i just moved to manteno illinois and was wondering if any board members were close to me. i train at the golds in bradley. i am also trying to find out where some national qualifiers are around here. Peace.
Same here bro...I just moved to Skokie, IL and am looking for a hardcore place to workout around the area. I found a gym called QUADS GYM but it is down in wrigleyville. Definetely a badass gym though.
I train at three different places. Export (old Powerhouse) gyms are pretty good. It depends on what your looking for, are you looking for just hard core atmosphere? Thanks for the HRT info.
In the city QUADS is the best but it is a dying breed. Ed Cohn works out there or at least he did 8 years ago when I lived there. Not being a homophobe (sp) but QUADS is in the gay area of chi town. Not a big deal, but i got hit on few times by dudes and I didn't care for it. There is a worlds by the MERC but since you ain't in the city it doesn't really help you out sorry.