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10 Week - Test Prop and Tren A


New member
Mar 11, 2007
Looking at doing my first cycle with Tren A. I've done 6 eight week cycles with just Test P at 100mg/d. I've searched the boards and every post gives me a different answer to what a should be running with this and how.

My cycle is 100mg/d of Prop, 50mg/EOD of Tren (Started 7 days after my first prop and ending two weeks prior to the end of my cycle), 25mg/d Provorin through PCT.

Can someone make a suggestion on dosing for both a Progesterone Control and AI during the cycle ?

Looking at doing my first cycle with Tren A. I've done 6 eight week cycles with just Test P at 100mg/d. I've searched the boards and every post gives me a different answer to what a should be running with this and how.
My cycle is 100mg/d of Prop, 50mg/EOD of Tren (Started 7 days after my first prop and ending two weeks prior to the end of my cycle), 25mg/d Provorin through PCT.

Can someone make a suggestion on dosing for both a Progesterone Control and AI during the cycle ?


thats because there is 100 different things you can run with test

and jimmy helped you out with AI
although dosages vary, i would do half of that
with amount your taking......IF.....i needed it
that is the higher end dosage for prop

people are alway under the impression that AI is ALWAYS needed
and it couldnt be further from the truth
12.5mg EOD of Aromasin
.5mg of Cabergoline 2x a week

Thanks for the quick response. So that inclusion and the PCT and I should be good to go. I've always stuck to straight test cycles, so this is a new step.

Week Nolvadex Aromasin Vitamin E Provorin
1 20mgs/day 20mgs/day 1000iu/day 25mg/day
2 20mgs/day 20mgs/day 1000iu/day 25mg/day
3 20mgs/day 20mgs/day 1000iu/day 25mg/day
4 20mgs/day 20mgs/day 25mg/day
5 20mgs/day 20mgs/day 25mg/day
6 20mgs/day 25mg/day
thats because there is 100 different things you can run with test

and jimmy helped you out with AI
although dosages vary, i would do half of that
with amount your taking......IF.....i needed it
that is the higher end dosage for prop

people are alway under the impression that AI is ALWAYS needed
and it couldnt be further from the truth

I've tended to need an AI when running straight test cycles. When you say half that, you're refering to the AI portion ?
That's only around 150mg/wk of tren....you don't need to use much with tren, but that is a little on the light side in my opinion. Can you go 225/wk by doing 75mg/eod?
I've tended to need an AI when running straight test cycles. When you say half that, you're refering to the AI portion ?


although 700mg of prop
and i'd be trying to hump
the door knobs
That's only around 150mg/wk of tren....you don't need to use much with tren, but that is a little on the light side in my opinion. Can you go 225/wk by doing 75mg/eod?

I've always ramped up on my usage. I started my first Prop cycle at 50mg/EOD, and guess what I was kind of disappointed. I'm mainly concerned with lowered cardio ability from the tren. Thoughts ?

although 700mg of prop
and i'd be trying to hump
the door knobs

I tend to hump fire hydrants. I've used 700mg of prop per week over the last several cycles and it seems to be a perfect fit for me.
I tend to hump fire hydrants. I've used 700mg of prop per week over the last several cycles and it seems to be a perfect fit for me.

i may be alittle taller than you then??:cool:
i may be alittle taller than you then??:cool:

I'd like to say its cause I put more hips into it, but alas I am vertically challenged. My local supplier only has pramipexole, not caber. Since this is all domestic, I'd prefer to stay with him, so, .5mg of pramipexole going to cut the mustard ?
I'd like to say its cause I put more hips into it, but alas I am vertically challenged. My local supplier only has pramipexole, not caber. Since this is all domestic, I'd prefer to stay with him, so, .5mg of pramipexole going to cut the mustard ?

i like prami better anyway


although 700mg of prop
and i'd be trying to hump
the door knobs

Here is the trick, right before you get to the doorknob, slam your dick in the door and the urge will go away, temporarily.

About the OP, remember you are getting a lot of actual free test from the prop, more than other esters by a decent amount, less would work well with the tren, especially if this is your first tren run, you are going to get great results from it regardless of how much test your run, and with less test, you don't need as much AI. I agree with Aromasin, I'd run it at 20-25mg/day if you are going to run 700 prop, half that if you run prop at 400-500.

I'd also run prami, but only at .25mg/day for that dose tren, you won't need more if you run it the whole time. Start at .125 for the first week, it takes some time to get used to, but it goes GREAT with tren. It's like they are made to be run together.
To answer your question about your cardio being affected, tren will definitely impact that - some guys more than others. I haven't noticed a huge difference at those lower dosages (I usually only go to 300 myself anyway) but you'd have to assess your own tolerance. If you bumped it to 500-600 I'm sure there would be a marked difference but I doubt 75mg/wk at such a low dosage would affect it tremendously.
......wouldnt proviron through PCT keep your system slightly depressed and prevent a full recovery?
Thanks for the quick response. So that inclusion and the PCT and I should be good to go. I've always stuck to straight test cycles, so this is a new step.

Week Nolvadex Aromasin Vitamin E Provorin
1 20mgs/day 20mgs/day 1000iu/day 25mg/day
2 20mgs/day 20mgs/day 1000iu/day 25mg/day
3 20mgs/day 20mgs/day 1000iu/day 25mg/day
4 20mgs/day 20mgs/day 25mg/day
5 20mgs/day 20mgs/day 25mg/day
6 20mgs/day 25mg/day

Proviron should be run on cycle, not in PCT. Also, run Clomid instead of Nolva because of Nolvas effect on IGF levels.
......wouldnt proviron through PCT keep your system slightly depressed and prevent a full recovery?

I ran Proviron through my last 2 PCT's on a bunch of threads on the subject. But that was probably 1-2 years ago, might redo my research on Proviron.
Ok, so with all the feedback, here's my first shot at Tren. Remembering I've always had a need for AI's during straight test (at most levels above 400mg/week).

12 Week Cycle:

  • Test Prop: 75mg/D (Weeks 1-12)
  • Tren A: 75mg/EOD (Weeks 2-10)
  • Provorin: 50mg/D (Weeks 1-12)
  • Aromasin: 12.5mg/D (Weeks 1-12)
  • Prami: .125mg/D (adjusting to .25mg/D if needed) (Weeks 2-10)


  • Nolva: 20mg/D (Weeks 13-18)
  • Aromasin: 20mg/D (Weeks 13-17)
  • Vitamin E: 1000iu/D (Weeks 13-15)

Any final input would be great.... Thanks Again
Ok, so with all the feedback, here's my first shot at Tren. Remembering I've always had a need for AI's during straight test (at most levels above 400mg/week).

12 Week Cycle:

  • Test Prop: 75mg/D (Weeks 1-12)
  • Tren A: 75mg/EOD (Weeks 2-10)
  • Provorin: 50mg/D (Weeks 1-12)
  • Aromasin: 12.5mg/D (Weeks 1-12)
  • Prami: .125mg/D (adjusting to .25mg/D if needed) (Weeks 2-10)


  • Nolva: 20mg/D (Weeks 13-18)
  • Aromasin: 20mg/D (Weeks 13-17)
  • Vitamin E: 1000iu/D (Weeks 13-15)

Any final input would be great.... Thanks Again

Looks solid, I like it. I don't know about the Proviron, personally I like to stay away from anything DHT based except precontest, but everyone is different. Also you won't need the Aromasin in PCT for anything but the first week, everything that can aromatize will be gone by then, don't overly tank your E2 unnecessarily.

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