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Tbol only log


Feb 7, 2010
Age: 20
Ht: 5’9”
Wt: 170
Bf: 14%

Clean bulking with ~3500cals @ 40/40/20

Cycle: Tbol 8-9 weeks @50mg ED by Oxidesale

General diet:

Meal 1: 1.5cups oats, 3 scoops protein, 3 fish oils, 1 animalpak, 2 liv52

Meal 2: 7oz tuna on wheat

Meal 3: ~7-8oz steak with cup of pinto beans. Yummmm 

Pre-WO: 1Cup oats, 2 scoops protein, 5g beta-alnine, 5g L-glutamine, 5g BCAA’s, 5g creatine, 50mg tbol

PWO: 2 scoops protein, 68g waxy maize startch, 5g beta-alnine, 5g L-glutamine, 5g BCAA’s,

***If my hunger isn’t too suppressed ill have a few ounces of steak or chicken

Pre-bed: 2 scoops casein, 3 fish oils, ZMA

Day 1: 8/23/10
Chest day. Felt normal in the gym

DB inline 60x5; 70x5; 85x10x8; 75x10x7
Flat DB 85x4; 75x8x7; 65x9

Day 2:
Bi’s, Tri’s today. Felt a little better in the gym today. I skull crushed 105x9x8; 95x9x8 when I’ve been at 105x7x7 for the past 3 weeks. Nothing big, most likely placebo.

Day 3:
Felt lethargic today, not too much energy. I got home, jumped in the pool, showered, and laid on my bed with the fan blowing on me for hours. Gained 2lbs, but this is just a mild fluctuation of weight.
Squats: 135x10; 185x10; 225x10x10x10 ; 185x10 ; 135x10
Day 4:
Felt good today, had a bit more energy than normal, even after having sex an hour prior. Shoulders and traps stayed pumped up much longer than normal. Today at work I was moving filing cabinets and the bi’s got swollen in a matter of seconds. My arms look like theyre getting fuller, but im probably just imagining.

Day 5:
I took the day off. Woke up super early to drive back home for 7 hours and visit my old bud who just got back from Iraq. My girlfriend said I looked a lot more filled out, which is surprising because she never comments on my physique. Today was horrible diet wise. I had my morning oat shake but after that I had noodles from a vietamese place and then pizza with my family since they hadn’t seen me in months. and Tomarrow I plan on smoking a huge turkey and taking it back with me.

Day 6:
Its Saturday and I did back since I skipped Fridays workout. Lats, traps, rear delts, and rhomboids got pumped up super fast. At the end of my workout I did 2 sets of concentration curls and it felt like I completed a whole bicept day, they were pumped for hours. Abs are also starting to look more defined. This stuffs awesome, I was expecting to start feeling in 2 weeks not the 6th day.

Ive had diareah the past 2-3 days. Ive never had it before so I know it’s a side effect. I know people are getting upset tummies on this, Im not getting them, just the shits.

Back pumps are starting to become noticeable, but not unbearable. I was cooking and had to lay down for a little bit. My nuts are also tender at times, like blueball pain but I always have sex. ;)

Day 7
Day 8:
DB Incline 60x5 ; 70x5 ; 90x9x7 ; 85x7 ; 80x10x6
DB Flat 85x9x6 ; 80x6 ; 75x5

Day 9:
Skulls 105x10x8 ; 95x11 ; 85x 8

Day 10:
DB shoulder press: 45x5 ; 55x5 ; 70x10x7 ; 65x8x7 ; 60x9
DB lateral 35x12x12 ; 30x12x12
--Feel good. Get comments on physique.
It seems that there is not enough food to add good mass, that to me seems even harder than a cutting diet. No matter what anyone says imho shakes are not real food so 3 titchy little meals a day would make me impotent....
Btw T bol is da bomb!
Based on your stats, anything that you accomplish on this "t-bol only" cycle could have been accomplished naturally quite easily.
I ran a t-bol only cycle at the same dosage a couple years ago. It was sweet at first until my libido began to suffer like 2.5-3 weeks in. Overall, it wasnt worth it IMO, of course.
I ran a t-bol only cycle at the same dosage a couple years ago. It was sweet at first until my libido began to suffer like 2.5-3 weeks in. Overall, it wasnt worth it IMO, of course.

good pumps, terrible sex drive, yep. first time with real gear i wasnt complaining though.
It seems that there is not enough food to add good mass, that to me seems even harder than a cutting diet. No matter what anyone says imho shakes are not real food so 3 titchy little meals a day would make me impotent....

agree, don't buy into the supplement hype! i use supplements but use them as they are supposed to be used as supplements.
Thats a shame


If you did happen to finish your cycle, I would be be very interested to hear any results, as i am just finishing up a tbol cycle atm.

it was supposed to be for cutting but i feel that it has made me more hungry than ever (my appetite has become ridiculous), so i have put on a reasonable amount of muscle, but the fat is there also,

I just wanted to see if you experience similar sides..or any others for that matter cheeers,

I love tbol but always run test with itseems to keep the drive up............
Sorry everyone, I apologize for not following through. I went the the full 8wks, and it was a great run. I went:

1-6wk @ 50mg ED
6-8wk @ 75mg ED

Gained ~7lbs, dropped 2-3%bf.

Pumps where retarded...meaning, It was hard doing anything with my lower back cramping up. I would squat, and immediately after, have to lie on the floor for 2-3min to get the blood out.

My forearms grew pretty large for some odd reason. I ran this during summer, and when my roommate all came back for fall quarter, they were WTF were you on. Said I looked lean as well.

Sorry I didnt take before and after pics, I didnt have anyone to do it for me. I plan on taking pics in about 3 weeks before I start my Test E/TrenE/tbol summer cycle. Ill be posting regularly on Tnation, with pics every quarter way trough my cycle, along with daily log book progression. I figured this would be a very serious cycle so it would be worth documenting it.
Thanks for the follow up. Sounds like it was a successful run. Good luck on your summer cycle!
Thanks for the follow up. Sounds like it was a successful run. Good luck on your summer cycle!

Thanks bro. Tbol's a great drug. Doesnt bloat you out, and my libido was 100% all the way through. 6 months later, I still have the size and strength I had while on. Well obviously I have pushed past that point since its been 6 month but you know what I mean, strength never went away.

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