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clen gaining muscle


Jul 13, 2002
I have often wondered why I gain muscle when on clen and so many others say it has no anabolic properties apart from losing fat. I have come to the conclusion that because I am constant insulin user this combined with the clen gives me that extra muscle. I only just realised this the other day as my blood sugar levels kept on getting so low after my second dose of clen hours after I had had my first insulin shot. Because clen works on your Beta3 receptors thus making you more insulin sensitive I now realise that using it in conjunction with the insulin has helped my growth throughout the dieting stage on so many occasions. My new theory is that if it enhances insulin sensitvity to get the best effects why go off before a show ? the only reason I stop clen usually is I when I feel no fat loss occurring usually after 3-4 weeks. I will use clen for 12 weeks on the theory of enhancing the insulin to the fullest :) just my thought for the day
I was introduced to Clen back in the late 80's (by Dan Duchaine), before it was placed on the IOC's "List." Back then, there was getting to be more fake 'roids onthe market than real ones.

Clen was suppose to an "alternative" that was "anti-catabolic" (muscle-sparring). It seemed to work that way for me back ten and now. I like to use it "off-cycle" for its muscle-sparring charateristics.

BIGKIWI, What is your insulin schedule like?

I ma experiencing great gains with slin after being stuck on a plateau. I was told to only take it a month at a time. What are your thought?
thanks for the info...now get on the military press, your shoulders are looking a bit small :)
With my insulin schedule I basically am on insulin whenever I am am on gear so about 10 months year. I have not had any sides from this so far and my insulin sensitivity is still the same after years of using :)
As Xcel said, having slight anti-catabolic properties (possibly blocking the receptor) would basically make it anabolic. Many of the effects of AS are thought to be a result of AS anticatabolic effects.
I think clen and slin would be a nice stack. BigKiwi-dont forget there is the drug Ketofin which prevents the down regulation of the beta receptors when on clen. It makes you sleepy for a about a week from what I heard, so take it at night.
MikeS said:
As Xcel said, having slight anti-catabolic properties (possibly blocking the receptor) would basically make it anabolic. Many of the effects of AS are thought to be a result of AS anticatabolic effects.
I think clen and slin would be a nice stack. BigKiwi-dont forget there is the drug Ketofin which prevents the down regulation of the beta receptors when on clen. It makes you sleepy for a about a week from what I heard, so take it at night.

Unfortunately all the Clen that is sold out there has Ketofin.

Would this dramatically lower its effectiveness?
Crowler said:
Unfortunately all the Clen that is sold out there has Ketofin.

Would this dramatically lower its effectiveness?
I believe it used to be that IP only offered SuperClen, which contained ketofin (sp?). Ketofin keeps the receptors clear, so you don't have to cycle it on-off.

It makes me looney as a bird (lose my "train of thought" VERY easy). I can stay awake on it and take it throughout the day. Unfortunately, IP quit making SuperClen but still offers the Clen and Ketofin separately.

I have used the clen with ketotefin in it and I would take mine before bed and would sleep better than ever. Except when I wake every couple hours to pee and my sheets are wet from the sweat.

Thanks for the reply BIGKIWI on the slin, Do you reduce the amount of slin while dieting?

I was talking about research chem.
Take the same amount of insulin dieting as I would through mass stage 15iu 2x daily , 1 after cardio 1 after training.

I think a couple people may have missed my point I feel that insulin is the most anabolic hormone I have used and has given me the most growth out of anything ( combined with gear ). I just feel that because clen is making the insulin more effective it may effectively be used to give alot better muscle gains than anyone has previosly thought :)
Clem is an anabolic agent becouse it increase blood oxigen, and oxigen is the best drug in the universe...with as and slim imagine the super changes....
But are you still growing Bigkiwi? oh man you are going to exploit!!!!
Kiwi....thanks for the ideas.....

I have humalog on hand....haven't tried it yet....I also have a ton of clen....500 of the super clen.....Your posts are appreciated because you are obviously where many on the board are striving to be....also, it becomes clear that you are still excited about training. I wish more of the pros on the board would catch 'the fever'..[.hahaha] and post about their training and supplement ideas. It's motivational as hell.:cool:
Clen Candidate ?

Two years ago I was exercising consistently and dropped about 30lbs. Then I had elbow surgery which kept me from working out for 6 months.

Now, I'm a 34 year old Graduate student, husband, and father of two little ones. I want to cut weight, in the most efficient manner, as time is a precious commodity for me - as I'm sure it is for everyone.

Clen sounds good. Is there any reason why I wouldn't be a good Clen candidate? I’m not going to need Insulin with it, am I? The only other supplements I've ever used are the things you buy at GNC... so this sincere consideration for me.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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