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Apr 16, 2024
Hey guys,

At 48, I decided that I was on the wrong path and would need to make some changes if I wanted to live. In September 2023, I was 5'9", 359 lbs, and completely sedentary. I live in a rural area, not really near any gym.

I started on semaglutide and lost quite a bit of weight. In January, my weight started to plateau, so I stacked tirzepatide (5mg) and sema (1mg) and am losing more now. As of Monday, I was down to 267 lbs, or 92 lbs lost. My goal was 200 lbs, but now I don't mind going further.

I don't want to stay on Tirz and Sema forever (hopefully not) and I am starting to deal with some extra skin after losing weight. So after discussion with several BBers, I decided to build a small gym in my house (nothing crazy-stationary bike, dumbbell pairs of 10lbs, 15, 20, 25, 30 and two kettlebells 10lbs and 12 and an adjustable bench) and yesterday, started on a bodybuilding diet of 2000 calories (40% carbs, 25% fat, 35% protein-6 meals Link ) along with weights four times a week (M, W, F, Sa) and cardio six times a week.

I'm also taking TRT (400mg/week), ipamorelin/cjc1295 (400mcg/daily), amino asylum Super Shredder before workouts, and GH when I get it (2-3ui/day).

Any thoughts? I know my challenges are going to be:

1. Not seeing results (strength and muscle) in a reasonable time will discourage me
2. Eating all the meals. With the tirz and sema, that last meal is a killer to get down. I feel like I am going to vomit all over.

Question-how do you know which labs are good and not? There are several on here, but damned if I know which one is good. I don't want to waste my money.
First of welcome aboard

get a blood glucose meter and check your morning fasted blood glucose , if it’s 100 or less it’s time to start weening off the DIABETIC meds , Sema and Triz are anti diabetes meds , killing your appetite is just a side effect.

id drop the Triz first and run the Sema for a week at 1mg , back off to 3/4 for a week , then 1/2 for a week then 1/4 and finally drop it.

drop the peptides , between stopping the Sema/Triz and the peptides you will be and to run 4iu HGH steady for a while Which will work better for fat loss and help with skin elasticity some

as for the “TRT” , 400mg a week is WAY over TRT level which is not a problem BUT , you need to make sure your estrogen is in a healthy range which for some people 400mg test will have it elevated and if that’s the case you need a little arimadex to bring it down so get online with and order a total testosterone and estrogen test , they had a combo deal for like $50
First of welcome aboard

get a blood glucose meter and check your morning fasted blood glucose , if it’s 100 or less it’s time to start weening off the DIABETIC meds , Sema and Triz are anti diabetes meds , killing your appetite is just a side effect.

id drop the Triz first and run the Sema for a week at 1mg , back off to 3/4 for a week , then 1/2 for a week then 1/4 and finally drop it.

drop the peptides , between stopping the Sema/Triz and the peptides you will be and to run 4iu HGH steady for a while Which will work better for fat loss and help with skin elasticity some

as for the “TRT” , 400mg a week is WAY over TRT level which is not a problem BUT , you need to make sure your estrogen is in a healthy range which for some people 400mg test will have it elevated and if that’s the case you need a little arimadex to bring it down so get online with and order a total testosterone and estrogen test , they had a combo deal for like $50
Thank you!

I was considering stopping the Tirz and Sema because they limit my food intake. I cannot eat the last meal of the day because the Tirz and Sema are making me feel sick from the calories. I will ween off it. My glucose is 92 fasted. I am not diabetic and have never been pre-diabetic.

I will start on the HGH and build up to 4iu/day.

The trt is coming from a doctor. He has me on 200mg/week and 1mg of arimadex/week now. My estrogen was a little high on my last blood test (67) so he is having me do 1 mg arimadex twice a week. My T count was 600. I moved my T up to 300mg because I thought it would help with muscle growth, etc. Should I go back to 200mg/week? I am getting TRT from Hone Health. Since I increased the T last Just a gust of wind, and I'm hard HAHA.

Oh, and someone recommended Super Shredder from AA, so I am taking that at 5 units about an hour before my weights workout. (I'm doing cardio 6 times a week in the morning weights 4 times a week in the evening)

Thanks, man. I do appreciate the feedback. People say they 'wasted' the first few years of working out because they didn't know. At 48, I don't have that luxury and want to get it right from the start.
Getting in enough protein is the biggest factor , then healthy fats then carbs.

In an extreme fat loss situation a "PSMF" diet is realy hard to beat but its not long term sustainable.

The test being that high is not a problem at all and if you are taking Adex then the estrogen is probably good.

Get on YouTube and look up "Mountaindog" thats John Meadows channel. He has some videos on there about home workout from when everything was on lock down for covid
Sounds good-I'm on it.

I did something like the PSMF diet being on sema and tirz-my caloric intake was pretty low for months and yes, I lost a ton of weight. But stalled out several times. I only lost 10 pounds from January to March this year. Seemed like my body was adapting to the lower intake.

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