i've read everywhere that nolv makes a-dex actually do the opposite.
im currently using .5mgs eod of a-dex and have some tenderness in the nipple.....how long do i have to wait for a-dex to clear before switching to nolv???
If your nipples hurt start taking nolva now. Actually they act quite synergically, nolvadex blocking on receptors sites the remaining estrogens still produced in your body despite the use of Arimidex.
You read that "everywhere" - where is that exactly? I have never heard that Nolva makes A-dex increase amortization. Please tell me where this groundbreaking data is coming from.
I have read opinions of users that state that tamoxifen might hinder to some degree anastrozoles ability to prevent aromatization. But not cause it to become inefective. These 2 anti estrogens work by different pathways so using both should be more effective against gyno.