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What are your favourite new peptides/sarms?


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Feb 27, 2008
Over the last 5 years I have drifted away from peptide/sarm usage. Years ago when they first come out me, JJ and Rambo loved experimenting and we tried pretty much everything and would often discuss our findings on this forum. Some were great and some not so great but as stated I drifted away and went back to the basics but I still love the likes of igf-1 lr3 and cjc-1295 dac etc.

I notice so many new ones I have never even researched nevermind used so I would really appreciate it if people can let me know what they like the most out of the new stuff. I also ask because Geno wants to stock peptides/sarms and instead of just giving him a list of the classics which would be fine I am curious how good some of this new stuff is. I would appreciate you letting me know your findings (good or bad) and what you like the most. It would also be good to try some new things because I have issues with certain AAS and I am bored of test and deca. Have any of the new ones really stood out to you? Thanks
I've tried pretty much all of them, so the list would be long.
everyone has their pros and cons, like everything in life.

I limit myself to mentioning a couple of sarms.. which are not sarms
yk11 and mk677
GW cardarine (as a bonus)

for peptides:
mt2 for skin, tan is great. erections are a plus
ipamorelin to replace gh, if price is sometimes an issue
hgh frag 176-191 for the cut
hmg if you want to have children

except of course the classics, DHB and Stenbolone!
they are the two best and favorite for me
I can only sincerely say Melanotan 2 has been effective for me, BPC 157 didn´t seem to do much and neither did GHRP 2 or 6, Mk 677 (the last 2 are effective if you have a low appetite since they do increase hunger considerably) nor CJC 1295. New ones like Mots C seem interesting but results don´t seem consistent enough to warrant a blind purchase for me at the moment.
I like CJC1295 paired with Ipamorelin. I had noticeable body composition changes and improved recovery time on the that combo. Plus, I had some noticeable GH like side effects, which I’d say was a good thing.

Ostarine wasn’t bad as long as one doesn’t expect AAS effects.
Anyone used delta sleep induced peptide (DSIP)? Would love feedback before buying to help sleep. It's pretty new to the scene.
Anyone used delta sleep induced peptide (DSIP)? Would love feedback before buying to help sleep. It's pretty new to the scene.
Not really new since it was discovered in 1977, the anecdotal evidence and clinical studies don´t show it being speciallly effective.
I think Elvia was looking after experiences with "new" peptides which will be difficult since we always gravitate to what works and that has already been mentioned in the above posts, I´m personally not aware of anything ground breaking in the peptide world, even less so when you factor in the cost to benefit ratio.
Thank you everyone for your input. I have used the older ones so I have experience with cjc-1295 with dac, grf (1-29), tesamorelin, sermorelin, ghrp 2/6, hexarelin, ipamorelin, melanotan 2, mk-677, tb-500, bpc-157, hgh-frag 176-191, igf-1 des, igf-1 lr3, follistatin, ace-031 etc. It's more the ones that have been listed over the last few years on pep sites that interest me. I can research this but just curious on actual user input so not something you heard about but what you have used and it stood out.

I am also interested in inj sarms as well. I have used oral sarms but no inj versions. I have used all the basic ones such as ostarine, s4 and lgd-4033. Chances are it will be a very short list and I pretty much already know what it will be but if there is a new sarm people have used and loved I would ask Geno to stock it. I personally really liked LGD-4033.
Thank you everyone for your input. I have used the older ones so I have experience with cjc-1295 with dac, grf (1-29), tesamorelin, sermorelin, ghrp 2/6, hexarelin, ipamorelin, melanotan 2, mk-677, tb-500, bpc-157, hgh-frag 176-191, igf-1 des, igf-1 lr3, follistatin, ace-031 etc. It's more the ones that have been listed over the last few years on pep sites that interest me. I can research this but just curious on actual user input so not something you heard about but what you have used and it stood out.

I am also interested in inj sarms as well. I have used oral sarms but no inj versions. I have used all the basic ones such as ostarine, s4 and lgd-4033. Chances are it will be a very short list and I pretty much already know what it will be but if there is a new sarm people have used and loved I would ask Geno to stock it. I personally really liked LGD-4033.
Have you tried rad-140? I have a couple of bottles sitting around, but haven’t tried it yet.
Have you tried rad-140? I have a couple of bottles sitting around, but haven’t tried it yet.

Yes that's the one that made me feel horrible :D I thought it might have just been me but JJ and Rambo tried it at the same time and said the same. Rambo got anxiety and he had never had it ever before. I felt anxious from it but I was suffering on/off with anxiety at the time so it wasn't a big surprise but both JJ and Rambo felt the same. Granted it was just 1 brand/batch of RAD-140 and others could be different but it was so bad I figured it wasn't worth ever trying again. I have heard from others they really liked it and it hardened them up and made them feel great in the gym so I am sure you will be fine. Just to be sure start super low in dose and move up gradually each day.
Yes that's the one that made me feel horrible :D I thought it might have just been me but JJ and Rambo tried it at the same time and said the same. Rambo got anxiety and he had never had it ever before. I felt anxious from it but I was suffering on/off with anxiety at the time so it wasn't a big surprise but both JJ and Rambo felt the same. Granted it was just 1 brand/batch of RAD-140 and others could be different but it was so bad I figured it wasn't worth ever trying again. I have heard from others they really liked it and it hardened them up and made them feel great in the gym so I am sure you will be fine. Just to be sure start super low in dose and move up gradually each day.
Lol, yikes. That sounds horrible.I’m 44 and orals have been harder for to tolerate now I’m older. Usually get bad heartburn. I’m going to start low and stay low. I read it’s pretty hard on the lipids. I’ll just run it with like 200-300mg test a week and see what happens. Thanks for the reply.
Yes that's the one that made me feel horrible :D I thought it might have just been me but JJ and Rambo tried it at the same time and said the same. Rambo got anxiety and he had never had it ever before. I felt anxious from it but I was suffering on/off with anxiety at the time so it wasn't a big surprise but both JJ and Rambo felt the same. Granted it was just 1 brand/batch of RAD-140 and others could be different but it was so bad I figured it wasn't worth ever trying again. I have heard from others they really liked it and it hardened them up and made them feel great in the gym so I am sure you will be fine. Just to be sure start super low in dose and move up gradually each day.
My mrs used it and loved it, turned her into a sex crazed demon. She got really good gains from it as well. Better than primo, anavar.. Only side was slight clit enlargement which was expected and went back to normal after stopping
@Elvia1023 are you about to start back on peptides? if so, what are you thinking? I too am interested in Sarms, but know Fuck All about them. I would to include some in my next go round. But Shit, if you go to read about them, they all sound fucking amazing.

As for your original question: You seem to have played with all the good ones that I have researched. The only thing I didnt see in there that I think is great, is TA1. I use that in combo with TB and BPC on the regular. I use it mainly for inflammation - to help counter GH sides and from MMA stuff - it seems to help. But also, whenever the kids get sick I take a little extra to boost the immune system. If I do get sick, I take more. I can say that I am never down very long.
I have no experience with peptides, only used BPC-157 for injury and felt it didn't do much.
I would like to try MT2 for winter and something like HGH for fat loss.
anyone tried Tesamorelin? If so, what dose and what did you think of it? I can get it from a pharmacy but it costs more than generic or even some brand GH's. Im more curious that anything. I have no issue ordering a mo or two just to compare to HGH. I was just curious if anyone has tried it in the past?
The 3 that interest me most is cardarine, yk11, and rad140
Late to the party, but cardarine actually works pretty well. Helped me out on a cur at 20 mg/day. I didn’t notice any negative side effects. The effects were nothing crazy, but definitely noticeable. Noticeable improvement in cardio as well.
Elvia, maybe yous can tell us something about the peptides you used. The most threads about peptides are absolut trash.

I recommend BPC-157, TB-500, CJC no DAC and IGF-1. I also have experience with hgh frag, tesamorelin, aod, adipotide, CJC with DAC, Ipamorelin and hexarelin. But I can't tell you any important improvement about it even because I used it everytime in a combi with HGH.
I am excited to order some CJC with DAC and Ipamorelin but I haven't figured out the dosages I should start off with. I would be interested to hear what people start off with and eventually work up to.
@Elvia1023 will MT2 make age spots worst?

Not sure what an "age spot" is but any dark marks there currently are will most likely darken more than regular skin. Scars, scabs, freckles etc will all get noticeably darker.
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