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Why You Shouldn't Combine Deca/NPP With Finasteride


Feb 9, 2015
I've seen this question asked time and time again and I thought it would be worthwhile to create a separate thread to address this more specifically.

Typically Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca-Durabolin) and Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) are very hair safe Steroids. Deca/NPP is slightly more anabolic than testosterone with a rating of 125 compared to testosterone’s rating of 100. However, it is significantly less androgenic with a rating of only 37, compared to Testosterone’s rating of 100. The low androgen rating is due to the Nandrolone hormone converting to dihydronandrolone (DHN) instead of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body. This low androgen rating and zero DHT conversion makes it an ideal steroid for those who wish to avoid the acceleration of hair loss/male pattern baldness.

Unfortunately, the only really hair safe steroids aside from Deca/NPP are Anavar and Primobolan. Both of which are very mild compounds results wise compared to what Deca/NPP are capable of. The really heavy hitting Steroids typically feature a high androgen rating, or convert heavily to DHT. Most bodybuilders will eventually want to experiment outside of the realm of Deca/NPP, Anavar, Primo and low doses of Testosterone, and this is where hair loss becomes a real concern. Even with moderate dosages of Testosterone (which should be a base in any Steroid cycle), those prone to male pattern baldness could very likely experience greatly accelerated and noticeable hair loss. This is where combatting DHT comes into play, and the first thing most doctors will tell you to take to combat hair loss is Finasteride. Daily dosing of Finasteride for hair loss prevention can reduce serum DHT levels in the body by 60-70%. This can be enough to offset hair loss for some, but there are some VERY crucial factors that many don’t consider.

Finasteride is a type 2 DHT inhibitor. It won’t prevent hair loss from compounds other than testosterone and its’ derivatives. As Finasteride only blocks type 2 DHT, all other DHT drugs will still murder your hairline and Finasteride won’t block any of the DHT from those. So, Finasteride will absolutely not be effective against DHT created by Dianabol, Trenbolone, Anadrol, Winstrol, Masteron, Equipoise, etc. Consequently, your options for steroids you can run will be severely limited, as you will essentially only have hair loss protection against mild doses of testosterone. Deca and NPP are hair friendly IF AND ONLY IF you ARE NOT on Finasteride or Dutasteride. If you are on those then it can result in a very bad reaction combined together that leads to a greatly accelerated rate of hair loss.

For the longest time, people said to never pair the two because it would result in a ridiculous amount of hair loss that would continue for up to 16 months. Sometime later, people claimed that this was simply an “old wives tale” and the combination wouldn’t cause increase hair loss.


Here’s the answer –


When they are used concurrently, an interesting scenario unfolds; Finasteride is reduced via the 5AR enzyme to a metabolite, which is not as androgenic as DHT. In addition, the metabolite of Deca-Durabolin is less androgenic than the parent compound, which means that if your Finasteride is pre-occupied with the metabolite, Deca-Durabolin is more able to wreak havoc on the hairline. So in short, the potential of Nandrolone for hair loss is much more than the less androgenic metabolite (DHN- dihydronandrolone), so it’s a safe bet to stay away from it completely. I personally know several individuals who used Deca because it is such a hair safe drug, but they also started Finasteride because they were told by their Doctor that it is the best medication available for hair loss prevention, only to end up with a catastrophic reaction between the two compounds resulting in the devastation of their hair.

If you are on Finasteride or Dutasteride, STEER CLEAR OF DECA AND NPP. If you use Deca with Finasteride and have no issues with hair loss, you probably weren’t genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness in the first place in my opinion.

If you want to use Deca or NPP and prevent hairloss, the only way to do this is to run a potent anti-androgen like RU58841.

RU58841 will topically prevent all DHT/androgens from wreaking havoc on your hair, relative to the dose used. Obviously the higher your dose of DHT derivatives or androgens exogenously being administered, the less likely you can totally offset the damage it can do, but I have found that using up to 100mg of RU is sufficient enough to mitigate the damage that can be caused by moderate dosages of most all AAS.

After experimenting with RU58841 with NPP myself, I can confidently say it does not induce the same reaction that NPP/Deca has with Finasteride. So there is hope if you want to run Nandrolone but keep your hair.

In Conclusion

RU58841 can be run safely with Deca and NPP without having to worry about that negative interaction that Deca/NPP has with Finasteride.

If you are interested in researching RU58841, I advise getting 3 pre-mixed RU58841 solutions to start off, and researching 50mg/day, and tapering up to no more than 100mg/day slowly on your research subject (if necessary) and in the absence of any negative side effects of course.

This should last you around 5-6 months, and is a solid time frame to assess how you respond to RU58841, and if you would like to continue your research past that point. In case you are wondering about the KB solution, I find it uncommon for someone’s scalp to be irritated by the PG/Ethanol to the point of needing KB solution instead as the carrier. They both work fine, some people just seem to have skin irritation to particular carriers as opposed to others, and PG/Ethanol is cheaper so I would advise starting with the pre-mixed solution that Chemyo already offers. Their HPLC reports are always on point with greater than 99% purity, so you can't go wrong with their RU.
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Thanks for this. I run Deca in pretty much all of my cycles because of how much it helps with my rotator cuff tendonitis....I'm about to get a hair transplant and the doc was going to suggest Fina post surgery but considering that I will likely always run low test/low deca together i'll probably steer clear and opt for some issue is with recession along the hairline though, no crown thinning/baldness issues to speak of, and that doesn't run in my family. just thinning and receding on the sides, which i'm getting filled in with a FUE procedure, but i dont want it to keep creeping further back beyond the point of the procedure, so i'm trying to weigh my options.

When is a good time to start with RU if i'm having an upcoming transplant?
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Thanks for this. I run Deca in pretty much all of my cycles because of how much it helps with my rotator cuff tendonitis....I'm about to get a hair transplant and the doc was going to suggest Fina post surgery but considering that I will likely always run low test/low deca together i'll probably steer clear and opt for some issue is with recession along the hairline though, no crown thinning/baldness issues to speak of, and that doesn't run in my family. just thinning and receding on the sides, which i'm getting filled in with a FUE procedure, but i dont want it to keep creeping further back beyond the point of the procedure, so i'm trying to weigh my options.

When is a good time to start with RU if i'm having an upcoming transplant?

I know you didn't ask me but this is my 2 cents. When it comes to your hair its far more superior to be proactive and start everything asap then wait till you have more hair loss to start using medications to regain your hair or stop further hair loss.

Its a better idea to use anything you can to prevent the hair loss from even happening then starting something to try to regain the hair you have already lost. Whatever route you decide it better to start now then later.
Thanks for this. I run Deca in pretty much all of my cycles because of how much it helps with my rotator cuff tendonitis....I'm about to get a hair transplant and the doc was going to suggest Fina post surgery but considering that I will likely always run low test/low deca together i'll probably steer clear and opt for some issue is with recession along the hairline though, no crown thinning/baldness issues to speak of, and that doesn't run in my family. just thinning and receding on the sides, which i'm getting filled in with a FUE procedure, but i dont want it to keep creeping further back beyond the point of the procedure, so i'm trying to weigh my options.

When is a good time to start with RU if i'm having an upcoming transplant?

I know you didn't ask me but this is my 2 cents. When it comes to your hair its far more superior to be proactive and start everything asap then wait till you have more hair loss to start using medications to regain your hair or stop further hair loss.

Its a better idea to use anything you can to prevent the hair loss from even happening then starting something to try to regain the hair you have already lost. Whatever route you decide it better to start now then later.

^ Exactly what Tekno said. The sooner the better.
Interesting read ru58841 has anyone tried it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
what's your opinion on ru causing heart failure?

My opinion on it is that there is one guy on the entire internet who has reported heart failure issues supposedly related to RU58841 use, and it was after a grand total of 3 days of using it.

Wreaks of BS to me, and I know over a hundred guys who've used RU58841 and nobody has ever had an issue.

It is generally accepted in the hair loss community now that that one individual who posted that thread had an issue completely unrelated to RU in the first place, and it was a coincidence, or he was making it up entirely.

Can we say for certain? No of course not. But the overwhelming majority (99.9%) of people using RU have at worst toned down systemic sides that they would get from Finasteride anyways. Basically if you get systemic sides from DHT inhibition on RU, then Finasteride would've almost certainly absolutely destroyed you in the side effects department.

The only thing that is notable that could be heart related is that occasionally individuals who exceed 100mg per day have slight chest pains, but exceeding 100mg isn't recommended anyways.

With that said, I know of many guys who have exceeded 100mg per day with no issues, and one prominent poster on the biggest hair loss forum in the world was actually using up to 400mg/day at one point and he was totally fine.

You will actually hear of FAR more guys getting heart palpitations and other cardiovascular related side effects from simple Minoxidil use at the recommended dose than you will from guys using RU58841, and Minoxidil is FDA approved for hair loss and sold over the counter.
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I've seen this question asked time and time again and I thought it would be worthwhile to create a separate thread to address this more specifically.

Typically Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca-Durabolin) and Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) are very hair safe Steroids. Deca/NPP is slightly more anabolic than testosterone with a rating of 125 compared to testosterone’s rating of 100. However, it is significantly less androgenic with a rating of only 37, compared to Testosterone’s rating of 100. The low androgen rating is due to the Nandrolone hormone converting to dihydronandrolone (DHN) instead of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body. This low androgen rating and zero DHT conversion makes it an ideal steroid for those who wish to avoid the acceleration of hair loss/male pattern baldness.

Unfortunately, the only really hair safe steroids aside from Deca/NPP are Anavar and Primobolan. Both of which are very mild compounds results wise compared to what Deca/NPP are capable of. The really heavy hitting Steroids typically feature a high androgen rating, or convert heavily to DHT. Most bodybuilders will eventually want to experiment outside of the realm of Deca/NPP, Anavar, Primo and low doses of Testosterone, and this is where hair loss becomes a real concern. Even with moderate dosages of Testosterone (which should be a base in any Steroid cycle), those prone to male pattern baldness could very likely experience greatly accelerated and noticeable hair loss. This is where combatting DHT comes into play, and the first thing most doctors will tell you to take to combat hair loss is Finasteride. Daily dosing of Finasteride for hair loss prevention can reduce serum DHT levels in the body by 60-70%. This can be enough to offset hair loss for some, but there are some VERY crucial factors that many don’t consider.

Finasteride is a type 2 DHT inhibitor. It won’t prevent hair loss from compounds other than testosterone and its’ derivatives. As Finasteride only blocks type 2 DHT, all other DHT drugs will still murder your hairline and Finasteride won’t block any of the DHT from those. So, Finasteride will absolutely not be effective against DHT created by Dianabol, Trenbolone, Anadrol, Winstrol, Masteron, Equipoise, etc. Consequently, your options for steroids you can run will be severely limited, as you will essentially only have hair loss protection against mild doses of testosterone. Deca and NPP are hair friendly IF AND ONLY IF you ARE NOT on Finasteride or Dutasteride. If you are on those then it can result in a very bad reaction combined together that leads to a greatly accelerated rate of hair loss.

For the longest time, people said to never pair the two because it would result in a ridiculous amount of hair loss that would continue for up to 16 months. Sometime later, people claimed that this was simply an “old wives tale” and the combination wouldn’t cause increase hair loss.


Here’s the answer –


When they are used concurrently, an interesting scenario unfolds; Finasteride is reduced via the 5AR enzyme to a metabolite, which is not as androgenic as DHT. In addition, the metabolite of Deca-Durabolin is less androgenic than the parent compound, which means that if your Finasteride is pre-occupied with the metabolite, Deca-Durabolin is more able to wreak havoc on the hairline. So in short, the potential of Nandrolone for hair loss is much more than the less androgenic metabolite (DHN- dihydronandrolone), so it’s a safe bet to stay away from it completely. I personally know several individuals who used Deca because it is such a hair safe drug, but they also started Finasteride because they were told by their Doctor that it is the best medication available for hair loss prevention, only to end up with a catastrophic reaction between the two compounds resulting in the devastation of their hair.

If you are on Finasteride or Dutasteride, STEER CLEAR OF DECA AND NPP. If you use Deca with Finasteride and have no issues with hair loss, you probably weren’t genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness in the first place in my opinion.

If you want to use Deca or NPP and prevent hairloss, the only way to do this is to run a potent anti-androgen like RU58841.

RU58841 will topically prevent all DHT/androgens from wreaking havoc on your hair, relative to the dose used. Obviously the higher your dose of DHT derivatives or androgens exogenously being administered, the less likely you can totally offset the damage it can do, but I have found that using up to 100mg of RU is sufficient enough to mitigate the damage that can be caused by moderate dosages of most all AAS.

After experimenting with RU58841 with NPP myself, I can confidently say it does not induce the same reaction that NPP/Deca has with Finasteride. So there is hope if you want to run Nandrolone but keep your hair.

In Conclusion

RU58841 can be run safely with Deca and NPP without having to worry about that negative interaction that Deca/NPP has with Finasteride.

If you are interested in researching RU58841, I advise getting 3 pre-mixed RU58841 solutions to start off, and researching 50mg/day, and tapering up to no more than 100mg/day slowly on your research subject (if necessary) and in the absence of any negative side effects of course.

This should last you around 5-6 months, and is a solid time frame to assess how you respond to RU58841, and if you would like to continue your research past that point. In case you are wondering about the KB solution, I find it uncommon for someone’s scalp to be irritated by the PG/Ethanol to the point of needing KB solution instead as the carrier. They both work fine, some people just seem to have skin irritation to particular carriers as opposed to others, and PG/Ethanol is cheaper so I would advise starting with the pre-mixed solution that Chemyo already offers. Their HPLC reports are always on point with greater than 99% purity, so you can't go wrong with their RU.
I take it tren would be no better the deca npp while on fina? also would dht based steroids speed up hair loss or just do nothing while on fina ?
I don’t know man. I’ve been on 1mg finasteride daily for years, and I’ve never had hair loss on this or any other compound.

Also, I’m definitely genetically predisposed. I started the finasteride when I noticed shedding.

So although I’ve heard that finasteride doesn’t work with this or that, anecdotal experience shows otherwise.
Why you guys bumping old threads 6 years old? You do realize the OP hasn't been here for 2 years?
What about the other 19nor compounds? Tren and Ment? Do they react negatively with fin/dut?

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