Start tanning at least 5 weeks away from your show. Combine stand up, lay down. Be sure to hit the armpits. Outdoor tanning is the best though.
Jan Tana competition tan is top notch, but always ALWAYS use a base of protan. For figure, my gals use at least 5-6 coats of pro-tan, then competition tan the morning of the show. One more coat pro-tan between morning and evening and another coat competition tan.
Be sure to exfoliate prior to the first coat of protan, which will probably be thursday morning prior to a sat show.
Good luck.
I'm sure your hubby will be glad to help with the pro-tan!
I tan pretty easy but I still get a base down if I can.
I love it when I can get Jan Tana to do the actual stage tan. I use to go through all that crap of X coats of Pro-Tan then followed by X coats of Jan Tana. Now if she's there I just get two coats by her and I'm good to go. Sooo much easier. I have never done the Pro-Tan spray, I've seen people who have and it flakes pretty bad afterwards, Jan Tana just fades. Very nice.
For the bed tanning, I do half on my back, half on my tummy, alternating arms up/down. Sometimes if I'm really bored I will lay on my side then flip to the other side.
For shows...what is best? Stand up, lay down, or sprays, or tanning products for competitors....and when do you start? (Not including MT2)
For shows...what is best? Stand up, lay down, or sprays, or tanning products for competitors....and when do you start? (Not including MT2)
Does anyone have any pro-tan/jan tana tips on application? My bf is doing my tan for me and has'nt done it before..If i remember correctly, you dont apply to the knees or elbows..also..i'll be doing a show a week do i save my tan inbetween..Lynx mentioned jan tana was better..any suggestions?
Does anyone have any pro-tan/jan tana tips on application? My bf is doing my tan for me and has'nt done it before..If i remember correctly, you dont apply to the knees or elbows..also..i'll be doing a show a week do i save my tan inbetween..Lynx mentioned jan tana was better..any suggestions?
Does anyone have any pro-tan/jan tana tips on application? My bf is doing my tan for me and has'nt done it before..If i remember correctly, you dont apply to the knees or elbows..also..i'll be doing a show a week do i save my tan inbetween..Lynx mentioned jan tana was better..any suggestions?
If you use the lay-down which is the one I use cause I am cheap..... Make sure to move around or change position every 5 min.
I have done both and I've done the X amount of coats of ProTan and then followed by Jan Tana and it is SO freaking time consuming and boring. At the Shawn Ray show I scheduled a spray tan appointment with Jan Tana and have done it like that since. I hope I NEVER have to go back to the old way again! I was worried with only two coats but it was dark and SO much easier and faster. ProTan also does spray tanning but you need more coats. If you are going to do shows a week apart I would seriously consider doing JanTana as ProTan comes off very chunky and you look like you have a skin disease and might not be completely off by the time you do your second show. JanTana just fades. Just my $0.02