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3 weeks out - Quarter Turns & Mandatories


Featured Member
Nov 16, 2007
OK, so my back was comfortable enough to go through the poses. They ain't pretty. But here they are.

Quarter Turns....


  • QTR-Turns.jpg
    103.9 KB · Views: 819
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Front Poses....


  • FrontPoses.jpg
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Side Poses....


  • SidePoses.jpg
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Back Poses...


  • BackPoses.jpg
    89.8 KB · Views: 810 are lean!

Just need to get rid of some fat/water in hams and glutes.

keep pushing ojs
Some more odds & ends front poses....


  • OtherFrontPoses.jpg
    117.9 KB · Views: 796
You have a very balanced phyisique......alot to be proud of can make this show and win.......but you are going to have to suffer til the show ......still holding alot in glutes ,low back , and hams [you are improving and still can improve alot before the show].....but you can make it ......and you will...........your posing is improving ,but needs some more help ........feel feel to pm and get my number to call me this weekend.....good luck look great period ....not just for your age......[ one bit of advice for you this off season.......take up training your neck 2-3 times a will make your body appear more balanced appear more powerful looking .......and help the wrinkles on your neck from appearing........all people including women should train their necks after 40 we age our heads begin to shrink.....and our neck begin to atrophy ....thats why the aging most people show in theirs neck[and sun damage of course] .....keeping your neck size up helps avoid this and keep you in proportion.]
You have a very balanced phyisique......alot to be proud of can make this show and win.......but you are going to have to suffer til the show ......still holding alot in glutes ,low back , and hams [you are improving and still can improve alot before the show].....but you can make it ......and you will...........your posing is improving ,but needs some more help ........feel feel to pm and get my number to call me this weekend.....good luck look great period ....not just for your age......[ one bit of advice for you this off season.......take up training your neck 2-3 times a will make your body appear more balanced appear more powerful looking .......and help the wrinkles on your neck from appearing........all people including women should train their necks after 40 we age our heads begin to shrink.....and our neck begin to atrophy ....thats why the aging most people show in theirs neck[and sun damage of course] .....keeping your neck size up helps avoid this and keep you in proportion.]
I think I'm going to take you up on that. I can use any help I can get to try and bring the posing up.

I'll definitely start working my neck.
Good man......neck training makes a difference fast careful not to be too gung ho too fast ease into .....don't get hurt or strain yourself like you did with your low back.........go easy and slowly push it up a 'll be glad you took my advice far as calling me.....feel free are improving ......obviously a hard worker and fast learner ........I can't wait to see how you do ......I like your look and balance better than the guy that just won the over 50 nationals this kinda have that Mentzer classic power long as you are watching your health......I think your best is ahead for many yrs to come bs
OJS,I turned 50 in july,you should be very proud buddy.You inspire me to keep on moving on.Good luck and win this show.
man.....even with the shitty lighting

you can see ALOT of improvement from the last set

glutes are tightening up...
hams tightening
side poses look awesome
detail starting to come out in the back
front relaxed is the best pose.....and thats HUGE!!!because its most important

almost there......almost there

OJS- On your side chest poses.

In the pictures you posted of your side chest shot- you showed to different versions. I definitely like the first side chest shot. I didn't think you looked as good in the one where your legs were one ahead of the other.

That's just my opinion of course. I don't know if you were trying to make your hamstrings show up better or something- but the first picture kills the second and not just because of the lighting.

I look at your physique and think Sergeant Rock! I'd stick with poses done in such a way as to promote that manly look. Nothing too artsy-fartsy.

Your physique is great, man. Be excited! Hell, I would be. You are very good otherwise no one would bother trying to give you little tips.
Like most guys at 50, we tend to hold that fat in our glutes and lower back. If you can tighten those up in the next 3 weeks, you will do very well. Aside from that at 57, I dream to look like the way you do.
OJS, wow looking great man! You have a lot to be proud of. Hit it hard and consistent these next coupe weeks and that last little bit of softness on your low-back and glutes witll be gone.
You have great structure, balance, skin, the full boat.
Your physique is great, man. Be excited! Hell, I would be. You are very good otherwise no one would bother trying to give you little tips.


You look fantastic from the front and on your side poses, ojs. Just tighten them up glutes and hams, and you'll look even better than you already do!! :)

Aside from how fantastic, simply stunning you look,
some things struck me when I viewed your fotos.

Yes, it's poor lightening like Tenny said. But think about
how great you are going to look when you get to where you
want to be, and you will, when you get on stage with the
proper stage lightening. You are going to stand out like a
diamond in a goats ass. (A good thing.)

Another is your neck like Iabadman said. That is resolvable
long term like was said. Good advice for everybody and often

You know what you need to do between now and Showtime.
I am confident you will do nothing but improve. You have
the right people in your corner, you are not afraid of hard work
and discipline that is evident by how far you have come.

Posing, you own many of them, they are world class. Nail
them along with the conditioning (which you are well on your
way to doing) and you are going to walk away a very happy man.
And smile when you are on stage, that means allot. Hell . . . I'd
be smiling, happy with half of what you are bringing to the party.

If you have not already thought of this, I think you should get a
professional photographer to photograph you when you are in
such great shape. It's something I don't think you will regret doing.

You have so much going for you, good looks, sensational body
and conditioning. I think you are going to have fun up there.

I wish you all the best. I think we all thank you for making the
commitment to do what you are doing and sharing your journey
with us. It inspires.

Question . . . have you given up the glass of dry red wine at dinner?

You, Alfresco, are quite the gentleman. Thanks for all the encouraging words.

...and no. It could be argued that I'd look even better had I given it up. But I won't give up the dry red every day until the day I die.
I would say stop holding one leg forward in all your front poses except a ab shot. Glutes and hams need to tightyen up alot. Otherwise your doing great.

As an older trainer attempting to make a positive change, you are an inspiration. I've always been told that it takes at least 3 years of serious training to notice a big difference, and that most serious BBs are ready to compete after 4-5 years. You give me inspiration that this may be obtainable for me. Wow. Thanks.
you look great. you remind me of francis benfetto! awesome balance!!!

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