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Anadrol and winstrol which is more toxic ?

Halo is an urban myth because I said I figured it’s more toxic than anadrol and definitely more toxic than injectable tren ? Because that’s all I meant for halo , now cheq drops I heard they really do increase aggression, maybe your right and it is a myth , so you’ve ran cheq drops ? yeah sure I’ve heard that about halo as well ,increasing aggression ,but all bodybuilders seem to use halo at end of cycle not for aggression, but for hardening purposes, maybe powerlifters ,although wouldn’t winstrol be the best hardener and definitely more effective muscle gain wise than halo ever could be ? Don’t know, maybe halo is more effective as hardener than winstrol
I just got gifted some halo and although I was only 3 weeks into a cut, I wanted to just try a few doses pre workout to see how it felt since I’ve never used it and heard all the rumors of it’s effects on rage and aggression.

I did not notice that at all until maybe like 3 days of consecutive use. First day 20mg, then 10mg, then 30mg.

But the day after I stopped I seemed to feel more effect actually. It was kind of this wired more alert feeling. Waking up I felt instantly awake and had less sleep inertia. But since it was too early to be using it for any hardening, or even energy/drive to to being in a long cut, I stopped taking it to avoid any more liver stress until the last 1-2 weeks of this cut that I’m on to see what it can really do that’s special, if anything.
Acid reflux and digestive problems are not indicative of particular toxicity, but rather, the androgenicity of a drug. The best course of treatment is an H2R antagonist like Pepcid (famotidine). Estrogens are protective to the gut mucosa, androgens increase the susceptibility of the gut to stomach acids.

Halo's not particularly (i.e., hepato-/liver) toxic. It's got some particular cardiovascular risks, but not worse than tren.

I am actually not really sure whether Winstrol is more or less toxic than Anadrol, but based on its chemistry (the bulky side substituent, pyrazole ring attachment) and particularly long t1/2, it exposes the liver to high concentrations for quite a while. I'd have to look up toxicity data to be sure. But Anadrol isn't terribly toxic (in terms of stage 4/5 liver toxicity).
Acid reflux and digestive problems are not indicative of particular toxicity, but rather, the androgenicity of a drug. The best course of treatment is an H2R antagonist like Pepcid (famotidine). Estrogens are protective to the gut mucosa, androgens increase the susceptibility of the gut to stomach acids.

Halo's not particularly (i.e., hepato-/liver) toxic. It's got some particular cardiovascular risks, but not worse than tren.

I am actually not really sure whether Winstrol is more or less toxic than Anadrol, but based on its chemistry (the bulky side substituent, pyrazole ring attachment) and particularly long t1/2, it exposes the liver to high concentrations for quite a while. I'd have to look up toxicity data to be sure. But Anadrol isn't terribly toxic (in terms of stage 4/5 liver toxicity).
Would u care to explain how H2R antagonist is better at this than PPI for this?
Halo is a urban myth because I said I figured it’s more toxic than anadrol and definitely more toxic than injectable tren ? Because that’s all I meant for halo , now cheq drops I heard they really do increase aggression, maybe your right and it is a myth , so you’ve ran cheq drops ? yeah sure I’ve heard that about halo as well ,increasing aggression ,but all bodybuilders seem to use halo at end of cycle not for aggression, but for hardening purposes, maybe powerlifters ,although wouldn’t winstrol be the best hardener and definitely more effective muscle gain wise than halo ever could be ? Don’t know, maybe halo is more effective as hardener than winstrol
1 The urban myth that Mike Tyson was using halo or cheque drops.

2 the urban myth that halo and cheque drops cause this immediate uncontrollable rage. They don't.

If someone wants a short fuse run a tren and anarrol stack. Give it a few days and one will have their desire.
1 The urban myth that Mike Tyson was using halo or cheque drops.

2 the urban myth that halo and cheque drops cause this immediate uncontrollable rage. They don't.

If someone wants a short fuse run a tren and anarrol stack. Give it a few days and one will have their desire.
Ah I got you , do you believe halo test is more liver toxic than anadrol ,or injectable tren ?
Ah I got you , do you believe halo test is more liver toxic than anadrol ,or injectable tren ?

Let’s use common sense. Halotestin is still used to treat delayed puberty for boys and low androgen levels for men. Trenbolone is used to preserve lean muscle mass on cattle when they are getting shipped to the slaughter house.

What do you think?
Let’s use common sense. Halotestin is still used to treat delayed puberty for boys and low androgen levels for men. Trenbolone is used to preserve lean muscle mass on cattle when they are getting shipped to the slaughter house.

What do you think?
Bud I’m telling you I don’t know the answer to that , ok ,someone run’s injectable tren for 12 weeks and another guy runs halotest for 12 weeks, who’s bloodwork is gonna look worse ? I really don’t know
Bud I’m telling you I don’t know the answer to that , ok ,someone run’s injectable tren for 12 weeks and another guy runs halotest for 12 weeks, who’s bloodwork is gonna look worse ? I really don’t know

that’s for you to find out through experience. I’d much rather use halo than tren.
The issue with halo is a lot of times you don't know it's halo as it's an expensive raw.
For guys who have used both, which one did you feel is more toxic ? my buddy uses both but only during cutting, he said orals are stupid during a bulk because they hurt appetite and your trying to put size on ,I’ve only used test so I have no idea , what are your guys thoughts on that ?
Orals are bad for BULKING? Anadrol is not a drug you would use for cutting, winstrol, yes, anadrol no. Anadrol might hurt your appititie because it generally makes you feel sick because it's so strong. However, it's very effective.

Orals are not speical for bulking or special for cutting, it depends on WHAT oral you are talking about. Most Oral steroids are 17a which means they are hard on the liver.
The issue with halo is a lot of times you don't know it's halo as it's an expensive raw

Wow I can’t believe superdrol is number 1 , even more than oral tren and cheq drops , both extremely toxic , I heard cheq drops is what mike Tyson used before fights , guess that’s why he tried to break Botha’s arm , hitting savarese after the bell and bite Holyfield ear lol ,I thought halotestin would have beat anadrol as far as toxicity, also m1t didn’t make the cut but injectable tren did mmm I don’t know about that ,I find that hard to believe
You say injectible tren made the list? I always thought tren was not liver toxic. I always thought A50 and Haloteston were the two most toxic steroids.

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