Hi bro,
According to you what's the better protocol than I use alone using?
Is It cause hypoglycaemia like the insulin?
They have advised to me to use 100mcg before going to bed, goes well?
or it is better split in two doses of 50 mcg?
-Example protocol-
4ui HGH JINTROPIN in morning (before to breakfast) Monday - Wedsneday - Friday - Sunday (TOTAL 16UI for week)
2ui Insuline HUMALOG Every Day for each meat and 5ui After Workout with load carb and protein change ionic (50gr Dextrose + 40gr Protein) TOTAL 12ui a day without gym - TOTAL 17ui a day with gym
100mcg CHEMONE Every Day before to bed in muscle trained or biceps/tricipes/delts/calves/etc...
Is correct example for good muscle gained?
I accept councils gladly….thanks to all.
According to you what's the better protocol than I use alone using?
Is It cause hypoglycaemia like the insulin?
They have advised to me to use 100mcg before going to bed, goes well?
or it is better split in two doses of 50 mcg?
-Example protocol-
4ui HGH JINTROPIN in morning (before to breakfast) Monday - Wedsneday - Friday - Sunday (TOTAL 16UI for week)
2ui Insuline HUMALOG Every Day for each meat and 5ui After Workout with load carb and protein change ionic (50gr Dextrose + 40gr Protein) TOTAL 12ui a day without gym - TOTAL 17ui a day with gym
100mcg CHEMONE Every Day before to bed in muscle trained or biceps/tricipes/delts/calves/etc...
Is correct example for good muscle gained?
I accept councils gladly….thanks to all.