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bust in sacramento

I'll bet they're real proud of that $10,000 bust (more than likely exagerated) that took two years. That was a real worthwhile effort. Wonder what kind of of "real" good they could have done for society in those two years?!?! :confused:

yeah......I'm sure they spent atleast 10 times that much of our tax dollars with the investigation and everything!!!!!!! UHHhhh!

I used to live in Sacramento and like most decent sized cities you can find any number of streets and parks where drugs are being sold in broad daylight and the streets are littered with burnt out heroin and crack addicts. But these cops are spending 2 years on steroids? I could find $10k worth of crack in Sacramento in an afternoon.
I know Richie [quite well]and his two cronies .They live very close to where I do .Richie owns a company called Diamond Nutrition and sponsers many NPC shows as well as the SanFransico Pro show.His ex -girl used to work for me as a dancer and I got to know him well during the time she worked for meHe used to own a Gold's gym in Sac. with Mike Mattarazo.I used to train there as well.He was always very cool to me and always used to give me free tickets to any show that I wanted.I liked the guy.His two cronies were idiots and the guy Ernie is a loser that doesn't even train.I warned Richie about these guys a long time ago ,I told him the it was just a matter of time before these guys got him in trouble ,and sure enough, sadly I am right.The guy Ernie even insulted me once by a acusing me of jacking a large stash that they had in some house.I ended up flipping out and punked both Richie and Ernie and made them beg for thier lives[actually to the point of crying ]then Mattarazo got involved .I was still mad ,so I called him out as well .Lets just say the man is no pussy. He met me in a Black Agus parking lot and we were right about to get it on,when Richie comes out of nowhere and sayes that we need to talk first, and then, if there was still a problem we could go back outside and handle things .We both agreed and went into the restraunt and had a nice dinner.Everything worked out and I have nothing but good things to say about both Richie and Mike. And I gained even more respect for Mike than I already had. He is a tough guy[unlike a great many bodybuilders and famous athletes that I have encountered]and to this day I wonder what would have happened if things had come to blows?I am bummed for for Richie ,but like I said the other two guys are garbage.People that are is this line of business should be nevous if they are in my area because those two guys are going to rat on anyone and everyone.I just got a call ,saying that this all stemed from a local Max muscle store owner getting popped and rolling on them, and because they had been moving lots of fake shit.Oh yeah ,I don't think Mike was ever involved in any shadey stuff, he was just friends and a legit business partner of Richie 's.I don't want anyone to get the impression that Mike was doing anthing illegal.Because he wasn't!I am just bummed for Richie,,,,,,,he is not the type to do well in jail.....but I used to warn him all the time....you play ,then be prepared to pay......
Snarf said:
I used to live in Sacramento and like most decent sized cities you can find any number of streets and parks where drugs are being sold in broad daylight and the streets are littered with burnt out heroin and crack addicts. But these cops are spending 2 years on steroids? I could find $10k worth of crack in Sacramento in an afternoon.

no fuckin kiddin..

wow 10k on the roid bust...man, so in other words, the guy had 5-10 vials of t400 and a cycle worth of dbol? lets be honest here, whenever the cops say how they got XX amount of juice from a bust and there's a pic involved, I'm just like "WTF?" thats not XX amount of gear. where the hell do they get these prices from?

shit like this pisses me off to no damn end. I'm in Baltimore city, and I'll say this.......DRUGS are easier to buy then alcohol and cig's for kids. as snarf said, 10k worth of rock or H would be easier to find then a damn nasty ass looking streetwalker in baltimore(and trust me, there are some nasty ass women that walk those streets lol).

it truely sickens me to no end that OUR TAX MONEY is going towards putting our fellow iron brothers and sisters behind bars. fuck i wish i never read this article, now i'm pissed off.


P.S. Maybe one of us should write and find out during these last two yrs how many murders they have solved? How many pedophiles they have put behind bars for child porn? How many rapists they have taken off the streets, and how many crack and Herion dealers have been under the same investigation that would last two yrs? what a great use of manpower and money.

No kidding'? when I saw it was in Sac, I KNEW you would give us the heads up.....well buddy, we have both been down the road he is just beginning, let's hope he knows how to stay quiet through this....man oh man is his life about to change. I truly feel sorry for him...
What a waste of 2 years and millions of tax payers dollars for a little 10K bust. I could see them putting those 2 years toward CRACK or METH labs...hell, to make a $0,000(exagerated), steroid bust isn't sh*t compared to what is on the street now...

Anyways we all know that they wasted their time and our money for a 10,000 bust.
sounds to me like they're just trying to make an example out of someone....

such bullshit!
Hell yes I echo the fact that 10k wort of AS by police standards is a tub of dbol and maybe 10 bottles of test. And this is the end result of many police hours and dollars spend, or should I say wasted. Someone needs to wake the fuck up! :mad:
Just read the article and this quote struck me:

"Steroid trafficking has been around forever. It’s a very closed society and there are not a whole lot of people who are involved in the use of steroids. It is a huge business."

WTF??? This idiot says that "It's a very closed society" and that "not a whole lot of people are involved" and then says "It is a huge business"?? WTF - which is it MORON??

Let's be real, steroid trafficking is not a huge business, rec. drug trafficking is... but why not say steroid trafficking is too, since that will help justify why we just spent 2 years and who knows how much money to make 1 bust....



the bad part is most people rat after getting busted...

i hate watching that chain reaction rats start.
Actualoly germ its 99% of people who get poped roll. So sometimes the only person who won't roll is you!
I always told myslef that if I did something so stupid to get myself busted, No way would I roll on anyone. Why ruin future contacts?? I would just show them a scamming website that I got my shit from...no use in bringing down fellow bros for my stupidity. But I don't plan on getting busted in the future...so all is good.

I have to agree with DR. that quote made no sense...DAMN idiots, 2 years of research to bust something that should have taken 7 days. It just shows you the charatcer of the people that work on thses things.
Shit! That sucks. And I'm moving to Sac in four months!
What a waste of our taxmoney. Go bust real criminals and crackheads and leave us alone.

Hey Iabadman, I'll be moving to Elk Grove, you near there?

stackdizzy said:
Actualoly germ its 99% of people who get poped roll. So sometimes the only person who won't roll is you!

yeah i know, it already happened to me...i was the only one that took a manditory vacation.

but i killed everyones pets when i got out....:(
Hey Smack,yes Elik Grove is close about 20-30minutes from where I am at.I hope your move goes well ,when you get settled ,pm me maybe we can hook up.And guys, about the bust you are not reading between the lines.Yes,it was a small amount ,but you are failing to reconize that this was a two year investigation ,and they could careless about the $10,000 arrest, that was just a formality.They were looking to nail the guy Richie and the guy Ernie on conspirisy charges as well as money laundering ect......They already were going to bust them [had enough evidence]it was a timing thing the kid that ran was in wrong place wrong time[I can't believe the dumbass ran like that ,probally cost him self two years for that alone].This was not a small time thing, and all I will say is this , many pros and top amatures are sweating over this.I feel bad for Richie ,I know what he is going through right now and it sucks bigtime.I hope the one thing he learned from me is to keep your mouth shut and take your punishment like a man.Otherwise ,many other good people will go down as a result of this.I once asked a DOJ agent [that was interigating me ,why they messed with steriods so much when they didn't really hurt anyone.He waited a minute ,looked around to see if anyone else could hear him.He told me that they don't give a rats ass about steroids.,they bust roid dealers because they snitch out everyone and anyone.One dealer can often lead to many coke ,g,e,and wepons arrests.He said that was the only reason he was telling me this, was because I was the only roid dealer that he had never cracked and that he actually respected that I was staying tight lipped. [as well as my friends that were involved, they were solid as well] Said he was mad for this being a waste of his time and that they be dropping the charges so the state would pick them up.[which they did of course]Then he wispered into my ear,that he had did a few cycles back in the 70's and laughed .[I never saw him again after that]But just some food for thought,if guys kept thier mouths shut ,the government would probally back off quite a bit.But they see roid dealers as a gateway to many other easy arrests.So word to the wise, is if you get busted ,SHUT THE PHUCK UP!You are hurting more than just the people that you rat on......
stackdizzy said:
Actualoly germ its 99% of people who get poped roll. So sometimes the only person who won't roll is you!

I dont think thats true at least not in our underground. Not that it doesnt ever happen, when some idiot is scared and coerced into talking and giving up their rights. But if you have a good lawyer, you shouldnt need to roll. Rick Collins represents many of the guys (including me of course) who have gotten popped for AS. And he claims that he has never had a client roll and wouldnt represent one who did.

SOOOOOOOO- remember that!!!! You dont have to roll! Know your rights! Get a good lawyer (Rick)!
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Good post MikeS.Like the man said .Keep your mouth shut and get a great attourney like Rick Collins[only heard the best things about the guy ]then let the cards fall where they may.It is never as bad as they make you think anyway.And you will always have your pride knowning that you took responsibility for your own actions.Hey Mike S,it's nice to know that there a few solid guys left in the AS world...

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