Dear Friends:
Good day.
First, sample shall arrive shortly.
Secondly, some people have said that the shot does hurt. A very few. From the first day of T600's release, I would say I have heard 4-5 complaints of painful injects. However, many more have said that it does not. In fact, many state that there is absolutely NO PAIN. And even one customer has said that his first inject hurt and the second did not. So to draw a conclusion that BL's T600 is always painful, would be foundationless. I have met many a person who would inject Sustanon on one day, with heavy pain, and again on another day with no pain. I am doubting, in many cases, it is the gear.
I tell you this cause this is the way it has been. However, as with other Test Ester combo's there seems to be mixed results as well.
BL himself has had a painful inject with T600. He chooses to stick with Nandrolone Decanoate 400mg/Test Enanthate 300mg per ml. This inject has proven PAINLESS for BL. Yes, that is 700mg/ml total active gear.
Please make your own assumptions. As time goes on, you will all realize that BL is honest, professional and extremely sincere. We will not BS you, nor will we ever lie to you regarding anything, especially when relating to gear and its dosage/volume.
And I want to re-iterate that it is in fact 600mg of Testosterone Esters per ml. AND, we only use 1% (by volume) BA. All of BL products are 1% (by volume) BA. We use BA for sterility purposes ONLY, and not for increasing a gear's solubility in its carrier oil.
We are not here to make enemies, nor do we wish to get into a battle with any of you. We are only here only to speak the truth, and most importantly to answer any questons that any of you may have.
If your have comments, arguments or feel the need to question our integrity, please just do it in a respectful manner. This is all that we ask. We do not wish to get into a naysayer battle, and instead would re-route you to the many discusions on the many boards BL has been presented at.
So, with that I would like to say hello to everyone here and a huge 'hello' to any BL family belonging to this board.
If you folks have any comments please feel free to post away, PM or email me.
Thank you and bes regards.
PS: For all of you who recieved FREE samples, BL would like to wish you all the very best. We look forward to making you huge.