OK this is friggin amazing. Simone looks at this as a real honor amonst such people refined in amazing physical attributes as all of you. We never meant for this, and to tell you the truth she was not up to her best shape at the time because of serious phyisical reasons our friends on here know about. We love you for that. We just love to have fun ALL of the time.
Either way, we love you all and here are some other pics from the same time period that we thought we would share. I am going to take some more pics tomorrow if I get the time just to show her progress. She has progessed unbelievably over the last couple of weeks. I am lucky to have her. Thanks fellas for your support and I "Will" her to you when I croak from high blood pressure...
I always wanted to say this: SKIN TO WIN!!! (but thats just one man's opinion)