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Acne real bad on my bro's back


Sep 23, 2010
he got it bad with his last cycle and his doctor presrcibed him docycycline ,but sorta accused him of cycling so he didnt want to go back to him and hes scared of accutaine because its been pulled of the shelf everywhere.. Any other good ideas for acne ????
-tanning bed once a week
-lots of clean white 100%cotton t-shirts
(change it a few times a day)
-shower immeditely after training
-and witch hazel ememas are a must


ok the last one was a joke:p
but witch hazel is the shizznit
Shower minimum three times a day ! Go to a Dermotologist instead of your regular Doctor. Shouldn`t have any problems getting the right meds.
are you for real about witch hazel? how do you apply it? He cant get to the doc till tuesday and fights saturday so he wants to get somethingover the counter they may be good. Until we can find something from a sponsor that works
are you for real about witch hazel? how do you apply it? He cant get to the doc till tuesday and fights saturday so he wants to get somethingover the counter they may be good. Until we can find something from a sponsor that works

just swab it on man
its an astringent
are you for real about witch hazel? how do you apply it? He cant get to the doc till tuesday and fights saturday so he wants to get somethingover the counter they may be good. Until we can find something from a sponsor that works
thanks brothers. He wants to be pretty whil he is getting beat up... I tell him all the time im the only one in our gym that is pretty and tough.. lol
Im trying some acne annihilator from a sponsor. I've used it for a week and my skin is starting to clear up. It's pretty cheap for a big bottle. I have a back scrubber and some anti-bacterial soap that I also use.
when i would get acne i would get more like cyctic acne. not alot of it but what i did get hurt. 1 thing i learned was always wear a white t-shirt under everything. i tan after every workout and i use the sauna after every workout. then shower right then and there. getting lazy and letting the sweat dry up on your skin while you drive home to shower is gonna cause clogged pores. also i stick to 1 good laundry detergent and never change. i'm not sure which of these is the real 1 that keeps me clear but its working so i'm doin it all and stayin completely clear. JMO
1. Scrub your skin (exfoliate0 every time you shower. Dry skin cells hold the oils down in the skin, when you scrub, you sluff off this dead skin and the follicle can clear it's self.

2. Use body and face washes with Salicylic Acid 2% or Benzoyl Peroxide 10% everytime you bathe. You can get them cheap at Wal-Mart under the "Oxy" brand. Just read the label for the best deal.

3. Shower 2-3x a day if it is real bad.
1. Scrub your skin (exfoliate0 every time you shower. Dry skin cells hold the oils down in the skin, when you scrub, you sluff off this dead skin and the follicle can clear it's self.

2. Use body and face washes with Salicylic Acid 2% or Benzoyl Peroxide 10% everytime you bathe. You can get them cheap at Wal-Mart under the "Oxy" brand. Just read the label for the best deal.

3. Shower 2-3x a day if it is real bad.
Wash area w 90% isopropyl alcohol and apply mederma. Its a 20 buck tube in Walgreens, believe me when i say its liquid gold bro.
Try Doxycycline hyclate antibiotics bro it works, I had a terrible facial and chest acnes it went away within 2weeks.Their cheap too.
buy irish springs original bar soap,arm n hammer baking soda, and benzoyl peroxide. shower with tha bar soap as i believe this one dries u out more than others.... pour a pile of baking soda in ur hand (outside the spray obv) and get a lil water in it so that it makes a toothpaste consistancy and scrub tha affected is one of the BEST exfolients out... ur dead skin cells are clogging ur pores and need to clean them.... use a fresh towel everytime u shower( u dont want ta be rubbing fckn mildew into ur freshly exfoliated skin)....apply a thin layer of benzoyl peroxide to entire affected area.... wear a FRESH white cotton shirt that u change a few times a day....and take 3 showers a day if possible...
Greatest thing I ever did was accutane at 40mg a day after 3 weeks i was totally clear i stayed on for a couple months and presto havn't had anything.

bump bulk, accutane is just like any other drug, some people respond badly to it.....but i had real bad pct acne, i couldnt handle ran accutane @ 30mgs ed for 12 wks, and it was the best cycle i ever did...sideffects were very minor for me, dry lips and in genereal dry skin/itchy...goodluck bro
-tanning bed once a week
-lots of clean white 100%cotton t-shirts
(change it a few times a day)
-shower immeditely after training
-and witch hazel ememas are a must


ok the last one was a joke:p
but witch hazel is the shizznit

LMFAO!!! Tenny's joking about the witch hazel enemas... You really use apple-cider vinegar enemas!!!!:D
+1 on tha tanning bed....1x or 2x a week.....i also just remembered sumthin important.....if u use tha benzoyl peroxide.... MAKE SURE u r wearing an undershirt and ur skin IS NOT touching ur normal dress clothes.... it will basically bleach them( bc of tha peroxide i believe).... This will also happen at nite to any colored sheets/blankets/pillowcases too if you dont wear a shirt..... found that shiit out tha hard way after a few dayz and ruining about 3 hugo boss dress shirts and a 1200 count sheet set :banghead:
All Natural products

Hey man,

Use all natural products and not that junk a big company slaps a label on saying its all natural. Find yourself a all natural store and pony up some money as it does cost more but worth it in the long run.

Since your putting chemicals in the body last thing you want to do is wash yourself and clothes in more chemicals to add to the problem.

Get all natural soap, shampoo, clothes detergent and so on.

Give this 2 weeks and you'll notice a difference!

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