crossover, so he should be in masters and open. He
looks tremendous at any age.

He's working on his presentation and practicing his posing more than he
ever has. So with top conditioning also, I'm sure this will be his best
showing ever.

Go for it, brother. Mr. America!
hey vander, does rusty still follow a heavy duty type workout??.. i know at one time he was heavily influenced by mentzer.. just curious..
LATS dude Rusty is an old fasion work horse i have witnessed the guy do some things that made me and my workout partner look at eachother and say DAMN at the same time LOL his work ethic is of an older breed very disaplined and no side distractions his game face is always on even when hes resting in between sets.

I saw him once do this

1 set of Squats - 5 plates into a set of lunges with 55lbs all the way from one end of the fn gym to where the stiff legs are at which is at the other end then pick up 315 and stiff leg it for 12 reps then lunge his ass back into another set of squats LOL NO JOKE THAT WAS ONE SET AHAHAH CRAZY WORK HORSE I TELL YA. Nice guy though and has only kind words to say about everyone even though he looks pissed all the time.

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