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Building a Bigger Bantamweight

This is what I have been doing workout wise... I am in the process of changing things to bring up chest and back though. I can't upload t file due to size: - mentalflex 6 Day HIT Training Rev 1.1.xlsx

And here is my diet that I have been following: Plan October 2013 mentalflex atomant.xlsx

Thanks for sharing.

Now it makes sense why u could consume so much calories and stay lean.

Your workout is pretty intense and high volume high frequency.

In fact, perhaps u should increase your calories.

Anyway it explains why u look good and ripped.
I had a bacteria growing in my stomach and the kept giving me antibiotic after antibiotic and it destroyed my intestinal lining. I couldn't digest anything... Just eat and run to the bathroom. I'm talk 20+ times per day! This lasted from August 2012 until May 2013 and I have had a few relapses.

So far though, things have been good. I took some time to experiment with new training methods and diet protocols and think I found a good spot to get started come 2014. Just trying to see what I need to do to be the best I can for my weight.

Thanks Renewlf! I always appreciate your feedback.

notto derail your thread brother but could you giveme some insight on how you cleared up the GUT issue with the bacteria growth? very interested in that
Thanks for sharing.

Now it makes sense why u could consume so much calories and stay lean.

Your workout is pretty intense and high volume high frequency.

In fact, perhaps u should increase your calories.

Anyway it explains why u look good and ripped.

Well I am going to be changing things up to bring up the weak areas. I responded really well several months ago to a MD style approach with certain bodyparts. I really feel good with a little bit higher volume like that.

notto derail your thread brother but could you giveme some insight on how you cleared up the GUT issue with the bacteria growth? very interested in that

Not derailing at all... Well my gastroenterologist put me on some antibiotics to kill the bacteria and to build up the good bacterial I took probiotics ( Nature's Way Primadophilus Optima and Probifia) pre-biotics from Klaire Labs, used a lot of glutamine (for intestinal health), drank ginger tea and Kefir and ate fermented vegetables.
Well I am going to be changing things up to bring up the weak areas. I responded really well several months ago to a MD style approach with certain bodyparts. I really feel good with a little bit higher volume like that.

Not derailing at all... Well my gastroenterologist put me on some antibiotics to kill the bacteria and to build up the good bacterial I took probiotics ( Nature's Way Primadophilus Optima and Probifia) pre-biotics from Klaire Labs, used a lot of glutamine (for intestinal health), drank ginger tea and Kefir and ate fermented vegetables.

thanks for that info brother greatly appreciated
Little bit leaner and a little bit heavier

Pics from today:

U look good Mentalflex. I can see improvements, changes & its quite noticeable.

Have u change anything in terms of diet, cardio, aas?
U look good Mentalflex. I can see improvements, changes & its quite noticeable.

Have u change anything in terms of diet, cardio, aas?

Still haven't done cardio since I believe May of this year... Diet has had slight adjustments to increase carbs around training and super supps have not changed since I started this thread. All I can say is I am training harder and recovering better thus allowing for a repeated cycle of pushing it harder.

Also, these pics were taken AFTER a little cheat binge...

Mind you these changes from the past two weeks came while I was completing my finals for my MBA (and graduating with honors). I also have a corporate job...
Still haven't done cardio since I believe May of this year... Diet has had slight adjustments to increase carbs around training and super supps have not changed since I started this thread. All I can say is I am training harder and recovering better thus allowing for a repeated cycle of pushing it harder.

Also, these pics were taken AFTER a little cheat binge...

Mind you these changes from the past two weeks came while I was completing my finals for my MBA (and graduating with honors). I also have a corporate job...

U look better even though there's no change in your cardio & diet.

I believe one get better over time as long as u're patient and consistent.

What about your training? Back to DC? Honestly, i find training does very little. Whether u're training heavy/low volume (DC) of lighter/very high volume, or high frequency/low volume, its the diet that determines if u put gaining or cutting.

Correct me if i'm wrong. Its just my experience after training for 12 years.
I think you need to bring up your outer lats a little bit, they don't pop out enough really, but its quite hard for some people to find excercises that hit that specific area. You look good though, very proportionate and lean :)
U look better even though there's no change in your cardio & diet.

I believe one get better over time as long as u're patient and consistent.

What about your training? Back to DC? Honestly, i find training does very little. Whether u're training heavy/low volume (DC) of lighter/very high volume, or high frequency/low volume, its the diet that determines if u put gaining or cutting.

Correct me if i'm wrong. Its just my experience after training for 12 years.

I am not doing own program that you can take a look at over on GXbodybuilding. I do believe that diet determines that if you are gaining or cutting (as you stated) and I have used DC right up to a competition (so there is the proof), BUT I do believe that certain muscle groups respond to various stimuli differently and you need to find the right balance of intensity, volume and frequency to maximize hypertrophy.

That's just my experience after training for 14 years... ;)

I think you need to bring up your outer lats a little bit, they don't pop out enough really, but its quite hard for some people to find excercises that hit that specific area. You look good though, very proportionate and lean :)

Thank you

Wtf are.outer lats?? Lol
Think that's just wider

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LOL Yeah, wider is what we are working on. If you look at the first rear double bi and this one you can see my width is improving.

Here is a back shot from the same day

And thank you for the responses.
Your shredded brotha... Great job ... Your physique looks balanced to me maybe some back thicknes but that's nit picking

My only suggestion lower your protein 430 at 142, is way overkill my man , I can bet that is hurting your gains and why you are able to eat that many calories...
Last edited:
Your shredded brotha... Great job ... Your physique looks balanced to me maybe some back thicknes but that's nit picking

My only suggestion lower your protein 430 at 142, is way overkill my man , I can bet that is hurting your gains and why you are able to eat that many calories...

Thanks SMA.... But I am very curious as to why you feel eating that much protein to be counterproductive? Not being a dick or anything, just interesting in hearing different perspectives. Appreciate it

Anyway, leg shot that I posted in the pic you took today thread

**broken link removed**

And another one that is a little too dark. Neither photo was touched up or enhanced

**broken link removed**
mentalflex, u look like to a preparing for a competition.
Hey solid progress fella,, your keeping hella lean for off-season, i dont even think im anywhere that lean in-season haha. Just a curious question, do you get all your protein from meats? Also do you see any kidney level elevations in your bloodwork? Just wondering because 2 things i notice when i try to eat a lot of protein is 1 i feel bloated/ digestive issues and 2 it showed on bloodwork. But everyones metabolism is different and you def look like you have things under control, i just found that dropping my protein did not make any difference to my gains / look but manipulating carbs did big time. Would like to get your view!

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