You are completely correct. But like alot of the other posts said, there is no benefit to taking in one amino acid at a time. IMO, amino tabs are a waste of money.
Lots of people take essential (9 alpha) amino acids separate. The most talked about is BCAA's which is three of the nine.
In laymen terms it is an anabolic signal or regulator (BCAA's) that tell our muscles to consume the protein (all 20 amino acids binded together) running through our blood. IE. it tells our muscles to build, grow, repair.
If you just have the normal BCAA's that are in your steak or protein powder it won't elevate the amount of protein your muscles suck up as efficient as adding in several (prefer 40g) grams BCAA's would.
I've personally seen improvements all around when either taking in 15g with protein shake between meal (including before bed to stop muscle breakdown), and also 40g peri workout.
"Current research in dietary supplementation has targeted these catabolic times, attempting to minimize the catabolism and maximize the anabolism (including recovery, improvement, and/or growth). This research has demonstrated that essential amino acids (alone or with carbohydrates) ingested before, during, or after exercise promote huge increases in protein balance."
2. Borsheim, E., K. D. Tipton, S. E. Wolf, and R. R. Wolfe. Essential amino acids and muscle protein recovery from resistance exercise. Am.J.Physiol Endocrinol.Metab 283: E648-E657, 2002.
3. Levenhagen, D. K., J. D. Gresham, M. G. Carlson, D. J. Maron, M. J. Borel, and P. J. Flakoll. Postexercise nutrient intake timing in humans is critical to recovery of leg glucose and protein homeostasis. Am.J.Physiol Endocrinol.Metab 280: E982-E993, 2001.