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3 weeks & 5 days from the North American...


Featured Member
Nov 16, 2007
I'm still nursing a lower back injury with limited range of motion. But diet is straight up and on point. Have needed gobs of sports cream, but haven't missed a cardio session either...

I took these around noon today. This one was taken in the shade.


  • oscar_28.JPG
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This second picture was taken after being out the sun for about 5 minutes...

...the vascularity came on surprisingly quick.


  • oscar_15.JPG
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if you dont do the NAs

i will no longer speak to you
i will no longer read your posts
i will no longer critque your photos
i will no longer post in your threads
and i will no longer LIKE you at all


if you dont do the NAs

i will no longer speak to you
i will no longer read your posts
i will no longer critque your photos
i will no longer post in your threads
and i will no longer LIKE you at all


I think you better do the nationals. You look awsome !

if you dont do the NAs

i will no longer speak to you
i will no longer read your posts
i will no longer critque your photos
i will no longer post in your threads
and i will no longer LIKE you at all


Now do you believe me O?

Now do you believe me O?


John, if you told me to start eating dog shit starting tomorrow morning I would! Without question I would!!!

...Now if I can get back in the gym to start tightening up the back side I would be feeling so much better!
John, if you told me to start eating dog shit starting tomorrow morning I would! Without question I would!!!

...Now if I can get back in the gym to start tightening up the back side I would be feeling so much better!

hahaha - just keep getting better and better...constantly improving..that is the key..and you turd eating necessary

I'm glad you're here OJS and you look incredible.:eek:

You gotta just keep what you got going for ya and you're golden man.
I agree with Ty[ as usual]......glad you are here look amazing is coming along......keep the little things......master the basics ........lots of good stuff to view on line .......pose from the ground up ......set you poses .....find what little twists and turns look the most pleasing for you build I said in my pm .....if you need help call me just hard to teach from a distance ......Stick with something simple and basic as well as old kind of are mentzerish .....maybe look up some his old routines and try with better music and timing ........good luck......but honestly ,I don't think you need it .......I have trained the over 50 masters cal winner from a while back [and top five at nationals ] He is 60 now and looks better than ever .....I bet he takes nationals over 60 next summer ......and you are right there with him if not are going to be fine ......Like my pal John said ......just keep pushing!!!
I can say with all confidence that you have one of the best, balanced, and mature physiques on this board!

truly beautiful physique (no homo :p)....

P.S. in that second pic, you look like an extremely muscular "Jay" from "modern family" :D ... you know, if "Jay" looked like that, no one would be surprised that gloria married him :p
Damn.. you are like a super man in grandfather version :D
keep pushing..

I GOT A KICK OUT OF WHAT TENNY POSTED. Yes, keep going. Man if the veins come up that quick and are that prominent- you are in good shape!

You look awesome. I am fired up for you. :) Really, who cares if some judge placed you dead last when you look like you do? lol. Plus, you've got the pics to prove it!
Oscar, you look phenomenal! You should definitely continue on and achieve all of those goals you've set and that you've been shooting for over the past few years. YOU ARE it's just time to finish. If Tim would have ever came in as hard and lean as you are now he would have been okay....he could just never get into this type of condition. Awesome man!
Very impressive

You have a very impressive physique and I say go for it you surely would make a dent and do some damage. The only advice that I would give you is just don't forget to take your watch off before you go on stage.
WOW!!!! I don't even know what to say. One minute I can't figure out how I'm going to pull this off. I've just had to deal with one obstacle after another. And it get's so hard to keep pushing through them. And then I get a flood of the most positive responses I could have ever expected.

Thanks for all your encouragement. It means a lot.

I started preping for this contest February of 09. All the way through I've had to keep reminding myself that pain is just an inconvenience. And obstacles are nothing more than one more thing to adapt to. And winning is strongly influenced by how much time you put into preparing.
first thing i noticed was a significant improvement in your legs. keep doing what you're doing and the pre contest chatter will be about who is going to place second behind you!!
first thing i noticed was a significant improvement in your legs. keep doing what you're doing and the pre contest chatter will be about who is going to place second behind you!!
Emeric Delczeg has sort of taken over my leg routines. Not your every day stuff. That's for sure. But it's working!! So I'm doing what I'm told.
Definitely coming together. Should do great at NA. If you're 57 now, you could get a pro card in Masters over 60 (if it does not happen sooner). Would be 3 years younger and better!

First things first. Best for NA.

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