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14 weeks out!

Damn Q! Your sitting pretty friggin lean already, should be an easy coast for ya, looking great!
Very lean for 14 weeks out!

You could actually spend the next 4-6 weeks putting on size and bringing up weak points, then start the diet.

What is your current weight?

What show will you be competing in?
Agree with Shelby,

Could use the next 6 weeks to bring up some weak points and then start a true precontest diet...

14 weeks? more like 4! you are lean already! shelby has a great point. best of luck my man.
Very lean for 14 weeks out!

You could actually spend the next 4-6 weeks putting on size and bringing up weak points, then start the diet.

What is your current weight?

What show will you be competing in?

Thanks Lil! I agree, I havn't worked legs in years and now I've got to catch em up.

I appreciate it Hott! I've been kinda dieting for 8 weeks so far.

Shelby and Chris, yep that's the plan. I wanted to be within striking distance 6-8 weeks out so I would be able to take the last bit of fat off slow. I'm hoping to use the next month or so to fill out my legs a bit and bring my triceps up a tad.

Thanks Soul. I'm hoping my first contest experience will be like your last contest. I know you appreciated every second of that contest and it seemed like it really "moved" you (if those are the right words).

Oh, and the show is the Elite Classic in North Carolina.
Lean n mean man! Much easier to be lean this far out and still be able to eat a little more, rather than double and triple cardio going into a show!!!
looking good Queef...Uhhh conditioning im guessing will not be a problem...;)
looking good Queef...Uhhh conditioning im guessing will not be a problem...;)

No kidding. I agree with everyone else here.

Of course the goal is to always try and add muscle even when dieting, but i think you can definitely allow yourself some leeway (sp?) for the next few weeks to bring up the legs.
14 weeks? :confused: :D HAHAHA... what do you wanna lose... bones? Hair? :p

No seriously buddy, except from a little fat to shed in the hams and some details to bring out in your back, there's almost nothing in the weight loss dept for you to do in the next 14 weeks... you're gonna get bored quickly, I guarantee it! :p ;)

Looking lean and mean... Its gong to be EZ... ride.... some people got to suffer for getting to PHAT off season...
Damn Queef, why not just jump into a show now!!! LOL. I am with the majority. You will not need 14 weeks of diet and all that. Get down to some heavy assed training and bring up those wheels and fine tune your back. You are going to look unreal in condition, look damn good now, oh but I think you should get a haircut pal, looking a bit ragged there!!!:p :D
Thanks Tflex, I guess we will both be dieting at the same time. If I could have my triceps looking like yours, I'd be a happy camper.

Hutch, if I can come in just half as lean as you do I'll be thrilled:D

Yea Main, now I'm paying the price for neglecting the legs for all those years. It's weird though, I think they look pretty decent in two of the pics, but small in the others.

Alecaf, It's funny that you say that. Alot of people say I don't look like I weigh that much on this site and that my arms don't look 20inches, but in person most everyone thinks I weigh more then I do. And to be honest, I'm as lean now as I've ever been, so from here on out is going to be new to me.

I appreciate it Phidias! It's kinda funny, alot of guys on here downplay their pics and say how they need to do this or that. On the other hand, I'm really proud and excited at the way these set of pics came out. I've brought my legs up in the last 2 months and I'm pretty balanced, so I think I can do well in the contest as long as I'm in shape. It will be my first contest and I'm doing the Novice category. Dont get me wrong, I would love to be a lean 300lbs, but I know that's going to take another year or two:D

Thanks Demon, cardio year round helps me from getting phat

Thanks OF, I'll get a haircut when the gas prices go down and I can afford one:eek:
Thanks Tflex, I guess we will both be dieting at the same time. If I could have my triceps looking like yours, I'd be a happy camper.

Hutch, if I can come in just half as lean as you do I'll be thrilled:D

Yea Main, now I'm paying the price for neglecting the legs for all those years. It's weird though, I think they look pretty decent in two of the pics, but small in the others.

Alecaf, It's funny that you say that. Alot of people say I don't look like I weigh that much on this site and that my arms don't look 20inches, but in person most everyone thinks I weigh more then I do. And to be honest, I'm as lean now as I've ever been, so from here on out is going to be new to me.

I appreciate it Phidias! It's kinda funny, alot of guys on here downplay their pics and say how they need to do this or that. On the other hand, I'm really proud and excited at the way these set of pics came out. I've brought my legs up in the last 2 months and I'm pretty balanced, so I think I can do well in the contest as long as I'm in shape. It will be my first contest and I'm doing the Novice category. Dont get me wrong, I would love to be a lean 300lbs, but I know that's going to take another year or two:D

Thanks Demon, cardio year round helps me from getting phat

Thanks OF, I'll get a haircut when the gas prices go down and I can afford one:eek:[/QUOTE]
Keep the hair. I'm envious. LOL
looking great like always just even more ripped than before but still huge.

Question: what is your BF? sorry if i missed this.
Alecaf, It's funny that you say that. Alot of people say I don't look like I weigh that much on this site and that my arms don't look 20inches, but in person most everyone thinks I weigh more then I do. And to be honest, I'm as lean now as I've ever been, so from here on out is going to be new to me.

Thanks OF, I'll get a haircut when the gas prices go down and I can afford one:eek:

Its like you can read the future but wrong lol. Jk. Lol you called Alfresco Alecaf (me).
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