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Astragalus IN DEPTH

Kidney+ from Supplement Needs is an excellent complement with astragalus :

Astragalus (from root)(Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bunge)(standardised to a 4:1 extract) *8000mg whole plant equivalent2000
Beetroot Extract (from Root)(Beta vulgaris)1500
Hawthorn Berry Extract (from Fruit)(Crataegus rhipidophylla. Gand)900
Goldenrod (dried Flower)(Solidago virgaurea var. leiocarpa)500
Potassium Citrate (255mg Potassium)600
Juniper Berry Extract (4:1 fruit extract)75
^ That is decent but beet root should be fermented due to oxalates and phytates, and potassium is not a good idea for people w kidney issues (although the citrate is a little better); or a great idea for those of us on ARB’s and a BB’s.

That said, decent formula and the K+ amount is not that bad.

Ps. I assume one needs 2-3 servings/day so that additional K+ would start to make me a little nervous.
Another brand that is great is vitacost. Been using it for years with consistent impact on bloods. Simple, cheap, effective. I have no affiliation whatsoever with vitacost but the place is cheap and runs constnant 15-20% off specials on their brand. I'm always suprised more people here don't use them...shipping is lighting fast too.

I swear I have no affiliation, but feel like I should be on their payroll lol.
^ That is decent but beet root should be fermented due to oxalates and phytates, and potassium is not a good idea for people w kidney issues (although the citrate is a little better); or a great idea for those of us on ARB’s and a BB’s.

That said, decent formula and the K+ amount is not that bad.

Ps. I assume one needs 2-3 servings/day so that additional K+ would start to make me a little nervous.

I don't want to get off topic but I'd be curious if you wanted to expand your thoughts on oxalates. I am not neurotic about it, but as I have been more mindful to the fruits and veggies I eat I've cut my intake down by about 75% and I feel great! I'll have 3-4 days a week where I try to get it down to <50 a day and the more I take oxalates out of my diet, the better I feel. I have never had any kidney stone issue either so it's not because of that specfiic issue.
I don't want to get off topic but I'd be curious if you wanted to expand your thoughts on oxalates. I am not neurotic about it, but as I have been more mindful to the fruits and veggies I eat I've cut my intake down by about 75% and I feel great! I'll have 3-4 days a week where I try to get it down to <50 a day and the more I take oxalates out of my diet, the better I feel. I have never had any kidney stone issue either so it's not because of that specfiic issue.

Sup Flex.

I started learning about years ago when I developed a kidney stone. It was a calcium oxalate type. Learned ways to manage these and knock on wood - I haven’t had any return. That was 15 years ago.That said, who the heck why. Could also be from the kidney stone supps I take (chanca piedra).

When I was learning about oxalates, they sounded pretty problematic in other ways too and these were just more reasons to be mindful of and strategize in a way to keep these low - in addition to the painful stones.

From the link below.

“ Soluble oxalates have many bad effects on body tissues: damaging membranes and mitochondria, creating fatigue and energy issues that cause cell death, triggering nerve cell damage that causes functional problems throughout the nervous system, depleting the antioxidant glutathione (that helps the liver detoxify chemicals and that preserves brain health), and creating autoimmune symptoms by stressing and confusing the immune system”

If you really want to get your learn on, Sally Norton is at the top of her game on Oxalates. You can YT her as she has lots of very educational videos.
vit d3, multi or beef organ complex, taurine, astragalus, rotate tudca with nac/milk thistle, probiotics OR FERMENTED FOOD, B complex, most of us need/benefit from digestive enzymes as bodybuilders as does joe schmoe, magnesium glycinate, not too many more essentials IMO but I know I'm missing a few, I am frugal and make it happen I'm with you , I don't buy all the name brands, I use swanson and piping rock here and there lol
I stick to Swanson and Iherb as much as I can. Quality seems to be high despite the economical price.
Sup Flex.

I started learning about years ago when I developed a kidney stone. It was a calcium oxalate type. Learned ways to manage these and knock on wood - I haven’t had any return. That was 15 years ago.That said, who the heck why. Could also be from the kidney stone supps I take (chanca piedra).

When I was learning about oxalates, they sounded pretty problematic in other ways too and these were just more reasons to be mindful of and strategize in a way to keep these low - in addition to the painful stones.

From the link below.

“ Soluble oxalates have many bad effects on body tissues: damaging membranes and mitochondria, creating fatigue and energy issues that cause cell death, triggering nerve cell damage that causes functional problems throughout the nervous system, depleting the antioxidant glutathione (that helps the liver detoxify chemicals and that preserves brain health), and creating autoimmune symptoms by stressing and confusing the immune system”

If you really want to get your learn on, Sally Norton is at the top of her game on Oxalates. You can YT her as she has lots of very educational videos.

Thanks for sharing! You actually hit a top concern which is the impact on mitochondria. Great info. Thanks for sharing!
Has anyone seen positive effects on eGFR using a ratio of Astragulus? For example, less capsules so 2:1, 5:1, even 10:1?

Or is everyone using a whole herb or extract?
@ Flex - another quickie write up.
That's a really nice overview. Thanks again! I was legit eating 6-8 cups of spinach a day. I cut all spinach, almonds, and switched to much lower oxalate fruits and veggies and feel so much better. I was literally probably >1,000 a day and now usually <100-200/day...often zero or close to zero.
That's a really nice overview. Thanks again! I was legit eating 6-8 cups of spinach a day. I cut all spinach, almonds, and switched to much lower oxalate fruits and veggies and feel so much better. I was literally probably >1,000 a day and now usually <100-200/day...often zero or close to zero.

Np! Same! I’m so sensitive to my diet as well. Especially as I get older. So I feel ya. 👍🏼
Has anyone seen positive effects on eGFR using a ratio of Astragulus? For example, less capsules so 2:1, 5:1, even 10:1?

Or is everyone using a whole herb or extract?
I'm using a 20:1 extract (500mg supposed to be equivalent to 10 grams of powder), but I'm not sure if it preserves all the actives. Actually add a couple of caps of Swanson Astragalus. I think I'll add a cap or two of Life Extension Bio-Fisetin, can't hurt I think.
I can't get the Vitacost in the US, at least didn't find it last time I checked. I'd take a cap of the Astragaloside IV if I had better access.

Only do labs twice a year.
That's a really nice overview. Thanks again! I was legit eating 6-8 cups of spinach a day. I cut all spinach, almonds, and switched to much lower oxalate fruits and veggies and feel so much better. I was literally probably >1,000 a day and now usually <100-200/day...often zero or close to zero.
which did you switch to? please equip with us some options :)
Stopped by a vitamin shoppe in my area yesterday, out. Called 2 more, out. Lucky if vitamin shoppe has a bottle, if they ever have 2 buy both. They are horrible at stocking it. Shame.
Stopped by a vitamin shoppe in my area yesterday, out. Called 2 more, out. Lucky if vitamin shoppe has a bottle, if they ever have 2 buy both. They are horrible at stocking it. Shame.
The first thing I think is, the people here on Pro.Muscle are the reason they are always out of stock. Not really but I always think of here when they're out.
which did you switch to? please equip with us some options :)
for me I think a lot was cutting out very high oxalate foods that I was eating. I was eating tons of spinach, rice bran, almonds and lots and lots of beet powder.

basically everything on the "very high" list I was eating lol https://ucikidneystonecenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Oxalate-Content-of-Foods.pdf

The good news is there are tons of low oxalate fruit and veggies...even quite a few greens. I cup of blueberries has 2-3, so that is quite low. Spinach is brutal. I try to keep it <50 a day on average.

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