O.K. here we go. 5'9" 203 in these pics. Going in over 40 so no real weight issue. first show @ 43 yrs. Having issues posing legs while posing upper body, very discouraging. i only like about 2 out of the whole lot.
O.K. here we go. 5'9" 203 in these pics. Going in over 40 so no real weight issue. first show @ 43 yrs. Having issues posing legs while posing upper body, very discouraging. i only like about 2 out of the whole lot.
Early on it was all squats and leg press, ass to the floor, heavy as you can. Took a disc injury and everything changed. Still alot of squats and hacks but now a days its rep. city. 5 sets 225 for 20 to 25 reps very little rest. blows them up. Still do some "heavy" days but few and far between. i just super set and rep the crap out of everything, gotta be smarter these days.