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A great way to squat - with chains


IFBB Pro / Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jan 8, 2007
This is how i use chains as a bodybuilding tool. Most of the guys over at Westside do very low reps, and focus on speed and it's awesome for max strength. I like to do "normal" sets with the chains added. I fire up as hard as I can, though it's hard to tell. These beat the shit out of your body, so I only use them for 6 week stretches. Plus I did leg presses afterwards with double bands which was also extremely difficult. My ass has been beat down all day. So again, good to train for a set period of time like this, before it beats you up to much...

Here is a set of squats I did today with 4 sets of chains added. They are brutal. Don't be fooled by the 3 plates only on the bar. As you come up, the chains lift off the ground and add alot of dead weight. This is great for your core too, which is important to me after all my abdominal surgeries. Today I put 1 set of chains on bar, then added 1 plate, 2 plates, then 3 plates. Then added a 2nd chain, then a 3rd, and then a 4th. I have a 5th set, but don't think my weak abs can quite handle that yet.

Today I was focusing on quad sweep and teardrop with these. If i wanted more adductor, I would go deeper.

YouTube - mountaindog1's Channel
That's Branch Warren style hehe! Nice!
Nice squatting John.

About 5 years ago when I was powerlifting I trained with a group of guys and sometimes we would do cambered bar squats, with chains. Now that was just retarded :D:rolleyes:
Nice squatting John.

About 5 years ago when I was powerlifting I trained with a group of guys and sometimes we would do cambered bar squats, with chains. Now that was just retarded :D:rolleyes:

Yes - they tear my ass up. Until you do them, it's tough to really understand how hard they are. After doing 9 reps, I was burning and out of breath like I did a set of 30. Very intense stuff...We'll def be doing these Arnold weekend!!!

This is how i use chains as a bodybuilding tool. Most of the guys over at Westside do very low reps, and focus on speed and it's awesome for max strength. I like to do "normal" sets with the chains added. I fire up as hard as I can, though it's hard to tell. These beat the shit out of your body, so I only use them for 6 week stretches. Plus I did leg presses afterwards with double bands which was also extremely difficult. My ass has been beat down all day. So again, good to train for a set period of time like this, before it beats you up to much...

Here is a set of squats I did today with 4 sets of chains added. They are brutal. Don't be fooled by the 3 plates only on the bar. As you come up, the chains lift off the ground and add alot of dead weight. This is great for your core too, which is important to me after all my abdominal surgeries. Today I put 1 set of chains on bar, then added 1 plate, 2 plates, then 3 plates. Then added a 2nd chain, then a 3rd, and then a 4th. I have a 5th set, but don't think my weak abs can quite handle that yet.

Today I was focusing on quad sweep and teardrop with these. If i wanted more adductor, I would go deeper.

YouTube - mountaindog1's Channel

Nice squat MD,

Someday I'll have the power to hit those hard
Ive never done them personally. I see you have one main chain around each end of the bar and other chains hanging off that chain. I guess you use hooks to hold those chains on the main chains? How do you keep the main chains from sliding off the bar? Do those main chains just stay on because they are sandwiched inbetween the 45 lb plates?
Is that you on the right or left? I also fell asleep watching that tape! If you’re not touching your hams to calf your during what we’ve called pussy squats.
My grandmother bends over’s deepen in her garden picking carrots...
And oh! The bling around her neck I don’t think you could squat. Chains, aah:banghead: just as old as her. Who are you again? Oh I forgot,

we’re all asleep….Night….night!
Is that you on the right or left? I also fell asleep watching that tape! If you’re not touching your hams to calf your during what we’ve called pussy squats.
My grandmother bends over’s deepen in her garden picking carrots...
And oh! The bling around her neck I don’t think you could squat. Chains, aah:banghead: just as old as her. Who are you again? Oh I forgot,

we’re all asleep….Night….night!

Haha - ok...
You sure are good at squatting. Wish my form was half
that good.

John . . . do you know how much the resistance varies
from the bottom position to the top? . . . just curious.

Ron I am not sure exactly. The first few sets I did the chains were actually dangling off the ground, and really worked my core..which as you know is good for me, due to problems I have from all the surgeries.

The last 2 sets I attached a bit lower, to take away a bit of the swinging effect.

Ignore the troll..he is one of those guys that doesn't realize everybody is laughing at him and not with him...the troll will find another bridge to crawl under if we just ignore him....I almost posted some leg shots of me to see if he would do the same...but you and I both know he is one of those guys that hides behind a screename and computer..I predict he will be banned soon..and what an embarrasment he is to the sponsor he has on his signature..

Squatting with chains can help you to develop great explosive strength. This is because the chains will be set up in such a way to allow de-loading of the barbell. This will enable you to handle more weight at the top than you're handling at the bottom. You have to bust ass out of the bottom so you can explode into the chain weight as you stand up.

Really like the vid JM
Nice squats. I'm more of a powerlifter than a bodybuilder and often use chains and bands in my training. I mostly train at home, but sometimes I go to the local Golds Gym. Always enjoy the reaction of people in the gym when I carry the chains or bands with me.
great way to build explosive strength and as john has said work the core. All the college level strength and conditioning coaches ive been working with and pros too are using some for of chains or bands in compound movements.

Try deads with bands...its killer...dont let you movement stop or good luck with that.
Hey Mountaindog.

Your YouTube channel has helped my training a lot these past few weeks. I mean a lot. Just wanted to thank you for posting up those exercise clips.
GREAT form...

See, I got to the party too late... I was going to reply BEFORE KK decided to add in his thoughts...

I was going to say that I was SO GLAD to see your 90 degree squats... I have ALOT of respect for those who do ATG, BUT, as I think it has been HASHED out time and again, it ultimately won't increase quad size any different (and as you mentioned, the deeper you go, the more you actually utilize other leg muscles).... for EVEN thigh development, I think 90 degree's is GREAT (90 at the hip and knee).
Hey Mountaindog.

Your YouTube channel has helped my training a lot these past few weeks. I mean a lot. Just wanted to thank you for posting up those exercise clips.

You are welcome! Come January, will be doing alot more...!!!!

Shelby and I are going to do some cool ones Arnold weekend too...it'll be insane stuff more than likely...hahah
,,,,and IF WE ARE LUCKY - ISABADMAN might be involved too...hahah
See, I got to the party too late... I was going to reply BEFORE KK decided to add in his thoughts...

I was going to say that I was SO GLAD to see your 90 degree squats... I have ALOT of respect for those who do ATG, BUT, as I think it has been HASHED out time and again, it ultimately won't increase quad size any different (and as you mentioned, the deeper you go, the more you actually utilize other leg muscles).... for EVEN thigh development, I think 90 degree's is GREAT (90 at the hip and knee).

Thanks...There is a time and a place for deeper squats, but I am with you 100%...for adductors, you can't beat deep squats...my adductors are thick,very thick...I have a wide waist and pelvic girdle...so I need sweeeeeep! These did the trick...90 degrees if perfect for this...

BTW - Don't you love it when meat head clowns think that they are HARDCORE because they never do 90 degree squats...hahah

great way to build explosive strength and as john has said work the core. All the college level strength and conditioning coaches ive been working with and pros too are using some for of chains or bands in compound movements.

Try deads with bands...its killer...dont let you movement stop or good luck with that.

Absolutely Mike - Training explosively is underrated...all you have to do is look at elite sprinters thighs, and you can see training explosively might just help with hypertrohy as well...my take...controlled descents with perfect form with explosive concentrics = great way to make progress...

This is how i use chains as a bodybuilding tool. Most of the guys over at Westside do very low reps, and focus on speed and it's awesome for max strength. I like to do "normal" sets with the chains added. I fire up as hard as I can, though it's hard to tell. These beat the shit out of your body, so I only use them for 6 week stretches. Plus I did leg presses afterwards with double bands which was also extremely difficult. My ass has been beat down all day. So again, good to train for a set period of time like this, before it beats you up to much...

Here is a set of squats I did today with 4 sets of chains added. They are brutal. Don't be fooled by the 3 plates only on the bar. As you come up, the chains lift off the ground and add alot of dead weight. This is great for your core too, which is important to me after all my abdominal surgeries. Today I put 1 set of chains on bar, then added 1 plate, 2 plates, then 3 plates. Then added a 2nd chain, then a 3rd, and then a 4th. I have a 5th set, but don't think my weak abs can quite handle that yet.

Today I was focusing on quad sweep and teardrop with these. If i wanted more adductor, I would go deeper.

YouTube - mountaindog1's Channel

Thats some working out there. I like that. Hardcore! Thanks for sharing
i too extremely appreciate these videos, very helpfull.

I have a question or you tho, I too need more outer sweep (dont we all :banghead:) but everytime i attempt to 90 degree squat i have what feels like a charley horse in my left IT band. I know that the smart thing is if it hurts dont do it, but i cant stand NOT to squat. I really dont get much out of leg press or hacks. A bit vague but would you recommend a wider stance? foot placement etc?

thanks for your time

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