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A Thank You to the Board from Lynx


IFBB PRO/ NPC Judge / TRIPLE Featured Member/Verif
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Kilo Klub Member
Verified Customer
Feb 2, 2004
Finally winding down. *whew* I just wanted to say thank you to Iabadman and everyone here for their support. I’m absolutely blown away at the amount of encouragement I’ve received. Well, humbled is more like it. The events that have transpired over the last week and a half have been utterly mind-boggling.

I couldn’t and wouldn’t have done any of it without the help of Jason (Iabadman) and my two best friends: Lord Jesus Christ and Dave (JT). Through thick and thin these two always have my back and I could never express how grateful I am for that.

I am lucky to have met some great people from this board and else where. Parilee (GG) and Cole (CB) were awesome to hang with. They even came and picked us up to go to prejudging. Lex made the beginning of this trip off to a great start just by meeting us at the airport in his big cool car and brining us, well JT, to eat with him and his gorgeous wife. I got to drink water. Lol! I wish I could have met the other PM members that made it to Vegas, maybe another time. Meeting Alex and Pesty at the LA show was awesome, I’m so glad they were there. Truly great people.

Thanks again everyone and to BigA for having such a wonderful board. I did the best I think I could and left it up to the judges. I ended up in the top 10 in my class and that’s better than I expected. I was just hoping to make top 15. :eek: The amount of beautiful, in shape women that were there was staggering. :eek: The trip as a whole was a great one. :)
Lynx, You are a CLASS ACT and Nothing can take that from you. I have so enjoyed being a part of this Journey with you and JT.. Seem such Cool and REAL people.. Keep Your Eye on the prize and keep smiling.
It was great meeting you too. You have so much to be proud of.
like one of the posters above me has said already, you are a class act and you make it easy for people to support you.
I for one was on the edge of my seat the whole weekend wondering how you would do. I want to thank you and JT for the updates and posting some of the best threads this board has had to date. You even have my wife reading the board now when she was looking to see how you did....i better watch myself!!!!:eek:

Congrats on a fantastic competitive year. I hope to see you and JT soon. Maybe in the spring.....i hate cold weather so i cant imagine being out there when its cold.:eek:
Lynx...simply the best! Thank God for the gift He has given you to be such a blessing to all of us!!
For sure.... a class act Lynx!
You and JT are a huge part of the forum and make this a better place.
Proud of ya and happy for you.... I think you did great!
Lynx, You are a CLASS ACT and Nothing can take that from you. I have so enjoyed being a part of this Journey with you and JT.. Seem such Cool and REAL people.. Keep Your Eye on the prize and keep smiling.

It was a pleasure meeting you and JT. Two great people who look impressive, but still humble theirselves.
Lynx, thank you for being such a great member of this community. You are a true winner and your physique does the talking. You have a great attitude towards life, people, etc...We all are so proud of you! Now, you and JT continue to enjoy the rest of this summer! You all are more reasons to come back to this board each day!
I for one was on the edge of my seat the whole weekend wondering how you would do. I want to thank you and JT for the updates and posting some of the best threads this board has had to date. You even have my wife reading the board now when she was looking to see how you did....i better watch myself!!!!:eek:

Same exact thing bro:)Lynx, you and JT deserve the very best!!
There's only one Lynx and I feel so blessed to know her. :)

So which show must I now say I will enter so that you win the overall again, Meredith? :D ;) :D
I agree with the above Meredith, you truly are a classy lady. Dave is lucky to have you, as is everyone on this board.

I wanted to thank both of you for updating us on the events of the show and that I was excited for you.

Congratulations, your story and personality in general would make a great feature for any women's fitness or bodybuilding magazine as you are a very inspiring person. With that attitude of yours you will go even further than you already have.
I can't say anything that has not been said above........Lynx you are a class act!
For sure.... a class act Lynx!
You and JT are a huge part of the forum and make this a better place.
Proud of ya and happy for you.... I think you did great!

This is what I think too :)
P and i had such a great time hanging with you two. It's nice to meet others that are so animated and fun. We definitely need to get together again.

It was a pleasure to watch you compete. You deserved so much better in Vegas. You just flat out got overlooked. I'm glad you had a great time, though.

Btw, my rant on friday must have worked......the new Dean Koontz Frankenstein book is out:)
Classy? Lol! Wait until I tell my dad that! Not so classy when you get cow poo sprayed up your leg during branding or have to cut dingle-berries off the dog's rear end. :chee;y-sm :eek:

But really I am grateful that everyone here was so supportive and wanted to know how things were going. You have JT to thank for that. He's so much better with words than I am. I'm better with numbers. You would have probably gotten, "Uh, I'm number 50." if I were doing the thread. :rolleyes:

I for one was on the edge of my seat the whole weekend wondering how you would do. I want to thank you and JT for the updates and posting some of the best threads this board has had to date. You even have my wife reading the board now when she was looking to see how you did....i better watch myself!!!!:eek:

Congrats on a fantastic competitive year. I hope to see you and JT soon. Maybe in the spring.....i hate cold weather so i cant imagine being out there when its cold.:eek:

Thanks Main, yeah JT can sure capture the moment. He didn't want to do a USA thread because he thought the board was sick of us. :eek:

You guys need to come when we can go swimming! The river is the best part!!

There's only one Lynx and I feel so blessed to know her. :)

So which show must I now say I will enter so that you win the overall again, Meredith? :D ;) :D

Lol! Yeah, our big trip of the year to surprise YOU surprised US!

P and i had such a great time hanging with you two. It's nice to meet others that are so animated and fun. We definitely need to get together again.

It was a pleasure to watch you compete. You deserved so much better in Vegas. You just flat out got overlooked. I'm glad you had a great time, though.

Btw, my rant on friday must have worked......the new Dean Koontz Frankenstein book is out:)

Thanks CB, we had a great time too. It was SO awesome to hang out with GG backstage, made the trip way better than if it were just me alone back there. And can I do a great JT imitation or what!? :D

Lol! New Frankenstein?! That is so weird! Yeah, your rant must have worked!

Again, thanks everyone! Now that I'm back I can try to get caught up a little on what's going on with everyone else. :)
Nacho says he wishes you were here.

He realizes you've got lots of school work to do, that you are tired, and busy.

He still loves you inspite of all those things and doesn't even care that you didn't win the USA's.

He just wants you to come on home.

P.S. Bring Tuna.


  • DSC05829.JPG
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We had a tough day here and then he started thinking about you and was very sad.

He says if you don't come home, he's gonna die.

Just look he's about dead right here. He perked up slightly at the mention of canned tuna though. :(:)


  • DSC05833.JPG
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He says if you don't come home, he's gonna die.

Just look he's about dead right here. He perked up slightly at the mention of canned tuna though. :(:)

Lol! Ah, poor Nacho. Let him know I'm working on a project now that's due tomorrow and I have to go into the lab this weekend to work on getting some halo assays going. :(

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