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AAS or D.S. that will not raise testosterone levels on blood workup


New member
Aug 11, 2009
I just got stared on HRT with a Endo and need advise on what AAS I can work with that will not show a high test on blood work(any D.S. /epistane? or 19NOR types) anavar, Epi/epistane I have used successfully in past (if I can still find some) I do have a couple of bottles of Tren/19Nor.Another big question ?? If your not taking a test based product how is it you can get a natural test shut down from taking it?? I am thinking for a monthly blood work setup only going with a load up of test cyp or test prop for a couple of weeks and my levels should be back to HRT level by the end of the month.Only 100mg a week test Cyp as per the Doc. Even sciping the injection the week before blood-work.Also test prop seems the best choice for anything extra past the first or second week of the month? What other substances do not give elevated test levels? I am hoping once I get though the first 5 month period the blood-work schedule will go to once every 3 months or so.. I would appreciate all the Advise I can get
Any exogenous androgenic or anabolic steroid, will cause your body's natural supply to shut down, plain and simple. The body thinks its a type of testosterone, and acts accordingly to balance the body's hormone status. There is no way around this. If you want to portray a low test level on a blood test, use Tren. If you want to portay a high test level, use test. Its very simple sir. ;)
stay on your doctor prescribed test for the 6 months while you get your test/estsrogen profile worked out.

then cycle when you drop to 3 month checkups.

I dont think you'll lose much if you get your test to healthy range and you're really on diet/recovery/training.
Thanks for the replies

How about the D.S. ? like the !(Nor/Tren or epistane )I can probably still get some Epi
The problem with some of those prohormones or tren is that it will throw the rest of your blood work way out of whack to the point that he may not feel comfortable prescribing anything until the causes of the messed up blood work is found. What I mean is your liver enzymes, lipid profile etc will be destroyed by said compounds.
I would think deca etc would be ok. However, check the above post, maybe he won't run, or tell him insurance won't cover a bunch of tests. Also, levels of a lot of stuff, such as deca, need to be below test or deca dick..

It would be nice if someone that knows for sure would chime in. I don't want another 5600 test level to explain....
The problem with some of those prohormones or tren is that it will throw the rest of your blood work way out of whack to the point that he may not feel comfortable prescribing anything until the causes of the messed up blood work is found. What I mean is your liver enzymes, lipid profile etc will be destroyed by said compounds.

The cool
thing is the blood work is only for test levels I have the scripts in hand
your RBC/HCT will also skyrocket on deca/EQ which will cause your doctor to drop your test dosage and order you to get regular blood draining.

like I said before just trust your doctor. Dont fuck around with your hormones for awhile and let him help stabilize you. You can stick away from AAS abuse for half a year.
your RBC/HCT will also skyrocket on deca/EQ which will cause your doctor to drop your test dosage and order you to get regular blood draining.

like I said before just trust your doctor. Dont fuck around with your hormones for awhile and let him help stabilize you. You can stick away from AAS abuse for half a year.

Gonna take you advise 100%
your RBC/HCT will also skyrocket on deca/EQ which will cause your doctor to drop your test dosage and order you to get regular blood draining.

like I said before just trust your doctor. Dont fuck around with your hormones for awhile and let him help stabilize you. You can stick away from AAS abuse for half a year.

yep! imformative,diet and trainning is key anyway!

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