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Are you able to take ghrp-6/cjc the same for a bulker as gh ?


Jan 28, 2009
Im wondering if anyone has taken ghrp-6 with cjc to get the same out of it as if you would take gh at 8 i/u?

Iv done gh couple times doing the blast methode at 8 i/u 3x week

Im wanting to know if you can get the same out of it for a bulker as you would with gh?

Im wondering if anyone has taken ghrp-6 with cjc to get the same out of it as if you would take gh at 8 i/u?

Iv done gh couple times doing the blast methode at 8 i/u 3x week

Im wanting to know if you can get the same out of it for a bulker as you would with gh?


last january thru april i dieted down using gh, ghrp-2 & cjc-1295. i stacked the ghrp/cjc together and had amazing results with it
To be honest I've run the two a few months back lost a lot of bodyfat but also maintained most of my bodyweight, and went down 2 pant sizes, CJC and GHRP is a great combo, period, however I didn't get really big like I expected even with the GH. But, I was shredded and I did like that.
Im wondering if its like if you where on gh?Did you gain any size and where you able to lift anymore weight?

How about hands going to sleep like and water retention like you get on gh?

To be honest I've run the two a few months back lost a lot of bodyfat but also maintained most of my bodyweight, and went down 2 pant sizes, CJC and GHRP is a great combo, period, however I didn't get really big like I expected even with the GH. But, I was shredded and I did like that.

How much were you using and for how long? Any noticeable side effects?
I am sorry it has taken me so long to get back to answer the questions but, here we go when I took it and believe me at first I was taking a substantial amount then I scaled it back to 100/100mcg 3--4 x's a day and the only side I got was the enormous appetite I get when I take GHRP-6, other than that no other sides (i.e. numbness, tingling of the hands, wrist pain, etc etc.) that is why I really gravitate to Peps, even as crazy as I was going I had no sides and for me it just seemed as if things got better on a daily basis.
i havent ran Gh but i ran cjc/ghrp last winter in my bulker

loved it!

gained 19 lbs. stayed same bf%

recovery, sleep, energy, etc was all better also
Hey quick question... why would someone choose ghrp-6/cjc and CJC-1295 over gh? Can you bulk on these products as well?
Hey quick question... why would someone choose ghrp-6/cjc and CJC-1295 over gh? Can you bulk on these products as well?

U can definitely bulk or cut with it. most guys choose peptides for the price. remember, adding mass or losing fat has to do with diet first off
Hey quick question... why would someone choose ghrp-6/cjc and CJC-1295 over gh? Can you bulk on these products as well?

Price is certainly way better for peptides. But more importantly, with peps you are causing real gh release -- your own. Synthetic gh is not "real." It is ... synthetic. You will cause a negative feedback that causes your endogenous gh to slow or shut off. With peps, you are helping your body produce more really real gh.

Most say that if you do the combo of mod grf 129 and one of the GRP's 2-3 times a day, that you will gain lbm.
Price Effective

Bill.... you are right in everything you said about the efficacy of Peps,for instance we sell 10mg vials of CJC1295 and GHRP-2/6, if you follow the protocols in your research set forth in many of these threads (i.e. 100/100 split 3x's aday) do the math , 1 vial will last quite a bit of time (1vial is 10,000 mcgs). Now, is that cost effective or what, plus all your GH is produced through natural channels, not an exogenous form which will cause your natural production to shut down. Seems like a relatively easy choice to make doesn't it ?
So every time you shoot 100 /100 mcgs of both how much GH will you release each time OR better yet how does that release compare to to gh you shoot in i/us?
Price is certainly way better for peptides.

"Way better"??? No it's not. They're very comparable.

Average economic prices for rhGH and GRF(1-29)/GHRP's.
rhGH Generics @ 1.25 per IU
GRF(1-29) = $30.00 2MG
GHRP's = $30.00 5MG

rhGH @ 5IU = $6.25 per day (Lasts 20 days w/100IU)

Peptides Combo
GRF(1-29) @ 100mcg 3x = $4.50 per day (Lasts 6 2/3 days).
GHRP's @ 100mcg 3x = $1.80 per day (Lasts 16 2/3 days).
Total daily combo cost = $6.30 per day

Further, since I recommend mixing up protocols, such as 5 on and 2 off or EOD will allow you to use more per day, but lasting just as long.

For instance:
5 on & 2 off = 7IU daily (lasts 20 days)
EOD = 10IU daily (lasts 20 days) -- this is extreme dosing and not necessarily recommended.
It is hard to get hgh at 1.25 per IU. I have seen 1.50 why bying 500 iu + shipping+WU fees.

GHRP-2 can be had for as little as $10 for 5mg when bought in larger quantities.
GRF(1-29) seems to be about 3x the cost of ghrp.

This makes me wonder, how much does GRF really help? Can you get away with a smaller does (say 25 iu GRF + 100 iu GHRP 3x per day?)
What about cjc with DAC + GHRP?
It is hard to get hgh at 1.25 per IU. I have seen 1.50 why bying 500 iu + shipping+WU fees.

Since you're new, I'm wondering if this post will go to waste. However it did occur to me someone would attempt to split hairs over these prices.
FYI - I posted legit and readily available prices via the sponsors on these boards.

None the less, you're aware that there are suppliers which sell their generics @ .95 per IU?

GHRP-2 can be had for as little as $10 for 5mg when bought in larger quantities.

The prices I referenced are attainable w/o "buying in bulk". Further, I know of no sponsor (here) selling GHRP-2 @ $10.00 5MG (bulk or not). Regardless, let's assume this pricing exists. Of course, I can testify my referenced .95IU (and even lower) most certainly exists.

Shall we?

Prices for rhGH and GRF(1-29)/GHRP's.
rhGH Generics @ .95 per IU

GRF(1-29) = $30.00 2MG (you said GRF is 3X the amount of GHRP-2).
GHRP-6 = $10.00 5MG

rhGH @ 5IU = $4.75 per day

Peptides Combo
GRF(1-29) @ 100mcg 3x = $4.50 per day
GHRP's @ 100mcg 3x = .60 per day
Total daily combo cost = $5.10 per day
The advantage of the peps is a matter of legality in some places, some states have scheduled GH, also cjc/ghrp mimmic natty pulsatile GH, this is not happening with synthetic. Also peps cause the release of all the isoforms of gh, rHGH is just 191aa.

They both have there uses and there own followings.
The advantage of the peps is a matter of legality in some places

Interesting response. Both have their individual place in transforming the body. However for those who are serious, I believe both substances may be utilized (at comparable rates) to further progress one's research.
So it sounds like the ghrp6/cjc is the best for the matter.
"Way better"??? No it's not. They're very comparable.

Average economic prices for rhGH and GRF(1-29)/GHRP's.
rhGH Generics @ 1.25 per IU
GRF(1-29) = $30.00 2MG
GHRP's = $30.00 5MG

rhGH @ 5IU = $6.25 per day (Lasts 20 days w/100IU)

Peptides Combo
GRF(1-29) @ 100mcg 3x = $4.50 per day (Lasts 6 2/3 days).
GHRP's @ 100mcg 3x = $1.80 per day (Lasts 16 2/3 days).
Total daily combo cost = $6.30 per day

Further, since I recommend mixing up protocols, such as 5 on and 2 off or EOD will allow you to use more per day, but lasting just as long.

In order to get the equivalent of 5iu of GH only 2 doses of peptides would be needed...this would make the cost of peptides a bit lower daily...say $4 roughly. For even less, a GHRP could be taken 3x a day to yield about 4.5-5iu equivalence and cost like $2 or so a day. The GH I have access to at ~$100 isn't something I would want to run and also would cost $50 to ship in the states. But, getting over analytical now and don't desire to argue about cost and mathematics. I appreciate the breakdown though...made me sit down and do daily cost analysis of what I do and rearrange a few things for best benefit to cost! Very helpful.

I still say best results would come from using BOTH...some synthetic GH and some peptides...dosage dependent on what your desired results are.
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BUT at 5 i/u a shot of GHRP6/CJC i dont se how it wouldnt be better if at 5 i/u a shot times 3x daily it wouldnt be a better choice.

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