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its prolly bout time....

JS, this is a great thread. I would like to ask during the years you were cruising on what is a significant amount of test etc, how did your general health hold up, where you doing a lot to prevent issues? Or where you just very lucky in that you did not suffer health issues, obviously you took it seriously as you worked with a doctor along the way.

Your if you could do it all again was interesting, so you dont really believe this milk the same dose for a long time? You think if you push dosages up progressively but quite quickly this will allow you to ultimately reach your potential a lot quicker?[/B]

Also what would you recommend to be the best way to approach bodybuilding with aas use like most users here? I know many may say just come of aas all together but we both know that's very unlikely, just would appreciate your thoughts on it.

I was normally around 1gm test when not prepping. rarely remembered to take anti e's. would use slin on n off. didn't do much to stay healthy for many years. blood pressure became a real problem. that's what eventually lead me to my doc. even then it was very hard to manage the blood pressure. basically failed a kidney test once n we got pretty concerned. and then shortly after that partially tore my bicep and things started being about health. but for prob 5-6 years I kinda went at it. contest preps were a 6 month ramp up of things. then 6 months off everythihng but stayed on test n slin n gh if n when I had it. there were some weeks maybe even a couple months when I just got tired of the injections and wouldn't shoot anything. kinda got me motivated to go at it even harder when I was ready....

that was really only regarding the first cycle hypothetical question. I say it bc I helped a guy with his first and he put on 40lbs. it can happen if done right. what I believe is progressively upping or adding things to break plateaus. if I ever stopped getting bigger or leaner or harder I would change something to keep it going

I think for young guys starting out you need to have your mind set on cycling a few times. if it becomes your "thing" you will know what to do next. but there is always a chance a guy wont be smitten with it and want to walk away. hard to walk away if dependent on trt. which can happen. for competitors I say go hard for 3-5 years see what ya got. but after that, get realistic. have fun. not at expence of health
Mr Smiles....

I'm surprised to hear you say that you consider EQ and Anadrol staples, but you failed to list Deca or Dianabol.

Lots of guys here hate EQ, and think 'Drol sucks. Would you use Anadrol in the off-season, or just pre-constest?

Do you have any thoughts on Deca or D-bol?

I would use deca only if I got tired of pinning npp:D kinda a joke kinda not lol. deca was in the tool bag for sure. maybe slightly more than eq actually. cuz at certain high dose of eq anxiety gets me... deca and eq are like "sure why not" kind of drugs. the things that got me my size was test, slin, tren, food, rest.

drol I used mainly when wanted motivation in the offseason to be a bit stronger. kinda used it like a "pick me up in the gym lol. just knowing I was a lil stronger... then liked to use it when shredded. gave me a fullness I really liked. I think its kind of fun I guess lol

It's refreshing to hear you don't advocate going crazy with insulin. Do you have a protocol that you use when taking insulin?

YES, I do:)
How much protein do you recommend for cutting/ bulking

I fell in love with the constant macro per meal kind of strategy. I could write a book on the benefits it has in giving you the ability to learn your body. so many diets dictate when you eat. I think eating when hungry allows an athlete to discover their true appetite. then you can learn to tweak it a bit to rev it up a bit. make your self more hungry more often. so as meals go up so does amount of protein in a day. its very snergitic. lil more hormones lil more appetite, lil more appetite lil more protein, lil more recovery n lil more muscle then up dose to keep that going and keep lifting intensely and learning to hone your appetite. rambling...but hopefully you get it.

to answer the question direct I don't know.
depends on macros per meal
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Hey thanks for having this thread. You said you at most did morning and afternoon slin. Did you time the slin with training and how do you feel about pre/intra/post nutrition and slin timing?


morning slin was humilin r post cardio in the morn if I did cardio or in the morn to get anabolic ball rolling so to speak lol I did not use slin every day. I go by the mirror when I use it and depends on if prepping or in off season how I will judge that mirror:cool:
second administration @330pm of humilin r pre work out.
I eat bout every hour 1.5-2 hrs when into a strict diet so I ate all the time. usually liked to alternate liquid n solid meals to make it more feasible and get in more protein. shakes would not fill me up for long so bout 30-45 min after a shake I would eat again. (my liquid meals were protein shake and healthy fats no carbs)
I did use intra wk out shake while on the sliln. didn't want to go hypo and love the pump and I swear its easier to stay lean using slin during a wkout. its all a lil relative tho.
EDIT: I gotta say slin is a "high maintenance" drug so a lot of times it was the 330pm shot I did. didn't always do the morning one. but did when wanitng to get after it and was trying to gain as much size as I could and was most religious about diet and training and had time to be. once I felt I reached my potential I backed off n didn't do it 2 times day as much. don't think I ever used it on a non workout day...
(i don't want to get too specific with somethings as trainers get paid for this stuff. )
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I fell in love with the constant macro per meal kind of strategy. I could write a book on the benefits it has in giving you the ability to learn your body. so many diets dictate when you eat. I think eating when hungry allows an athlete to discover their true appetite. then you can learn to tweak it a bit to rev it up a bit. make your self more hungry more often. so as meals go up so does amount of protein in a day. its very snergitic. lil more hormones lil more appetite, lil more appetite lil more protein, lil more recovery n lil more muscle then up dose to keep that going and keep lifting intensely and learning to hone your appetite. rambling...but hopefully you get it.

to answer the question direct I don't know.
depends on macros per meal

guess I should say macros very from person to person based kinda if they are ecto, meso or endo and other factors of course but I see most guys do well at:
40-60gm protein per meal. depending on size, genetics, juice, etc.
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... deca and eq are like "sure why not" kind of drugs. the things that got me my size was test, slin, tren, food, rest.

So you feel like Test and Tren are the foundational steroids to get huge on?

What kind of doses of Test and Tren, and for how long, would you advise to other bodybuilders trying to add lean size in the off-season?
TRUTH :lightbulb:

And that's exactly why the whole "low dose with massive amounts of food as your anabolic" will not end well for most people.
So you feel like Test and Tren are the foundational steroids to get huge on?

What kind of doses of Test and Tren, and for how long, would you advise to other bodybuilders trying to add lean size in the off-season?

I cant go blanket statement like that bro.
I've only been on only test and only tren for one show. I did look great. took first but it was bit early in my bb'ing days so for most part I gotta say I describe tren as one of my favorite plateau breakers. I don't feel its something you want to be on high dose for long periods of time and its very strong so its PERFECT for leading up to a show or peak day. it will break plateaus. that is why I like it.
slin is similar. can help break plateaus.
but most times when I was ON it was a bit of everything and upping and adding things as I went. and tren was one of the last things I would add n up but it always worked.

don't wanna recommend dose but I will say I ramp up everything. and i like to start LOW. in offseason a guy could start with 250mg test and 33mg eod of tren a and make some gains i bet. then up both as you go to break plateaus.

many ways to skin a cat. i've tried them all. i don't want thread to become about recommending cycles so much. in general i believe in upping as you go using healthiest compounds you can to break plateaus and save the harsher drugs like tren for the end when you will need it to break some plateaus.
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And that's exactly why the whole "low dose with massive amounts of food as your anabolic" will not end well for most people.

I am always amused when guys say they lowered their dose to 100-200mg test only (no slin etc) in their off season and upped their food and carried on gaining. They maintained well and took a well needed break from high hormones but were they fuck building lot of new muscle. They may have gone up in weight as their metabolisms took a noise dive as they weren't on 100 tren per day anymore. Please note this doesn't refer to newbies or guys with fucked up diets in the first place as if they sort out their diets they could make gains on lowered doses. This is guys who take alot of aas and have done for many years.
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You never really mentioned how much hgh you use/used. In fact you didn't even list it when you talked about your prep leading up to that pic (guessing you just forgot). How much have you used (ED, EOD, 3x per week?) and what are your thoughts?
Mr. Smiles....

Here is a 3-part training question! (Let's get off of drugs for a minute.)

1) Do you have a favorite training split that you would use? (If so, what was it?) Or, would you change up your splits frequently?

2) Do you see any value in training with weights twice a day, instead of once a day? Like... A) Legs all at once, at 5pm. Vs. B) Quads at 10 AM, and Hamstrings at 8 PM

3) In the big picture... how important is training to a bodybuilder? How important is it compared to diet and drugs?
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You never really mentioned how much hgh you use/used. In fact you didn't even list it when you talked about your prep leading up to that pic (guessing you just forgot). How much have you used (ED, EOD, 3x per week?) and what are your thoughts?

I had unlimited access to AAS but not always to gh. when I did I ran it depending on how I could afford it but usually looked like:

10iu eod offseason with slin in the mix (seems easier, it works and less shots to deal with)
3-5iu ed for prep (shots are more often but consistency is key when going into a show n didn't want any chance of holding more water if I did 10iu eod....)
if access is limited I have seen guys have great benefits with gh at just 2-3iu a day.
i will admit i have never "mega dosed" gh imo. not sure you need to but i wont deny it could help:)
one thing guys that know me will agree on is that i accept genetics. i am not going to advise anyone to juice n gh themselves to the grave. mega dosing most compounds has such a diminishing return. there is a sweet spot with a lot of things. going way above that... sometimes isn't best return on imvestment. for some maybe. but not everyone.
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JS what drug related advice would you give to someone who wants to play the size game while keeping health in mind?
JS what drug related advice would you give to someone who wants to play the size game while keeping health in mind?

That's quite the oxymoron.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
Thanks for taking the time to do this thread. Lot of good info already.

morning slin was humilin r post cardio in the morn if I did cardio or in the morn to get anabolic ball rolling so to speak lol I did not use slin every day. I go by the mirror when I use it and depends on if prepping or in off season how I will judge that mirror:cool:
second administration @330pm of humilin r pre work out.
I eat bout every hour 1.5-2 hrs when into a strict diet so I ate all the time. usually liked to alternate liquid n solid meals to make it more feasible and get in more protein. shakes would not fill me up for long so bout 30-45 min after a shake I would eat again. (my liquid meals were protein shake and healthy fats no carbs)
I did use intra wk out shake while on the sliln. didn't want to go hypo and love the pump and I swear its easier to stay lean using slin during a wkout. its all a lil relative tho.
EDIT: I gotta say slin is a "high maintenance" drug so a lot of times it was the 330pm shot I did. didn't always do the morning one. but did when wanitng to get after it and was trying to gain as much size as I could and was most religious about diet and training and had time to be. once I felt I reached my potential I backed off n didn't do it 2 times day as much. don't think I ever used it on a non workout day...
(i don't want to get too specific with somethings as trainers get paid for this stuff. )

Just want to make sure I understand this correctly in bold. You are/were taking in fats while the insulin was active, correct?
JS what drug related advice would you give to someone who wants to play the size game while keeping health in mind?

my blood work always looked best on test. add anything else and you could tell lol.
i would say high test for most of the time with slin and 2-3iu gh on and off thru out the year. save the harsher things for shorter amounts of time when you just want to look at your peak.
always stay within a reasonable bf. don't strain your whole system more than you arlready are y akno...
that's if i was trying to be healthy and big.
i have a hard time doing both of those things at same time after a few years...:cool:
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Thanks for taking the time to do this thread. Lot of good info already.

Just want to make sure I understand this correctly in bold. You are/were taking in fats while the insulin was active, correct?

yes. on slin, prob every other meal. otherwise i would be hungry so fast it would be too soon to eat. there is a balance. just enough fats helps me feel less ravenous.
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yes. on slin, prob every other meal. otherwise i would be hungry so fast it would be too soon to eat. there is a balance. just enough fats helps me feel less ravenous.

What fats do you like? Do you have them in your shakes too?

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