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Any reptile lovers here?


New member
May 20, 2008
Anyone on here into reptiles? I'm a reptile nut! :c:eeky-sm

I breed red tail boas, ball pythons, bearded dragons, leopard geckos, and veiled chameleons. Right now I have about 300 snakes including babies.
Anyone on here into reptiles? I'm a reptile nut! :c:eeky-sm

I breed red tail boas, ball pythons, bearded dragons, leopard geckos, and veiled chameleons. Right now I have about 300 snakes including babies.

Pics??? Put up some pics of your snakes!!
Baby ball pythons getting ready to come out of the egg:


Baby bearded dragon just hanging out:


Daddy Dragon:


Momma Dragon:


Baby Tegu:


Baby jungle albino boa:


Pile of baby boas:


Albino boa eating a frozen thawed rat:


Jungle boa:

Beautiful. I love snakes. Around here where I live we only have black snakes, copperheads and eastern diamond back rattle snakes. I love those boas. Years ago in my younger days, I had a ball python, it was really quite gentle. I'd love to have another one but my wife said NO. What can I say??? She's the boss, I just pay the bills.
Big time fan of reps here. Raised a red tail and ball from birth. I can see you take great care of your babies and that is so neat to see. Their is a whole lot of love their!!
For the other members, you need to appreciate what you see because breeding is difficult and breeding the color patterns of his babies takes great care a patience.
Snakes are prized for strips and color and the more exotic the more expensive. For instance a ball python with a solid stripe from nose to tail on the top of its back is so rare its almost priceless.
Those hatchlings are beautiful! The pics show they are all well cared for. I dont condone pet shops like PetCo who sell snakes. But what you are doing is fantastic!
Great work and thanks for the pics.
Anyone on here into reptiles? I'm a reptile nut! :c:eeky-sm

I breed red tail boas, ball pythons, bearded dragons, leopard geckos, and veiled chameleons. Right now I have about 300 snakes including babies.

Mememememe, over the years ive had a few Iguana,s but due to family life and circumstances they had to go. Had Corn snakes and royal pythons at that time too.

Currently all i have is at present is a corn snake which ive had for about 3-4 year.
Would love to have a red tailboa too mind,,,, some big and think, easy maintenance due to family life and that doesnt grow to requirement/problem....Those pics above are beautiful bud.....Envious here....
I had a big female dumeril boa ( I think it was Peter Kahl stock) she was the nicest snake every and she won over a lot of snake haters. She passed away about 2 years ago, I wanna say she was 10 or 11 years old :(
those are amazing. I've always had a thing for reptiles. I had three green iguanas as a kid, when they got too big i set them free. I was able to do that cuz i grew up in a tropical place before moving to canada. However i don't think i would ever have a reptile in a northern country.
those bearded dragons are beutiful. Never seen them before. Where is their natural habitat?
amazing pictures boa. it is not everyday we appreciate the reptilian nature. after seeing these pics i am appreciating. Looks awesome, yet i still fear those boas....the strength of their body i must envy. Im not crocodile hunter. you look like the next best thing. haha. best wishes man. take care :cool:
Wow! That Jungle Boa is beautiful man! I used to have a Burmese(sp) Python that was about 6 or 7 feet long a few years back. He actually escaped from his cage and I never found him!:eek: The same day my neighbors dog was missing for a while and I was freaking out! But they found him wandering around thank god.:D I've owned an Iguana also. -StOrY
Anyone on here into reptiles? I'm a reptile nut! :c:eeky-sm

I breed red tail boas, ball pythons, bearded dragons, leopard geckos, and veiled chameleons. Right now I have about 300 snakes including babies.

Wow nice photos you placed here from your reptiles !
I also had bearded dragons but after some years it got borring so i gave them away to a friend.
Now i have squirrels they are more activ.
I am a girl and I love reptiles!! Just bought my first one about 6 weeks ago, a bearded dragon and I also want to get a panther chameleon.
Great pics Boa

Over the years I have had my fair share of reptiles, here are some that I can remember...:D
3 Asain water monitors
red tegu
bearded dragons
ball pythons
dumerils boa
horny toads
water dragons
savanah monitors
golpher shake
veiled chameleons
Panther chameleons
mountain horned chameleons
california kingsnake
honduran tangerine milk snake
red ear sliders
soft shell turtles
rough snake

I know theres lots more, but thats all that I can think of right now and thats just reptiles :)
those bearded dragons are beutiful. Never seen them before. Where is their natural habitat?

They are from Australia.
Great pets, babies poop once a day and adults a couple times a week, love it!
They look good, personally I'm terrified of snakes. My old roomate had one, I didn't mind him but I didn't touch him either! LOL
Awesome hatchlings there! I love snakes. Right now I have a red tail boa.
Back in the day

I used to be pretty bit in to reptiles... specifically cobras and tree monitors. Not to sure if I miss them yet, but it was a move that prompted me to get out of the trade.

This little guy was my first cobra! Damion, and a fast little bugger. About the size of a pencil in this pic, grew over 4 feet.

Sorry for the huge size, not to computer literate over here.


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They are from Australia.
Great pets, babies poop once a day and adults a couple times a week, love it!
Yes also called the frill necked lizard here. When frightened or threatened they pop out the flap of skin around their head to make a fearsome display.

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