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Beginner HGH dosing


New member
Apr 26, 2009
I am on 600mg test a week and 20mg dbol in the morning.

I recently got some yellow tops. And want to start taking it.

What would be the best dosing for a beginner?

I heard about 2 ius morning and 2 ius night 6 on 1 off?
if i were you i would start at 2iu a day for 2wks. then bump it up to 3iu(you can split the dose in 2 or just take it all at once) for another wk. then when you get to 4iu's, split your dose in 2 to early am and the afternoon. by walking your way up you will dodge the unwanted GH sides like swollen tingly hands, water weight and lethargy. at anytime you get uncomfortable with the sides, back it down an iu for a wk and then try to up it again after the 1wk. good luck.
Ok thanks Thats probably the best way.

With 2ius ed, should I split it up or just take 2iu in the morning and do I have to take any days off?
Start with 1iu and bump it up an iu every 5-7days. This will help avoid bloat and sides. For an HGH newbie, time is more important that dose. Try to stay on as long as you can, preferably at least 6months.
Ok thanks Thats probably the best way.

With 2ius ed, should I split it up or just take 2iu in the morning and do I have to take any days off?

i wouldn't split the 2iu's so just take it in the morning. and you can run 7days a wk if you want.
IMO it all depends what your looking to do, fat lose or weight gain. When you split its for fat lose and you will go through alot of freakin pins plus your AAS pins as well (feel like pin cushion), or take it all at once PWO for weight gain, make sure its not before you go to bed cuz this effect your own natural gh release. Good Luck
Ok thanks I am going to do it once a day not split up. Probably 1iu for 5 days starting saturday then bump it to 2iu. Most likely AM because some of my workouts are late in the day.
Hgh has many different protocols and everyone you ask will give you a different answer. So here's mine,lol: I assume your in a bulker based on your cycle, but you still need to start on the lower end and taper up over time to try and avoid major sides associated with high hgh dosing. Higher hgh doses are best admin. immediatley pre or post workout, not in the AM persay...Once you're done w ur bulker, stay on the hgh and/or add in peptides to assist in the bros said, hgh is a LONG term commitment unless you want to absolutely waste your money...mainatain at 3-6iu w/ 2 or 3 shots a day once off the sauce indefinitely....if you want powerful synergy, start ghrh/ghrp 3x a day and pin the hgh 15-20min post peptide.....Good luck...
Hgh has many different protocols and everyone you ask will give you a different answer. So here's mine,lol: I assume your in a bulker based on your cycle, but you still need to start on the lower end and taper up over time to try and avoid major sides associated with high hgh dosing. Higher hgh doses are best admin. immediatley pre or post workout, not in the AM persay...Once you're done w ur bulker, stay on the hgh and/or add in peptides to assist in the bros said, hgh is a LONG term commitment unless you want to absolutely waste your money...mainatain at 3-6iu w/ 2 or 3 shots a day once off the sauce indefinitely....if you want powerful synergy, start ghrh/ghrp 3x a day and pin the hgh 15-20min post peptide.....Good luck...

How come pre workout man if its only active for such a short time period?
Ok thanks I am going to do it once a day not split up. Probably 1iu for 5 days starting saturday then bump it to 2iu. Most likely AM because some of my workouts are late in the day.

Dude, start off with 2IU's per day, one really wouldn't be enough. 2IU's is considered a good starting point for anyone. You also could consider taking your injection pre-workout instead. Thats when I take mine and by the time I am finished with my workout I will usually spike and then I take my protein shake immediately upon working out. PERFECT! Good Luck!
Hgh has many different protocols and everyone you ask will give you a different answer. So here's mine,lol: I assume your in a bulker based on your cycle, but you still need to start on the lower end and taper up over time to try and avoid major sides associated with high hgh dosing. Higher hgh doses are best admin. immediatley pre or post workout, not in the AM persay...Once you're done w ur bulker, stay on the hgh and/or add in peptides to assist in the bros said, hgh is a LONG term commitment unless you want to absolutely waste your money...mainatain at 3-6iu w/ 2 or 3 shots a day once off the sauce indefinitely....if you want powerful synergy, start ghrh/ghrp 3x a day and pin the hgh 15-20min post peptide.....Good luck...

Wow that is alot pins, like 6 pinz a day right? Are those shots sub-q or IM?
I decided to start with 2iu ed for a week or 2 then see how I feel and go up to 2iu morning and 2iu postworkout.
You pin sub-q into fat...and yes it can be alot of pins depending on what protocol you choose. You pin around your workout BECAUSE you want the spike after you're done working out so it can get in there under optimal conditions.
You pin sub-q into fat...and yes it can be alot of pins depending on what protocol you choose. You pin around your workout BECAUSE you want the spike after you're done working out so it can get in there under optimal conditions.

Did I just read something wrong then? I have always been under the impression that HGH was only active for 20-30 minutes post injection?
You are right, depending on the dose though. But pre or post workout...whatever is easier for you thats the point here, convenience, we're not going to split hairs.I personally only do post workout, but if I couldn't, preworkout would be better than not dosing until hours later....With hgh and peptides, we don't go crazy like ppl do on lr3, where bro's take the pins to the gym and pin while there doing there last set...Just my experience, take it as you wish.
You are right, depending on the dose though. But pre or post workout...whatever is easier for you thats the point here, convenience, we're not going to split hairs.I personally only do post workout, but if I couldn't, preworkout would be better than not dosing until hours later....With hgh and peptides, we don't go crazy like ppl do on lr3, where bro's take the pins to the gym and pin while there doing there last set...Just my experience, take it as you wish.

lol making me feel like an addict. I've been taking mine in a mini cooler lol.

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