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BEAST's 2012 offseason and contest log.


New member
Aug 24, 2010
As many of you know I started an offseason and contest log at the end of last year, but have officially closed it due to some controversial issues.

This log will serve as my updated platform for my log of diet, training, supplementation, progress pics, workout video footage, and overall progression.

I hope those that followed along previously will continue on my adventure through 2012 with me. Hopefully some new faces will join in for the first time as well :)
January 25, 2012 update:

General update:

I will be updating weight at the beginning of next week (1-30-12). My diet has changed a slight bit since my previous log. I have officially started my new DC Blast / training program as well. And... my wife and I have discovered we will be having a little girl! Everything is going fantastic, and I hope that I can continue to progress and make the gains I'm looking for prior to starting my contest diets.

Diet update:

I have kept a lot of things pretty constant in my diet. I have kept in eggwhites, chicken, steak, cottage cheese, WPI powder, pineapple, karbolyn, and oatmeal. These are my staples along with the new additions of bananna (on occasion pre or pwo), white rice, russet potatoes, and dexanhydrous glucose (Ignition). I have also switched almost exclusively to stevia as a sweetner as opposed to splenda. I am cycling my carbs and calories dependent upon daily workload and training needs. Here is the average example of a typical day in the new diet (off days are obviously lower carb and higher fat whereas Leg training days are higher carb):

Meal #1: WPI and oatmeal
Meal #2: Chicken and/or steak and white rice
Meal #3: Chicken and salad
Meal #4: (PreWO) Eggwhites and fruit or karbolyn (dexanhydrous glucose w/pwo shake)
Meal #5: Chicken, russet potatoes (or white rice), and salad
Meal #6: Cottage cheese, steak, and almonds

Training update:

As I stated above, I have recently started a new DC blast. I am utilizing the three way split adding in an additional Volume style leg workout once per week (except on double DC workout leg weeks). I will begin to log weights in the next few weeks. I am close to the same weights that I finished my last blast using, but due to time off to rest up and heal some injuries I am not quite as strong as I was. This will be rectified asap, and I will be making record breaking lifts again over the next month or so. I will however keep everyone up to date on the exercises and workouts I am completing. In the next 1-2 months, or as time permits, I will be adding in video footage of some of my workouts and lifts. This is due to suggestion by a few members following my old log. Hope everyone enjoys them!


Fish oil
Dig enzymes
Joint supps
Dexanhydrous glucose

IF gear were legal in my country at the current phase in my diet and training I would be on a cruise of the following per week:

150mg test p
150mg test e
500iu hcg
50mg aromasin


***Disclaimer***: The only items that are based in reality from this log will be the dedication, discipline, nutrition, and hard work in the gym. Any reference to hormones or peptides are ENTIRELY fictional, theoretical, and for entertainment purposes only. Any peptides mentioned are used for legitimate laboratory research purposes only, and mention of any illegal substance is make believe. I do NOT use nor do i recommend or condone the use of any substance illegal in your respective country.
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Just curious about your reason for running 50mg of aromasin with such low doses of test? Seems overkill to me. Thanks bud
Just curious about your reason for running 50mg of aromasin with such low doses of test? Seems overkill to me. Thanks bud

I was thinking 25mg x2/wk. With the hcg i would think some ai would be neccessary. I know you could thoretically do less, and I may... just my starting thoughts. I would likely change to an AI specifically timed to target hcg related estro issues.

Great to see you doing this log mate, i will be watching...

I too agree, at most i would run the aromasin at 12.5mgs ed, should be more than enough...
Great to see you doing this log mate, i will be watching...

I too agree, at most i would run the aromasin at 12.5mgs ed, should be more than enough...

I completely agree on the aromasin dosing (hypothetically... 25mg caps though... oops).

Awesome to have you here brother! Glad to have you along for the journey.


Ok. That's not as high as I originally thought. I was thinking you meant 50mg ed opposed to weekly. A little low dose mast E might do the trick for ya too while helping gains as well. Deff be following along though bro. Good luck!!
January 30, 2012 update:

AM weight: 224.0 lbs

Diet update:

Everything with the diet went really smoothly last week. I am not on a strict contest diet perse, but I follow a pretty strict meal plan year round. I am a little loose with cheat meals over the weekends in my offseason. This past weekend I enjoyed some pizza, fried chicken, and japanese hibachi grilling along with some sushi. Can I just say that there is no better bodybuilding cheatmeal than japanese steakhouse hibachi grilled steak and chicken with fried rice and some spicy tuna sushi!!!

Training update:

Training went really well last week. It's still early into my DC blast, but my shoulders and joints overall feel really good so far. I am definetly keeping a tight joint supplementation program especially during my DC blast phases. A basic rundown of the workouts I did last week were: Legs, Chest/delts/tris, Back/bis/forearms, Volume leg workout, and Chest/delts/tris again. This is how I have broken down the three-way split for my training regiment along with an added day of leg volume training. Just to give you a basic idea of the kinds of lifts I do here are a few examples for each bodypart from last week:

Day 1:

Smith squats
Hack quat SLDL

Day 2:

Smith incline presses
Fly press
Mach military press
Mach side laterals
Skull crushers

Day 3:

Rope pulls
Rack pulls
EZ BB curls
Mach preachers
DB pinwheel curls

Day 4:

Leg press
Rev hack squat
Lying leg curls
Leg extensions
Walking lunges

Day 5:

DB incline press
Smith military press
Smith CG bench press

Overall each workout last week was great. I got the new setpoints for my lifts down, and the majority of the weights on my lifts have stayed within 10-15% of my previous logbook records as well. I plan to be back to beating the logbook in no time!


Same as above.

General thoughts:

Everything seems to be going along great so far. I am feeling healthy, refreshed, and reinvigorated since finishing up my rest and recovery time that I took over the last month or so. My last blast training cycle wore me down physically and mentally, and now I'm back and ready to destroy at the gym, the table, on the treadmill, and later this year (fingers crossed) on the stage!

February 2, 2012 update:

Training update:

Training has gone extremely well so far this week. My strength is increasing a bit quicker than I expected. My lower back held up extremely well for my first heavy DC back workout since my low back injury. All other joints including the shoulders are feeling really good still. Here are the workouts completed so far this week:

Day 1:

Widegrip pulldowns
260x16 rp

BB Row

DB preachers
60x15 rp

Rev EZ bar curls
125x16 rp

Day 2:

Reverse hack squat

Sumo leg press

Rev hack and seated leg curl widowmakers

Day 3: 2/2/12

Chest, shoulders, triceps

Day 4: 2/3/12

Back, biceps, forearms

Day 5: 2/4/12

Volume legs


No changes.

General thoughts:

Everything is still going along smoothly. My joints have never felt this good two weeks into a blast... since I did my very first DC blast. My appetite has been pretty ferocious. I have easily eaten my planned meals with some additions on top. Sometimes I have to just stop myself from eating because I don't get full. I have gone through over half a giant container of cashews since last Friday. I haven't checked my weight change since Monday, but overall my physique looks tighter and fuller. I am trying to keep realatively lean while building as much muscle as possible over the next five to seven months, depending upon contest selection. I am still undecided but plan to hire a coach sometime in the coming months depending upon overall progress. I will update as time goes on providing more detail on progress, plan changes, and video and picture updates! Thanks to everyone following along. I hope this will be entertaining and useful for ProM members. If anyone has questions for me on anything in my log please do not hesitate to ask.

One additional note:

I have changed my ai protocol. I am now using 50-100mg of topical formestane per day. I have always loved topical formestane as an AI as well as the fact that you get some 4-hydroxytest buildup over time :)

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February 3, 2012 update:

Training update:

Training went very well last night. I had a slight mishap with some db military presses. Someone bent the shit out of the 115's at my gym and the dbs were ridiculous to try to stabilize and control. Needless to say that pretty much ruined my military pressing set, but nevertheless still a great workout. Chest and tricep strengths are already back to nearly record breaking levels. Here's a glimpse of my workout last night:

Day 3: 2/2/12

Nautilus incline press
445x16 rp (same weight as PR, down 2? reps)

DB military press
115drop100x13rp (bad dbs ruined this set)

Tricep pushdowns

I also hit my stretches for each muscle, side lateral widowmakers, pec dec fly press widowmakers, and some cardio. I have incorporated 20 minutes of cardio pwo beginning this past Saturday.

Day 4: Tonight

Back, biceps, forearms

Day 5: 2/4/12

Volume legs


No changes.

General thoughts:

I am really looking forward to a cheat meal tonight and tomorrow evening. No plans on what it will entail yet, but I'll keep you all up to date on it because the one thing I can gaurantee you is that it will be epic and wonderful. Cardio has been implemented at 20 minutes pwo at this point. My hunger has continued to be absolutely ravenous. By the end of the week I will have nearly gone through a 2 lb 2.5oz jug of cashews... oh my that sounds worse when I look at it or say it out loud... Regardless, I am still tighter than at the beginning of the week, my strength is increasing, and overall progress is coming along as expected. Hope you continue to follow the journey gentlemen!!!

Great friggin log bro. Loving it thus far, keep it up!
Great friggin log bro. Loving it thus far, keep it up!

This party is just getting started brother. Glad to have you in for the ride!


February 6, 2012 update:

2/4/12 AM weight: 222.6 lbs

2/6/12 AM weight: 228.6 lbs

Training update:

I ended up only completing the back, biceps, and forearms workout since my last update. I decided to take the day off on Saturday instead of hitting a volume leg workout. I did this for a couple of reasons. First of all my lower back as pretty taxed from one heavy leg workout and two heavy back workouts last week. I was also feeling a little drained and just felt like the extra rest would serve me better for this upcoming week than having killed myself hitting legs on Saturday and then turning around and hitting them hard again tomorrow.


Back, biceps, forearms - I'll update the weights from this workout later today or tomorrow.

1-arm seated row
DB drag curls
Rev cable curls
Lat pull widowmakers
Preacher curl widowmakers

2/6/12: Tonight

Chest, Shoulders, Triceps


No significant changes to speak of. Veggies will start to be added in place of some of the salads I was having in certain meals. Carbohydrates will remain relatively the same otherwise. Fats are staying about the same... mainly keeping them in the last few meals (other than fish oils and other EFAs/oils).


No changes.

General thoughts:

Overall another great week last week. I was pleased with the increases in strength that I am seeing already. This week I am getting into the second run through each exercise in my DC blast routine, so we're going to get a really good gauge of how strength has increased overall since the beginning of the blast. I got a lot of rest over the weekend, and had some nice cheat meals as well. I enjoyed some chicken strips and pizza. My weight went up quite a bit the day following (today) the cheat meals. I'm up about 5-6 lbs of water. I'll update tonight of tomorrow on my workouts from tonight and last Friday. Meals are going down easily still. Food intake may be adjusted at the beginning of next week depending upon several variables. I'll update in realtime as adjustments are made. Keep following guys. This is just about the time this should start getting good :)

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February 7, 2012 update:

Training update:

Here are the updates from my workout from last Friday and from last night:



1-arm seated row
260x18 rp

DB drag curls

Rev cable curls

Lat pull widowmakers
Preacher curl widowmakers


Smith incline press
(up from 315x17rp)

Nautilus military press

Deadstop skullcrushers
(up from 145x14rp but new lift was performed with suboptimal bar)

Fly press widowmaker
Side lateral mach widowmaker
Incline pushups widowmaker

Both of these workouts went really well. My lower back seeme to be holding up really well since the injury. I tried not to overdo it and push too hard too fast, hence staying with 405 for the first deadlift workout back. My workout last night went great. My strength on the incline presses went up quite a bit. My shoulder strength is also coming back quickly. Tricep strength never really went down, but it is also increasing. Tonight I'll be hitting another brutal leg workout.


No significant changes, but postworkout I had about 12 oz of chicken, 1 cup rice, 1 cup french onion soup, and a salad as opposed to my typical 6 oz chicken and 1.5 cups rice/potatoes.


IF I were to research peptides in a lab I would consider the following research adjusted schedule:

7 AM and 4 PM:

150mcg GHRP-2 and 100mcg mod-grf
50mcg DES 1-3 IGF(30 minutes later)

8 PM:

500mcg GHRP-2 and 100mcg mod-grf
50mcg DES 1-3 IGF (30 minutes later)

11 PM:

150mcg GHRP-2 and 100mcg mod-grf

General thoughts:

Workout and diet went very well yesterday. I am sure I dropped most of the water weight I was carrying from the weekends' cheat meals. My physique is already a bit tighter and fuller than on Sunday. Everything is going along smoothly according to the plan. By the end of the week I will be re-evaluating the diet and supplement programs to make any changes neccessary to facilitate further progress. Keep following along brothers and keep working hard!

Yeaaaa buddy!! Does your research subject hold water on peps?
February 8, 2012 update:



Hack Squat
585x5, 405x15

Smith SLDL

Seated calf raises
135 to failure
160 to failure

Seated leg curl widowmakers

Today 2/8/12:


My leg workout went about as I expected. My hack squats are down only two reps for the same weight from my previous blast record set. Joints in the lower body held up pretty well, but I did have some unsettling popping/crackling around my right kneecap during my heaviest unwrapped warmup set. I will watch it closely and get treatment from my physical therapist if neccessary. The extreme stretches were particularly brutal yesterday. I felt like crying like a schoolgirl when I stretched my hamstrings. That is something I definitely need to address in the upcoming weeks. Chronic quad and hamstring muscle tighteness are an ongoing issue for me. I expect very productive workouts the rest of the week.

Here's the rest of the week:


Back, Biceps, Forearms


Volume Legs

2/11/12 and 2/12/12:



No significant changes. On my off days I am going much lower on the carbs and increasing the fats some, but I do get to enjoy more steak and cashews then usual. :)


No changes this week. Some adjustments are likely to commence either next week or the following week.

General thoughts:

Blasting legs is one of my favorite things to do but damn does it hurt. This day off is going to serve my legs well. I may hit 30-40 minutes of moderate to low intensity cardio later this evening just to bring some blood into the area, burn some extra calories, and keep the metabolism up. I am looking forward to my rack deads on Thursday and my squats on Friday. Updates on the way!

***Major announcement***:

I have recently been picked up as a representative for Ergopep! Check us out for research needs at I am extremely appreciative to Phil, Osiris, and the rest of Ergo for giving me this opportunity. I am looking forward to working with the great group of guys that Ergopep has selected to build the best peptide company around period!

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February 13, 2012 update:

2/13/12 AM weight: 224.6 lbs.



Volume LEGS:

Leg extensions 4 x 20
Smith Squat 6 x 6-10
1-leg leg press 3 x 15-20
Lying leg curls 3 x 12-20
Seated leg curls 2 x 12-15
Standing calf raises 3 x 16-20


NG pullups
BW+65 x 12rp

Rack pulls
495 x 8, 365 x 14

BB curls
135 x 16rp

DB pinwheel curls
90 x 16rp

Extreme stretches

My leg workout went very good. My weights went up and the total number of sets went up from a typical DC leg workout for me. I am restarting my physical therapy treatments for my chest/shoulders/arms and my legs starting this week. Chronic quad and hamstring muscle tighteness will be the focal point of the therapy with minor emphasis on keeping my shoulders and chest open and loose.

Tonight and tomorrow's workouts:




Chest, shoulders, triceps


I am going back to more rice and pineapple throughout the day while keeping oatmeal at meal 1 only. Postworkout meals will remain either potato or rice with pineapple added in as needed. Protein servings are increasing by 1 cooked oz. per meal. Salads and extra fat sources will be added in as needed in the following weeks.


IF gear were legal in my country at the current phase in my diet and training I would begin a blast of the following:

200mg test p
400mg sustanon
400mg deca
40mg oral DMT ED (4 weeks)
25mg aromasin EOD
.5mg prami EOD
250iu hcg x2/wk

General thoughts:

I am extremely excited to get this week started. My diet and training are about to kick into high gear. My strength has continued to increase, and I only expect that trend to continue to an even greater extent in the near future. Food intake is going up slightly (mainly protein serving sizes). My cardio will stay at about x4-5/wk 20 minute sessions at a low to moderate pace on the treadmill. Everything else is going along great, joints feel good, the body feels ready to GROW!!! I'll keep up to date as things progress.

Yeeaaaaa buddy, logs lookin damn good!!

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