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anybody feel like.............


New member
Oct 22, 2002
Anybody ever feel like giving up?? I dont know sometimes I get depressed with all the eating,gear etc.Some times I just feel like saying fuck it. I dont know I am bulking for a contest right now I guess I will never be my best if I dont keep going right?
I mean I hate to see former BBders all shriveled up afterword
like dorian, mike christian,francios. I guess I am just focusing on the future and not now. Not boohooing but just was wondering
if anybody else felt this way?

I think thats normal, sometimes you just need to take a couple weeks off from everything and you'll come back stronger and refreshed. although for you, right now its not a good idea since you said your getting ready for a show.
Layoffs are good

I know exactly what you mean brother,I get so fucking tired of eating and shooting and letting my whole schedule revolve around bodybuilding.The best thing is to take a week off every few months,sometimes longer.Enjoy life,your girl,whatever it is besides bodybuilding that makes you happy.Then you will feel the drive come back and trust me when you go back to the "lifestyle",you feel 100% and you will make great gains.It works for me everytime.......
I feel the same way to some times, I mean what other sport does it take minimum 10-15 years of training to get anywhere near the top it takes dedication and focus and over that time period ain't that easy. It seems alot harder for me when don't have a goal e.g show to aim for you just seem to train aimlessly, as the others have said have rest or start new cycle or aim for show or do so mething that brings interest back into your training youll be fine.
I was the same way a while back, work was getting tough, the wife was complaining about going to the gym all the time, got injured just by lifting something etc etc

So I took two weeks off, ate anything I wanted, drank, which is rare for me, put on 10lbs

Then I looked at myself and the people I know (not BBers) and thought screw this I am going back to the gym. Got the wife to start to lift weights - She is not bad, already she can bench 60lbs for reps at b/w of 105lbs
While I am not 100% back to my old level I am enjoying training again and getting the diet back together slowly.

So one foot forward at a time
Boing "the English_Bulldog"
Hey killer -- we do what no other man will do or endure (we are not in the 99.9%!). Hell, we eat 8 times a day because we have to, not because we like the food.

If you going to compete, I hope you have your goals WRITTEN down. If not, then get the pen to paper. Write down some intermeddiary goals you need to meet before the contest. After you write them down, tell someone about them - put you @$$ on the line! This will mentally help kick things into gear.

Like bigkiwi stated (more or less) you can't hit a target that doesn't exist! The mind is a terrible thing to waste - put it to work bro!

i feel ya brother

i know exactly how you're feeling man, i just started lifting again after a 2 week lay off.

no juice, no training, and eating whatever i want, chips cookies whatever hehe, i just got tired of the shit, but after those two weeks, BAM. I'm like a new man in the gym, mentally it feels like i was out of the gym alot longer then just two weeks, which makes me lift even harder.

since you're getting ready for a contest, i wouldn't suggest taking off anytime, but afterwards, take of 2-4 weeks, just put BB on the back burner for away and not think about it, I gurantee that your muscles will start begging to hit the gym again and you'll feel refreshed as hell and you won't even think about how BB was a pain in the ass for awhile hehe.

After 12 years of training and 10 years of gear, I took 11months off between Sep 2001 and Aug 2002. No gym, no gear and no dieting. It did me good.
I dropped down from 280 and veiny, etc, to 240 and fatty. Since I started again, I have been training an average of 2 times a week - still screwing around. I am 264 right now and you can start seeing the abs, kind off - finally! Only happend the last week. Thank God for Syntheburn as I am not dieting LOL
I think that I will still screw around like this for another 6 months or so, and then I'll start seriously.

Your mind has to be in it - if it's not, you will not get the results that you should, so just take it easy until the motivation is back. Your wasting your time otherwise.
I dunno this reminds me of a handel i saw some where I think it goes likethis "bodybuilding sux, but so does my girlfriend and i love her"
Good looking out , Its nice to be able to get feedback from good mo fos.That goal thing might just work xcel. Got to try something to keep hugry. Just seeing I am not the only one
is a bonus,thanks


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